A New Simple and Secure Way to Shop Online with QKey

A New Simple and Secure Way to Shop Online with QKey

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A New Simple and Secure Way to Shop Online with QKey”.
Kyookie, a radical, simple solution for securing online payments, while eliminating the need for hard to remember passwords, secure your personal information with multiple security layers and a private shopping browser for online transactions. Kyookie works just like a traditional card-present transactions, ensuring that your only experience is natural, easy and familiar chip and pin card technology embedded on payment cards throughout the world. Cue keys, radical solution keeps your payment and privacy secure while online just insert your chip enabled cue key into your computer in just the same way as you use. Your chip enabled card in store, don’t need to create and remember complex passwords with kyookie just tap and go it’s so smart. It can detect security, breaches, deter hackers and denies invalid or suspicious access.

A New Simple and Secure Way to Shop Online with QKey

It has a rechargeable battery that can last up to two weeks per charge. Shopping is so simple: after shopping just select a card enter your PIN just tap the key and done just one master password gives you access to all your online shopping and payments done set up your payment queue key is very simple. Just enter all your cards details. Your shipping information and choose your payment websites and that’s it no need to remember passwords or forms to fill out. It works on any computer, smartphones or tablets. If you lose your Q key without your master, password Q key is useless after three missed password attempts.

A New Simple and Secure Way to Shop Online with QKey

He locks down only you can reset password’ or check and edit all your personal details, cue key unlocks the new Internet .