A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing…

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing…”.
So I got one of the new Razer laptops here. They revamped the gaming lineup as well, and I saw one particular model that was of interest to me, which was in this new finish: they’re, calling it mercury, not the typical black matte black type of finish that you’ve seen on Razer gaming laptops in the past. So I was like you know what I haven’t checked out, one of these in a while. So maybe I should start with this. This new color, especially since these studio laptops that they’re putting out very shortly, are gon na have a similar color to this one. I’M like alright, let’s see what that feels like and looks like in a razer package and of course the specs have been upgraded big time here as well. We’Ve got an i7 9750 H processor, there’s a 240 Hertz display. Now this unit is available with a couple different display options. You got the 240 Hertz 1080p for the gaming centric audience, there’s also a 4k display available on the 15-inch. This one has 512 gigs of SSD storage and the r-tx 27 d processor inside these guys have made a name for themselves and they’re branching out Will’s been in touch with Razer as soon as we’re done with this one and those ones are available, I’ll showcase that One also because you have the graphics card, the high power graphics cards, you’re gon na need some juice for it. So you have this braided cable and this proprietary connector, which I have to say, is a little bit better than your typical barrel style connector. In my opinion, it’s a 2 30 watt unit so actually fairly compact. When you consider the amount of horsepower in that guy right, there got the Razer green on the bottom of the box.

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing...

What a package they’ve put together here, whoo all right. So it’s got a metallic look to it. It’S like a it’s like a bright silver. In fact, Willy dudes gon na give us a quick Space.

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing...

Gray comparison. This is lighter for sure than Space Gray. There we go that’s Space, Gray versus razor mercury. A lot of input output over here a couple of traditional USB ports, headphone jack. This is the proprietary power connector one more traditional, USB type-c, probably in the form of a thunderbolt. Then you have DisplayPort and HDMI, and it looks like Kensington. Lock is also there like this. I like that look a light keyboard as well. Some people gon na love it some people, maybe not so much.

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing...

If you were to see this from a distance, you don’t really feel like that’s any kind of special gaming laptop at all. It is an option. You do not need to pick up this particular color.

One of the other things I should mention with the lighter color. It’S no fingerprint potential at all. That’S what fingerprints look like on this surface. I like that.

That’S appealing to me now, as I mentioned this one has the crazy 240 Hertz refresh rate on the display Full HD 1920 by 1080 15.6. So that’s gon na be appealing to gamers, specifically a couple of speakers front-facing, which I like the display, also matte, finish big fan of that as well. So this this laptop has a lot going for it right now, so we get the backlight on the key caps and right away it’s this kind of cool blue color. It’S cycling through the RGB as it would it’s a razer product still.

This is the first look at the display, I’m pretty happy with it. You’Ve always got one of these very colorful razor backdrops. There’S two ways to look at the 15 inch display option.

You can go to 4k, get the extra pixels, maybe you’re, into some sort of design, work or video editing or you just like a lot of pixels, but the downside there is you’re driving all those pixels, even when you don’t really need them. We’Re having the lower resolution actually might give you a slightly better battery life and, of course, a different cost. I’M kind of split on this as far as which one I would go for this one looks plenty good for me.

If that one end of the spectrum you have like the Acer, predator remember that thing: that’s one end of the spectrum, it’s really one functionality, person and everything else, and then, on the other end of the spectrum. You have something like this. This also has the Windows. Hello, the infrared camera, so it has face on lock, which is nice Doria, I’m actually gon na do some gaming.

How long will it take me to download like overwatch or something well ready, all right, so I have a game loaded. I have a gaming mouse hooked up, hello, see, that’s how you that’s, how you famous severally. I’Ve got over watching sold and I have it at 240 Hertz. It’S like it’s crazy, smooth. Obviously, the game is playing a 1080p right now and I’m gon na go get killed for you now a couple dudes dead couple dudes dead there.

It might seem like. I know what I’m doing. I promise you’re.

Not. I just know big gun lots of bullets. That’S all I know whoa what’d I get hit with there. I mean I got somebody, I don’t know so we lose, we lost. Okay, that’s a fun experience like. Could I get into gaming? Is that possible? Maybe you can do the thing with the whole rig and the lights and it you could swap graphics cards and you could build a gaming PC.

Obviously, I’ve done that in the past, when I was younger have more time I’m starting to come around to the idea of the gaming laptop, because it’s like you make the case to own it as your computer and then it’s like and it can game and experience. You can have on this 15 inch blade with the 20. Was it 2 2070? That’S in here! Well, yeah RTX, 2070! It’S like man that says what that’s all you need guys do you need more than that will maybe you would prefer to have a mechanical keyboard or something I guess you could. You could add that the 240 Hertz display 1080p is plenty and it’s kind of nice. Matte finish, and then you kick out of this, you exit the desktop like that. You unplug this guy and look at you.

I mean you, what do you do you go to the meeting now? Look at you Jeff you go to the meeting. They don’t know what you’ve been doing, they don’t know what you’ve really been up to gold medals and whatever it was, I was up to they donate, they don’t know and here’s the face unlock boom. You didn’t see that did you catch that the speaker sounded good in game, but what about like? Music? What about YouTube? I know our audio is pretty good on the loo later channel. So obviously, you’ve been left out of the smartphone conversation a little bit.

Lately, there’s been so much going on, I’d, say: they’re, pretty good. The MacBook is a bit better. Given the entry point of their products, the price point way more base for their products, like the like what it costs to potentially some some sort of shots at companies. Like relative to the rest of the technology marketplace, when they’re side-by-side, you notice it for sure that the audio is much louder on the MacBook Pro, but there are a lot of laptops with terrible sound. This is not one of them. Should I play a tune? It’S good enough. A lot of people gon na be using headphones. So, let’s just let’s just keep that in mind. What can I say about this laptop? I like it. I guess you can probably tell I like it. It’S a powerful computer. Let’S say it’s a powerful laptop without your typical, powerful form factor. What’S the weight of this? Will I’m gon na say it’s like five pounds? 4.8 man, I see Jack come on man hey. I wasn’t born yesterday in this game. This might be my favorite razor laptop. Ever Willie do just informs me uh.

This guy starts around 1500 goes to three grand thirty three hundred bucks; okay, not cheap, nope, not cheap. By any stretch of the imagination. Let’S get wills opinion we’ll come on in you’re, a guy you’re known to have tried video games before I’m a fan of overwatch yeah they’re, doing some pretty cool stuff. It’S a fun game. Man yeah! It’S a teamwork than a situation like you could dominate on your own dude, really yeah. But ultimately the goal is a team victory.

It is yeah, yeah yeah. What do you think about this guy right here? I’Ve always liked Razer products, the look that the laptop game, their designs are really really sleek. It’S a slab yeah, it’s kind of like a Microsoft Surface laptop there you go anything over like a hundred. Hertz is amazing for games bananas. I guarantee you like it can really help with your game. Like you’re, aiming it’s just some more percent more tight, it’s just so much more into it. Yeah see you get the feel yeah yeah Willie. Do the ladies each other for a fan of it. I’M a fan the little pricier, it’s okay. It starts at 1500, which is not bad yogi yeah.

It is yeah, it’s fine. He loves raiseth areas. That’S him a man in the world playing games Willie! This episode is brought to you by IBM for all you, programmers out there or anyone starting to program, IBM developed a few lessons to help you get started on this a drunk now it’s called IBM developer and allows you to quickly and easily program your drone to Do stuff like this like this now with little or no programming experience, I managed to build out this little UI with simple controls, so you can see here. I have the acceleration, both XY and Z. You got the speed and you also got the battery life here and you got simple controls or left/right. You can actually do a back, flip or front flip. You can also connect the drone to IBM Watson and he uses visual recognition to identify objects that the drone sees. So all in all this was pretty interesting.

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