All Hail Glorbo

All Hail Glorbo

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “All Hail Glorbo”.
We’Re doing glorbo comes to World of Warcraft. Let’S go the best update. Wow is ever we promised the people World of Warcraft players on Reddit have successfully honeypotted an AI bot that was scraping forums for Community discussions to remix into news stories without human input. On Thursday, a post about a fake new feature, called glorbo became rapidly upvoted with many users adding their own comments about absurd fake features that were supposed uh supposedly being added to the game. Soon, after an article about Wow’s about the wow community’s excitement for glorbo appeared on Z, League’s gaming news site.

The portal, which Incorporated several nonsensical, quotes taken directly from the subreddit. It was listed under the byline of Lucy Reed, who published 83 articles. Yesterday, oh Lucy, you go girl yeah more, like Lucy Wright, hey the article has since been it was okay. That was awesome.

Sorry did you say something where’s the punching I actually was not listening, I’m so sorry, oh, my goodness, uh uh, the article has since been removed, but it’s available in archived form. Z-League has posted 18 512 articles in just over two months or an average of 241 articles a day talking about fishing for virality. Oh man, definitely going viral we’re talking about it. The original Reddit post was fantastic, I’m so excited I’ll, bring it up I’ll, bring it up.

Okay, the title is, I’m so excited they finally introduced galorbo uh and then honestly, this new feature makes me so happy. I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this. I have to say, since they started hitting uh hinting at Hearthstone in 1994, it was obvious they would introduce glorbo to World of Warcraft. Sooner or later I feel like dragonflight has been win after win so far like when they brought back Chen stormstout as the boss at the end of new karazhan, absolutely amazing feel free to comment below what new features and stories you want to see in the future. Maybe you’ll be quoted on some trustworthy news websites as well amazing uh, literally in the article it included the quote of honestly. This new feature makes me so happy. I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this. That was in the article that was published, which is amazing, so good, so so good foreign [ Laughter, ], that’s fantastic um.

Apparently, the original post has been updated, um cheering for victory in words that I won’t say um and talking about how they they updated it and pulled it down and stuff like that. Some players have reservations about the mandatory item, click clack and its effect on casual players. Oh man, this is amazing inclusion of classic as a playable race. Oh man, all right.

All Hail Glorbo

This is this – is pretty cool. That’S fantastic, great work to uh, everyone involved. That’S a win! .