AI that actually makes your life better! ECOVACS T10 OMNI

AI that actually makes your life better! ECOVACS T10 OMNI

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AI that actually makes your life better! ECOVACS T10 OMNI”.
This video is sponsored by ecofex, okay eco. I uh I’m in a bit of a mess, mind uh, helping a friend out so before I tell you all the things that ecovax can do. I want to just do one of my favorite things doing it now for about two years now give you guys a chance to win 500 bucks. Uh made it super easy leave a comment down below. Let me know what you would do with your brand new robot vacuum um or tell me a dad joke if you want give the video a thumbs up and leave your social handle in the comments, so I can contact you.

If you win, that’s it, let it run for 10 days, got ta, live on the planet, Earth all the information you need. There will be in the description, so robot vacuums seem to be everywhere these days, because there are so many it’s hard to know which one to buy over the past few months, I’m trying a lot of them, which is an understatement and the more I use them. The more impressed I generally tend to get in nowhere is it more evidence than this so meet the ecovax dbot T10 Omni, it’s a mouthful, but that mouthful gives you an All-in-One Vacuum system. You can also talk to you because one thing worse than a mess.

AI that actually makes your life better! ECOVACS T10 OMNI

It’S a mess when you’re lonely. So when you enter like the high-end Robot vacuum Market uh, I think there are a few things that you expect to see. I think, first and foremost ability to vacuum and mop, including your floors. That is like the minimum level you spill, something your robot vacuum should clean it up, and that is where the T10 Omni, I think, excels. So it’s got a four stage: cleaning system, which is a lot of stages. You get all the brushes that are going to go ahead and grab dust.

All the debris from the side, there’s also a main floating brush. It’S going to sort of roll over and pick up the dirt. Then it’s gon na do the vacuuming and then it can also do the mopping, after that, it’s also super powerful, with 5 000 Pasco units of suction. So if there’s a spot, that’s harder to reach or extra dirty, you go vacs as you covered uh on the mop side and my daughter seems to spill chocolate milk on the floor.

I feel like it’s every day, um so happy to have a mop. This is where I’m really happy to see the implementation of an ecovax. You use here, the osmo turbo 2.0, dual rotating mopping system.

It rolls off the tongue, but it does exactly like it says it’s gon na do uh the mop pads on the bottom actually rotate to clean. In the past, we’ve seen a lot of robot mobs use vibration to clean your floor. While it certainly works, it’s hard to argue with a spinning mop head on this thing, cleans your floor exceptionally well and take it for me: it will clean chocolate, milk, extremely well uh. The heads can spin at 180 RPM, so it’ll scrub your floors. If you were doing it yourself, even looking like they’re doing this underneath um one of the main reasons, let’s be able to do, that is because of its actually mapping system. Using what ecovax calls true mapping 2.0, which unsurprisingly uses lidar to map your home and create a path for the best cleaning and this mapping lets you tell the robot where to clean, and I think also where not to clean plus, this thing’s got depth of field. Sensors, which usually are reserved for cars they’re trying to do self-driving.

It has aivi 3.0, which automatically identify a common household objects and clean around them to get the most effective cleaning. The best example is like the dog poop. It’S a real example right. Leave your dog at home: maybe it’s got a bit of an accident. You don’t want your vacuum to clean your house and then just Snail trail that all over uh, so it’ll go around things like dads shoes or towels or in my case an obscene amount of kids toys on the floor.

AI that actually makes your life better! ECOVACS T10 OMNI

Smart enough to know not to push into those the smarts don’t stop there. So I mentioned you can actually talk to this robot so meet Eco. This voice control system is built into the T10 Omni.

AI that actually makes your life better! ECOVACS T10 OMNI

Now it does work with other stuff like Alexa or Google Assistant. If you don’t want to use those, you can just kick back and chill and talk directly to Eco. Let you control share a lot of pretty neat features so like, for example, so you’re eating dinner. This is a total hypothetical.

It has never happened to me multiple times, you’re eating dinner and someone your family accidentally spill, something you can tell the robot to put the under the table or if you want to clean a specific room, you can tell it to do that too. You can show basically all the cleaning features with your voice, which is pretty convenient for kind of off schedule. Cleaning time, like Eco click onto the table, Eco clean, the guest room eco, take out the trash uh it’ll be able to do sort of all those clean things you would expect. Last but not least, this vacuum also. This is a weird one. It’S a security camera. There’S a camera built in that you just keep an eye on your house. It’S got two-way audio too.

So if you have a pet, for example, keep an eye on them when you aren’t home, I’m imagining – and hopefully this never happens like a burglary someone’s in your house and your vacuum is chasing them around talking to them. I probably tripped me out enough that I’d reevaluate my love choices as a criminal, uh and then leave, but one of my favorite parts of the system is a weird thing to say: it’s actually a docking system. The main thing I like about it actually looks sleek and clean a lot of other versions of documentations out there, they’re big bulky and they’re, not usually something you want to like feature prominently in your house. This one takes a pretty different approach and I think it goes a bit more vertical and looks a lot nicer um, but the looks don’t matter if you can’t do what it’s supposed to do.

Luckily, it does first and foremost it’ll recharge the 5200 million power battery. After it’s done cleaning your house it’ll just come back to the dock and start charging itself, but once it’s here it can also empty the dust bin into the duck. So ecovex says this can last up to eight weeks worth of dust and debris which obviously pretty nice first you’ve got a four liter water tank. We also have two containers: you’ve got one for clean and one for dirty and the dock will clean the mop pads. If they’re dirty too say ready to go for your next clean, I think, most importantly, if the mop pads are wet, the dock can use hot air to dry them. So they don’t smell. That’S a problem with a lot of these early sort of vacuuming and mopping robots at the pads with surface smell super gross Nelson, I’m not gon na lie, there’s a lot of competition out there for your robot vacuuming and mopping dollars. What ecovax is doing, I think, is a really neat approach.

They’Re taking the best technology and putting it in a package actually looks really good. Combining that with a voice, assistance makes it really easy. Now you don’t take out your phone and go to the app and set it to do some off schedule. Cleaning, use your voice and talk to it.

You might not do that all the time when you need it, it’s really helpful and everything that’s as vacuumed sets out to do. It does really well. If you want to learn more or pick one up for yourself, we put all the links to it down below .