AI Action!: dreame X40 Ultra

AI Action!: dreame X40 Ultra

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AI Action!: dreame X40 Ultra”.
Thank you to Dreamy for sponsoring this video all right, so you clicked on this video you’re, probably looking to switch from this to this, but before I tell you everything about it, let me thank you for being awesome. Good human beings putting Channel all these years. You guys have given me so much. I love the opportunity to give back just a little bit. Thank you guys for your support. If you give a chance to win not 100, not 200, not this many hundred, not 400, but 500 bucks. All you got to do. Leave a comment down below tell me the first thing you clean up with your new jimy vacuum. Tell me a dad joke a fact about yourself just make sure either you leave your social handle in the comment or a way to contact you on your YouTube page and let you know if you win open to anyone in the world.

Let it run for 10 days. All the information you need, though, will be in the description. There are probably like 20 different ways. I can start this video, but honestly, I think the best thing I can say is nothing at all and just show you this.

Here’S the before and after of an area cleaned by the x40 ultra and the difference between the two is like obviously noticeable. I want you to pay special attention to the corners of objects as well. Cuz the where the x40 ultra shines as it changes the way you clean in three really big ways so making cleaning, stronger, smarter and, I think, probably most importantly way way easier. I, let’s kick things off with strength, not typically something you think about when you picture like a robot vacuum, doing its thing, but the results here are clear’s day, so the x40 ultra is packing 12,000 Pascal units of suction power, with a turbocharged, Vmax suction system and All that sucking to say it’s going to clean, like a dream, easily able to capture all the dirt debris crumbs, hair, whatever gross things you have on your floor or carpet, and it’s using its built-in Omni dirt detection technology. It’S going to be able to identify floor. Bur and make sure it’s all cleaned up as efficiently and effectively as possible, even spending some extra time to remove kind of those gross stains if needed. While all this, I think, sounds great typically robot vacuums have always had an Achilles heel, something wrong with them. They always seem to miss the corners of walls, curved furniture and just general kind of nooks and craning that seem to be glossed over all too easily uh.

AI Action!: dreame X40 Ultra

But dreamy has solved this problem with a really cool and kind of Novel solution. All right, so the x40 ultra is packed with an extendable and liftable side. Brush is actually able to extend out and reach those crumbs or pieces of dirt to make sure they get vacuumed up and those areas don’t get missed to see this happen. Uh is incredibly cool. You don’t realize how much just nasty things get left behind until you see the x40 ultra do its thing. This also extends to the mopping functionality too. There’S a built-in Robo swing technology. It’S going to extend the mop out uh to get more reach and better clean.

AI Action!: dreame X40 Ultra

All your surfaces of your house and with 32 level Dynamic, mop, Moisture Control. It’S going to very intelligently mop your floor with power and precision and again the results speak for themselves and the special attention given to those tougher to reach areas. I think sets the x40 ultra apart. The versatility here uh is unmatched in the industry all right.

So next, let’s talk about smarts as you’d expect in 2024 uh, the x40 ultra has got a companion app. It gives you full control over the entire cleaning process. You can adjust settings check out the multi-level smart Maps even pair the system up with your voice assistant of choice, so you can start cleaning without, like literally having to move Vier finger uh beyond that. The x40 ultra also has some pretty special technology specifically designed to enhance cleaning, so it’s got 360 degree recognition obstacle avoidance, so it can confidently navigate around your home and four level fast mapping and accurate path planning. So it can fully map its environment and choose the best path. To take you to get things clean, you can even set up pet zones in the app and get Auto suggestions and more intelligent sort of thorough cleanings for those areas. So you can even use a robot, it’s kind of a virtual petsitter, the ability to drop in remotely thanks to realtime voice and video monitoring and finally, as much as I love the superb cleaning and power and all the built-in smarts. Probably my favorite feature the x40 ultra is that it’s an all-in-one system built to make my life just easier.

Not only does it do the vacuuming and mopping for me, but it pairs to a really Advanced docking station that does all the post cleaning work. For me as well so when the robot vacuum returns home, the docking system does its thing. It auto empties the debris collected even washing the mop with hot water and then drying it to ensure it’s fresh and ready to go when it’s time to clean again, the auto empty dust bag is big enough to handle automated emptying for up to 75 days means The system is basically self-sufficient, so all you got to do is tell when to clean x40 Ultra just takes care of the rest, so plus the tri cut, brush 2.0 is anti pitch and anti- stuck design to Ure hair is not can get tangled up in there. Have to worry about stepping in intervene if it gets into a. I guess, like literally a hairy situation, youve been dreaming of kind of kicking back on your couch and putting your vacuuming and mopping days behind you. The dreamy x40 Ultra is here to make that a reality.

AI Action!: dreame X40 Ultra

It is crazy, versatile loaded with features is a powerful cleaning system that does all the hard work for you. Dreamy knocked this out of the park and in a world where there’s a ton of robot vacuum options, dreamy found a really novel way and a useful way to stand apart from the competition and, if you’re in the market, for something like this. And it’s something that absolutely everybody can use all the information you need to check out. The x40 ultra and the rest of dreamy products will be down below .