Amazon Alexa Skill Blueprints Q & A Tutorial – Customizing Alexa

Amazon Alexa Skill Blueprints Q & A Tutorial - Customizing Alexa

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Amazon Alexa Skill Blueprints Q & A Tutorial – Customizing Alexa”.
In this short video tutorial, I want to show you a way that you can use Amazon, Alexa skill blueprints to create your own custom, Alexa responses. If you’ve ever wished, you could ask Alexa something and get a specific response. This video tutorial will show you how to do that, but first for those that may not be familiar with Amazon Alexa. Let’S take a look at a few of the devices that run Amazon Alexa.

Amazon Alexa Skill Blueprints Q & A Tutorial - Customizing Alexa

So basically, Amazon Alexa is a virtual assistant, and this virtual assistant Alexa can be accessed on several different devices, and these are the most common ones. These are the ones created by Amazon and, if you’re interested in these devices, I will put links to each of them. In the description below so that you can learn more about them, the prices range from anywhere between like $ 50 to over $ 200.

Amazon Alexa Skill Blueprints Q & A Tutorial - Customizing Alexa

So, if you’re interested in those look in the description below now, the idea with Alexa is that you ask Alexa questions that you would like the answer to, but if you’ve ever wanted to ask Alexa something and have it respond in a specific way. Let’S look at how you could do that. The way you would do that is by using Amazon skill blueprints and you would just need to go to blueprints if you’re already signed into your Amazon account.

It should automatically give you access and you’ll be in and ready to use skill blueprints if you’re not already signed in you’ll have to do that over here on the right now on this page, you’ll notice that there are all sorts of different blueprints that you can Access that you can customize, you can create some games. You can create some learning and knowledge skills. You can create some storyteller skills, and so there really are a lot of different options for you that you can customize and use with Amazon Alexa, but for this tutorial today, I’m just gon na show you this one custom: Q, .