Adding Music to PowerPoint Presentations – PowerPoint Tutorial

Adding Music to PowerPoint Presentations - PowerPoint Tutorial

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Adding Music to PowerPoint Presentations – PowerPoint Tutorial”.
In this intermediate PowerPoint tutorial, I’m going to show you how to add music to your PowerPoint presentations, and this could be music – that’s just played as background music or it could be music. That is more essential to the message of the PowerPoint. How would you add that music I’ll show you in this article and the presentation that I have for this? You can see it’s about eclipses. I made this PowerPoint in previous tutorials that I’ve made on PowerPoint. If you haven’t watched those, you really should go back and watch them, but you can see if I go down and click the present show button. There’S a video there’s some text, some pictures and information about the viewmaster virtual reality kit and there’s some more text with a countdown timer, there’s a question there with a timer bar and again, if you want to learn how to do any of this just watch. My previous tutorials, but basically that’s the PowerPoint that I have, but I would like to have some music playing in the background to make it maybe more interesting to add some ambience to the PowerPoint to do this.

I’M just gon na go to the first slide, on which I want the music to play. So in this case slide number 1. I just click, and then I go to the insert tab insert ribbon and there in the media group is audio. If I click on audio you’ll notice that it gives me a couple of options, I can record my own audio or I can bring in audio that’s on my PC and that’s what I want to do in this case. So I click on it and it opens up a browser window for my computer so that I can navigate around and find the music that I want to use. In this case, it’s inside a folder called video assets and background music royalty-free.

I have a couple of songs to choose from I’m gon na go with this one, so I just double click on it or I could have clicked and then selected insert, but either way you should get a little icon here on the screen. It looks like a speaker and it’s got a play button and some other buttons and options associated with it so that little icon that represents the music that I’ve just added to this slide. I’M gon na pull it over here to the corner, just so that it doesn’t blend in with the color of the moon. I forget that I have that sound in this presentation now, with this music icon selected notice, I get additional tabs here at the top of the screen, the audio tools tabs. I have a format tab and I have a playback tab and with the case of audio, usually the playback tab. That’S the one, that’s important.

The first thing I want to do is I want to hide the icon during show. So while the PowerPoint is being presented, this icon here in the corner won’t show up, I think that’s a good choice. Next here at the left, it says start on click. If you want, you can just say start automatically. It should just begin for the most part. Without much happening underneath that notice, it says play across slides if I don’t click this button. When I start the PowerPoint presentation, my music will play here on slide number 1, but when slide number 2 comes up, the music will stop, and that might be what you want. Maybe you want a different background song for each slide. In my case, though, I want the same song to play from slide to slide, so I’m gon na select automatically yes, but I want it to play across slides now what if the slideshow takes longer than you expected? Do you want the music just to stop when the song ends, or do you want it to loop, the song, so that might be a good option there loop until stopped? If you want, you can also have it rewind the audio after playing. So all of those are some pretty good options that you’ll want to use, there’s also a volume option, and this is important, especially if you’re playing a video like I am on slide 2.

I don’t want my music to be louder or to interfere with a talking in my video on slide 2, so I might need to come back and change the audio from high to medium or low, but I’ll test it out first and see how it sounds. You can also, if you want, trim the audio take out the ending or the beginning of the song. You can also fade in the music or fade it out, so some pretty good options. We have here for music, so let’s try it out I’ll, go down to the lower right and click the slideshow button.

Of course I could also click slide, show from beginning and I’ll do that this time. As soon as I start, the slideshow the music starts. Now I’m ready for slide 2, so I just tapped the arrow Yahoo all over again my video plays and that maybe a little bit too loud, and then I move on throughout my presentation: [ Applause ]. So, as you could hear throughout the presentation the music plays in the background, so that’s great.

I did decide, though, that it is a little bit too loud. I was having some trouble hearing the narrator in the video on slide 2, and so I’m gon na click on the symbol for the song that I just added I’ll, go up here to the audio tools, playback tab and I’ll select volume and change it to medium. That’S probably gon na be good enough and then, of course, I could just test it out again. Okay, I’m happy with that sounds a lot better, so I hope you’ve enjoyed learning how to add background music to your PowerPoint presentations.

Adding Music to PowerPoint Presentations - PowerPoint Tutorial

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