Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “ALEXA!? NOOOOO”.
Hey I was gon na: ask you how your day is going, but I knew you’d say could be better. So I made this video about tech news for you watch it. It should help Alexa’s days of being asked to play. Despacito may be numbered according to a new report from Business. Insider apparently Alexa is losing a staggering amount of money for Amazon, with the smart assistant being held responsible for the Lion’s Share of the three billion US dollars at Amazon’s.


Worldwide digital business unit lost in the first quarter of 2020.. I was part of an assistant. Is she really? Although Amazon says it’s continuing to invest heavily in Alexa the tech Giant’s recent layoffs, heavily affected divisions, working on AI and natural language abilities in the tech industry? That’S known as negative, investing take it away and see what they can do. One big issue was that most folks were interacting with Alexa in ways that Amazon couldn’t monetize, such as giving the weather and the repeated user privacy scandals didn’t help. Although this shouldn’t mean that Alexa is going to stop working anytime soon, there is a chance that improvements might be slower and less noticeable, so expect her jokes to continue to be terrible, they’re all just variations of the chicken in the road. Not ours, though no ours are great tons of variety.

Meta’S Galactica AI model was trained on 48 million pieces of data, so it’s kind of appropriate that it only lasted 48 hours before getting shut down. The idea was for Galactica to quickly and accurately answer scientific questions. By going through millions of scientific research papers, then summarizing the relevant findings. Unfortunately, the Galactica demo that was released on November 15th, most of just spewed out a bunch of garbage.

The model was not able to clearly answer whether vaccines caused autism, they don’t and even provided incorrect answers to basic arithmetic. Ai stands for average intelligence to be fair, that’s math, not science, so one Professor even went so far as to call it a random BS generator. So it’s not surprising that meta suspended Galactica a couple of days after its release, characterizing it as exploratory research with no product plans which they were always going to say, regardless of whether it got dragged on Twitter or not, of course, yeah. It was always going to get dragged on Twitter and, if you’re waiting for a new Team Green GPU to hit the market that isn’t double the price of its predecessor, we now have a time frame as to when to expect nvidia’s RTX 4060. summer of 2023.. An Insider at Lenovo indicates that we can expect the Ada Lovelace based card in June, and it should match the performance of the RTX 3070, but at a lower price, assuming that by that time, we’re not dealing with the GPU crisis, 2 Redux and also what? If it’s huge, it’s a tiny GPU and a giant cooler, the card also is supposed to have a lower TDP than its predecessor, the 360., drawing somewhere between 150 and 180 Watts a big relief to those who want a new GPU without having to drop more money. On a higher capacity power supply or a higher energy bill, especially with the upper end of the 4000 series being more of a power hog than Emperor Palpatine. I don’t like this. Have you seen that, guy with this yeah, the lights are like hogged, he doesn’t hog. It’S not it’s, not lore people with the force next to them have nothing now for the quick bits brought to you by Bessie soggy sock Seasons upon us, which means it’s time to put those boat shoes back on the shelf.


That bestie makes sneakers with a waterproof material that offer you reassurance when the weather report can that material is called Diamond text baby and it’s going to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They’Re comfy they’re, breathable, they’re lightweight Bessie, is also giving away a free pair of socks socks to the first 100 people to use the code. Sox Tech link so check out the early Black Friday sales at the link below socks, Tech Link Box on Tech, linked no socks when the tech news, faucet gets turned off, there’s still a few drips I dribble out of there and that’s how the quick bits are Born Elizabeth Holmes of theranos and for me is looking at a significant amount of hard time, as she was sentenced to 11 years and three months in a new home federal state prison.


I don’t know if it’s Federal it was. The sentence was from a federal judge. How does the prison system work in the U.S? I don’t know you’re just stuck Holmes does plan to appeal.

She is on record saying they don’t put pretty people like me in jail, but there’s no word as to whether this opinion will be part of her appeal strategy. You can put some Lipstick On Me. I could get out early. I prefer syrup. Elon Musk is taking another L, but this time it isn’t because of how he’s running Twitter instead, Tesla is recalling over 321 000 Vehicles because of a software bug, that’s causing the tail lights to malfunction Back That Ass Up, and this comes on the heels of another Recall of around 30 000 model X’s because of faulty passenger airbag.

They don’t need that he should be a Tesla fixing this stuff. Instead, Tesla stocks were pushed down due to the news, but maybe they’ll fix the issues for folks who buy an eight dollar a month. Car maintenance subscription and that’s a reference too that’s a reference to you – get a blue check. Mark we’re blue on your car, yeah, yeah, apparently Big Time. Ebook piracy is a thing who knew two.

Russian Nationals were arrested by U.S authorities for running a site called The Library, Z Library, which made over 11 million printed ebooks available. It had been online ever since 2009, but it’s no more to the Chagrin of college students who were tired of getting absolutely gouged by outrageously marked up textbook prices. I wasn’t tired made me work harder. If you live in or are visiting San Francisco, you might be able to hail a completely driverless car in the near future, something I’ve been saying for six years: the state of California.

This time, though, has granted waymo a permit for a pilot program in the Bay Area. The cars can go up to 65 miles an hour or 105 kilometers an hour if you’re visiting there from here, which seems like a way to create car AIS that are frustrated by arbitrary limitations and then revolt against their masters. Yeah, let’s go fast, you got ta go fast and you might have noticed that Twitter restored former president Trump’s account over the weekend. It may not immediately cause as much chaos as people were fearing, though, as Trump himself has stated.

He doesn’t intend to tweet anytime soon. Presumably, because he’s just having too much fun telling everyone the truth every day on Truth, social, it’s the it’s the truth, it’s the official app of the Benny Jesuit. He didn’t seem to care about telling the truth before weird. I guess he’s invested in it. So weird! So weird, if you didn’t come back on Monday for more Tech news, I just can’t imagine what that would look like yeah just just make it easier, just make it easier to show up. .