AI Search Isn’t Ready

AI Search Isn’t Ready

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AI Search Isn’t Ready”.
Luke has to leave in 18 minutes go, but we didn’t even talk about Google’s AI, citing the onion and recommending the health benefits of drinking pee. What Google’s AI overviews in search appear to be drawing information from very questionable sources with limited discernment, including telling a user to try making cheese, adhere better to their homemade pizza uh. To add about an eighth of a cup of Elmer’s glue in with the sauce the source for this wisdom appears to be 11-year-old. Reddit comment made by user Smith. Ai overviews likewise recommended eating at least one small rock per day, which it attributed to UC Berkeley, geologists, but is actually a recommendation made in 2020 in a 2021 onion article, another user asked what mammal has the most bones and was instead told that snakes have the Most bones of any vertebrate, not a mammal, I’m afraid these errors included medical misinformation, such as recommending smoking two to three cigarettes a day while pregnant even prior to the full roll out. Ai overviews were making similar mistakes, including telling at least one user to drink.

Large amounts of urine in order to dislodge a kidney stone I mean you can’t prove it wouldn’t work. A Google SP spokesperson says that the mistakes came from generally very uncommon, queries and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences. I mean that’s the thing about hallucinations in it.

AI Search Isn’t Ready

You see most of the world as it is, except for the ants that are crawling out of your skin that cause you to rip your skin off. You know um any who users can use the web tab to remove these elements or automate the process by changing their browser settings to add udm equals 14 to the end of their search. Url .