A Quick And Easy Boomerang You Can Make At Home

A Quick And Easy Boomerang You Can Make At Home

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Quick And Easy Boomerang You Can Make At Home”.
Hi, i’m rachel in pennsylvania, i’m going to show you how to make the three-wing worldwide boomerang you’ll, make it from materials easily available anywhere in the world for only a few pennies. It’S pretty easy and a lot quicker and easier than trying to make one out of plywood. The flying radius is small enough for a small yard, maybe even inside. If your ceiling is high enough, no need to go to a parker field.

A Quick And Easy Boomerang You Can Make At Home

It’S light enough and soft enough that there is little chance of causing injuries or breaking any windows. This design makes it easy to switch from right-handed to left-handed, throwing most of all you’ll have the satisfaction of making a boomerang that really flies and really comes back, something that you have made with your own hands. I will also show you how to throw and adjust your boomerang for spectacular flights, but first a little background. I’Ve always liked to build things and especially robots. Then, when boomerang ninja, logan broadbent and his girlfriend and manager, jamie kinton came to my high school, they got us crazy about boomerangs. Logan is mostly known for viral videos of his spectacular boomerang tricks and he amazed us, but mostly he took the time to teach our class about the science that makes boomerangs really work and how to design that would cause you to have to go into that now.

A Quick And Easy Boomerang You Can Make At Home

If you’re adding weight to the center of the boomerang, it’s going to cause the boomerang to lay over quicker, which means it’s going to fly a bit higher. I’M planning to major in aerospace, engineering and boomerangs are a great intuitive way to explore wings and airfoils, because it’s following the radius you’ll need a manila file. Folder we got old repurposed ones from the friendly secretaries at our school.

A Quick And Easy Boomerang You Can Make At Home

You’Ll also need four tongue depressors. Your school nurse might be able to help if you just need a few, and if you explain, if you buy a box of them from a medical supply, store or internet, they cost just pennies each, but they have to be about 6 inches or 152 millimeters long. Not the shorter popsicle sticks you can use any of these glues, but a low temperature hot glue gun is fast and convenient.

The small 10 watt hot glue guns are safe. You’Ll also need scissors tape, a marker and a ruler print out. This pattern, linked below in the print dialog box, make sure there is no scaling or fit to page which could shrink the image you can check the scale here.

These wood sticks give the boomerang its strength and we’ll call them spars. Let’S cut the pattern in half and tape, one spar down, so it doesn’t slide around don’t use tongue depressors that are badly warped if you’re using hot glue get some on the hub quickly get another spar lined up with the pattern lines and push down before the Glue cools do it again for the third spar, if you use another kind of glue that takes longer to become strong, it’s best to use a clamp to hold everything together. While the glue sets in a pinch, you could even use a clothespin we’ll let this dry.

If you threw just the spars and knew how to adjust them, you might get this assembly to sort of act like a boomerang, but it’s going to be so much better with the airfoils. The wings are wider and better shaped with airfoils. It’S the airfoils that really make a boomerang fly. You only need half of a file folder to make the airfoils.

You could cut them out ahead of time with a paper cutter or use. The other half of the pattern page make three tape donuts and stick them in the middle of the rectangles, but on the back side of the airfoil pattern, press it on the file. Folder cut out three rectangles carefully on the black solid lines.

Peel off the patterns and tape. Here is a close-up and view of the airfoil we’ll make the thick paper is folded over to make a sleeve that slides into the spar we’re going to put tape on a long side, but only half of the tape goes in the manila folder. The other half sticks out over the edge line up a fourth tongue depressor edge to edge like this before pushing the tape on. If you don’t get it right, just unstick it and try again press the tape on hard flip it over. So the tape is on the bottom fold, the tongue depressor over, which just folds the tape and fold the tongue depressor over just one more time which folds the paper this time push hard.

So it makes a strong crease unwrap it and peel the tape and the paper off the stick holding onto the corner of the paper position it. So the short side of the tape are away from you and sticking up push the stick against the short side and hold it there with your thumbs as you fold down the top with your fingers, when it’s almost down get your thumbs out of the way and Press the tape hard you’ve made your first airfoil slide the tongue depressor out and use it to form two more airfoils. It looks complicated, but after you do the first one.

It’S easy back to the spars. Now that the glue is dry, boomerangs need a little bit of dihedral, which is the upward slant of the wings. It is easy to see dihedron airplane wings and birds, but it’s so subtle on boomerangs that i can’t really see it, but we have a dihedral test.

A spin test spin, your spa assembly on a flat table flip it over and try again try to see if it spins easier on one side than another. It might be obvious, with the tips dragging one way but easily spinning the other, but even if it’s almost the same, try to see which way it spins best with it on the side that spins the best mark a t on the hub. If there wasn’t much difference between the sides, then bend the sparse up a little until it more clearly spins better when the t is on top that t that you just marked will always face towards you later when you throw your boomerang. This isn’t easy to get mixed up in the next part. So, let’s take it step by step, make sure the t is on top and one spar is pointing towards you make sure that the tape and seam side of the airfoil are down. If you are right-handed the hollow part that the stick slides into will be on the right rotate, so another spar points towards you remember t on top tape, seam down spar on your right side. If you are left-handed, the tee will still face up the tape. Seam will face down, but the strut will be on the left. Instead, when you throw and spin this boomerang, the thick rounded spar part will have the leading edge. If you threw your boomerang now, the airfoils will be flung off like this, so we’ll tape them. I want to make it easy to switch between a right and a left-handed boomerang, so i’m going to fold over and tape sticky side to sticky side at the end.

So i have a not sticky handle make the airfoil exactly at the end of this bar and tape it down with the non-stick part of the airfoil. You don’t have to chamfer the corners, but these corners are the first place to get curled up. So i cut off a bit later. I want to show you some adjustments that will create amazing flights, but you want to test, fly right, make a fist and hold the tip where the wood is remember.

The t needs to be up and then facing you when the boomerang leaves your hand, it should be almost straight up and down at about one o’clock if you’re, right-handed and 11 o’clock, if you’re left-handed many beginners, unconsciously slant the boomerang too much towards the horizontal. So the lift is too much curving up and not enough curving to the side. It’S the lift and the curve to the side that makes the boomerang come back. If you make sure that your hand is high, when you release as high as your head, you get the best throwing angle. Naturally, here’s another beginning tip the first couple of times you throw try to use just your wrist and elbow not your shoulder, see your hand and forearm move, but your upper arm does not have to move. The elbow is moving and the wrist is moving, but the shoulder is not moving.

That will give you a feel for the right way to throw and you’ll see how the boomerang should turn then go ahead and use your shoulder for more power, but still snap. Your wrist for spin and throw at the same angle many beginners, throw the boomerang upward too much. This is too steep.

The reason we throw gently upward or level is because boomerang’s wings will create their own lift if the airfoils get bashed up just bend them back. As we already touched on, logan showed us how airplane wings lift mostly upward, but since we throw a boomerang sideways, a lot of the lift is sideways at first. So if you throw a boomerang with your right hand, it should turn left and vice versa for left-handed throw, but if it does not turn or even veers off in the wrong direction, then you might have to twist the wing tips a little.

So they have a little bit more lift just hold on to the wood inside and twist gently. A lot of angle of attack will make your boomerang fly in smaller circles, maybe enough to fly inside. If you develop a gentle touch, but you can get too much of a good thing, more lift creates more drag. If your boomerang runs out of spin mid-flight, then you probably have too much angle of attack. Remember the spin test for dihedral we’ve found that if our boomerang does not have enough dihedral, then it flies too low, sometimes even hitting the ground. Having lots of dihedral makes the boomerang gain altitude and then gently hover down.

You can still bend in more dihedral, even when the airflows are already taped on. If you want to make very subtle, dihedral or angle of attack adjustments, you can only bend one or two wings. You don’t have to adjust all three. If there is a lot of wind, then consider flying a kite unless you like to run a lot, but if there is not too much win and say it’s something from this direction, then you’re right-handed, throw out about 45 degrees to the right of incoming wind. Wind is usually calmer or absent at night, and throwing worldwide boomerangs in the dark, as a blast with led headlamps procession also affects boomerang. Flight logan demonstrates precession, with a bicycle wheel, held on one side, with a string of course it flops over, but when he spins it, not only does it stay up, it rotates.

Our friends also showed procession with the fidget spinner, and you see it on tops. Precession is what makes the boomerang curve back around to you, and it is also what makes it flatten out from vertical to horizontal mid-flight, adding weight or mass from tape to the extreme case of taping on pennies can change how precession acts going to the other extreme. Cutting the tongue depressors in half reduces weight, so the turning cycle can be very small. Almost an inside boomerang well, a high ceiling would also be a good thing. What about other ways to make boomerangs we discovered accidentally that our boomerang only needs two air foils to fly well, as long as there is a stick for balance. As you can see, various adjustments, as well as how you throw the boomerang, create an infinite variety of flight patterns.

The only way to become a boomerang master is by experimenting practice practice and more practice. There is another video about mass producing, boomerangs and another one about making a sturdy cardboard case for your boomerang. If you like, do-it-yourself science, videos like this one, please subscribe and ring that bell. You .