A gimmick worth buying – AM 65 ‘Less’

A gimmick worth buying - AM 65 'Less'

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A gimmick worth buying – AM 65 ‘Less'”.
This is a 65 keyboard and this is a 65 less. I have no idea exactly what that means. We’Re going to open the box and find out, as you can see, it is top secret. We’Ve got an early bird model, uh it’s from Angry meow. So, while I’m not sure what the pricing is, I bet you it’s a lot. Um we’ve got two versions: we’ve got the laser and the 8-Bit. I’Ve heard that these come in. I think seven different colorways uh these ones are the two more unique versions. So it’s cool that they sent them. I know that the laser is definitely inspired by the Cyber truck and I think it’s got some lights on the front of it, which should look pretty cool and the 8-Bit is probably the famicom design. You know kind of like a classic console, let’s open this guy up first and take a quick look.

A gimmick worth buying - AM 65 'Less'

Ah, they got a nice cloth with the angry meow logo sounds pretty good for the cloth. Take that out. We got a little guide right here, some pretty hefty foam, there’s a box here. What’S in the box, packaging content – oh this is like a foam too.

A gimmick worth buying - AM 65 'Less'

Is this just extra foam? Oh right? Okay, so this is another leaf spring adjustable keyboard. This is a two-way adjustable, not three-way adjustable like we saw on the am Alpha. As you can see, we’ve got some extra leaf springs for if we want to do any adjustments, we’ve already looked at that in previous keyboards. I kind of get the gist of it. We’Re not going to adjust it here today, but they give you all the tools to both open it up and change out whatever you want. What else do we got more of those ribbon cables? This is some foam.

I don’t know why they’ve included an extra little piece here. I’M sure that this is already inside the keyboard as well uh, it’s weird that they’ve included this, but not any replacements for any of the other Foams or anything that would go in here. So I’m not sure why it’s outside of any other packaging. Another complaint that is very valid with these keyboards is that I don’t seem to have a cable if you’re spending.

What I’m guessing is hundreds of dollars on one of these. It should come with a cable. Oh, my God, this thing is super cool. That’S got this little cool uh less is more stamped in there. It’S also got wireless charging. If you’ve got a cyber mat from Angry meow. We don’t have a cyber mat with us today, but you know what I want to check out the Cyber truck. I want to check out the laser you ever listen to crocodile. I think it’s crocodiles are baby alligators. They sound like lasers, no climb all over me.

If you could it just kind of smells like perfumed Electronics, I don’t know it’s like a new car smell smell this box, you notice it’s got like a new car smell to it. I don’t know how else to describe it, um, otherwise, yeah. It’S the same contents on the inside. What I really want to see is the colorway, and if this one has the extra features, I’m thinking of oh okay, I don’t like these clear keycaps. They had them in the AM Alpha as well, and I just I’m not a fan, that’s fine, that’s entirely personal preference. They don’t feel bad. It’S just I don’t know. I don’t like the see-through look, at least on keycaps see this is a 65 keyboard, but it’s not 65 percent and that’s because if you look at this one, it’s clearly missing a few keys right.

So we don’t have our arrow keys. First of all, it doesn’t look like there’s a page up, delete page down or end. Those are all missing. We just got function right here and then I’m not sure what this B is probably control and then we’re also missing a extra button over here. So there’s either. This is either control or Windows, but we’re missing a third key, and then I mean the knob.

A gimmick worth buying - AM 65 'Less'

Is you don’t need an OP to make it 65? That’S fine, but yeah. So it’s missing a few things and the cool thing is, though, this little guy right here, that’s on both of them any of these, no matter what the colorway you choose, you’re going to get this cool feature. This is a touch bar and you can use it for arrow keys, so you can use it to go like you know. Just left left right right up down whatever and you can actually use a couple other commands too. As long as you have their software installed, you can go think a long press is it’ll, start scrubbing through a video or it’ll turn the volume down or you can like double tap or you can swipe up and stuff. It’S really cool and I’m actually very curious to see how user friendly it is.

This one also has the wireless charging on the bottom that you can use with a cyber mat and we’ve got another not for sale stamp version 0.1, so yeah. This is super early. If anything doesn’t work, it’s probably just because of a lack of support for at the moment, just in terms of quality and feel and all of that good stuff uh, it’s a CNC aluminum chassis.

So it’s heavy. Actually, let’s weigh it uh seven pounds. That’S my guess.

Seven seven pounds wow. I was way off. It’S only 3.5, this one, the same yeah, 3.4 3.5 pounds. So yeah you get a pretty hefty board but yeah, as you can see it’s a relatively seamless case, design um.

It looks like everything actually houses over top here and I’m not sure how to take it apart. I guess that’s my one complaint is, I don’t see any obvious screw holes right away, although that’s kind of a nice thing. To be honest, it’s probably easy. Probably just take all the keycaps off and open it up, no problem, it takes them six hours to see and see all of this aluminum. So I don’t know the price, I’m I’m keeping myself in the dark. So I can kind of Judge this on its own and then figure out the price after, but it’s it’s gon na be probably a lot and then you’ve got some really cool features with the touch bar this one.

Also, these should be LEDs that will light up kind of like the Cyber truck headlights. As you can see, we don’t have the same feature on the 8-Bit version, the other one that we don’t have. Unfortunately, I thought the 8-Bit was the one that comes with the cool extra couple of little lights here, but that’s actually the mech love version, which is a take on and love death and robots. So if you like that series, I think it’s got a couple of their symbols on either side and those light up and you can adjust the lighting and stuff for those which is pretty cool.

But we want to use the cool cyber truck one with the sweet front LEDs. So while I absolutely adore this keycap set, I got ta put it away, it’s so nice. It’S got like kanji or something on it. I don’t know I’m gon na take one of these keycaps off. I’M gon na pull a switch out because it should be hot swappable, I’m gon na plug it in turn it on, but not before a word from our sponsor vesi vesi claims. Their shoes are 100.

Waterproof and keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Their new stormber shoes combine the comfort of a sneaker with the grip and coverage of an outdoor boot vessi has added extra layering for added warmth, as well as extra grip to prevent you from slipping and sliding in unfavorable weather conditions. The storm bursts are feature packed and will make great gifts with the unpredictable Spring weather, coming up check out the vessi storm burst and other styles at vesi.com and use code short circuit for 15 off your entire order. They’Ve got their ice silver switches in these guys.

Let’S take one out: oh, that came right with the keycap sure why not it’s a three pin switch white housing with a clear top south facing RGB. Take that, as you will, my one complaint actually is that this doesn’t look like it can even use five pin switches yeah, it looks like you might be kind of limited when it comes to which switches you’re gon na put in here whether that’s a smaller one. Like otemu, I don’t think so.

I bet this is like a cherry switch, but it could also just be the five pin holding you back, because I personally have a lot of five pin switches and I don’t think they’d fit in here. Unfortunately, I can’t tell if they’re Factory lubed, even if they’re, not they, actually sound okay, they could definitely use a bit more, but that’s fine. You can really see how flexy it is, and that’s thanks to that leaf spring mounting system, God kind of wild.

Actually, I’m not sold entirely on a super gaskety or super Leaf springy a mounting system. I’M like I don’t need all this Flex. When I go to type down, I actually kind of like a hard surface, but that’s just me: that’s personal preference and the reality.

Is you can these leaf springs have two stages, so if this is too loose well, if it’s on stage one you’re pooped it’s too loose, but if it’s on stage two, you can tighten it up a little bit. So maybe it’s better then as much as I don’t like the look of the clear keycaps, both just kind of in front of me, with RGB on and off, I do love how colorful this becomes with the RGB turned on. I’M not going to be able to say the same for the brown one. Let me just plug it in real, quick, just to verify yeah, you can hardly see the lights at all. All the wireless is working. It’S not bad! You still get some shine through in between each of the keys.

If you don’t have shine through caps. I get that out of here we’re gon na get the cyber truck version, which, as you can see, has cool lights on the side. I wish they were brighter. The images that they showed in the little uh media guide they gave us actually had the light like splashed out on the table and stuff, and it probably does that in pitch black, but it’s definitely not going to do it here with Studio lighting uh. I don’t even think you can see that on camera to be perfectly honest in person no way it’s very, it’s very minor.

I think it’s at Max brightness, right now to be honest, FN plus swipe, left or right on the touch panel is what adjusts the in-switch brightness function key there we go what okay, so that’s Max brightness for the switches, that’s so cool! I already like the touch. I already like the swipe part, it’s so dumb, but I like it oh yeah. It is making a difference. Okay, no.

We were pretty much at Max brightness before it’s maxed out right now. That’S why there was no change. I was already at Max brightness um, so you can use that fan and z and slowly cycle through the different colors, as you can see we’re down to we’re out of blue now um and if you cycle through them now it’s purple.

It goes basically a shade at a time um, but yeah. It’S definitely not as bright and lasery as I was hoping for some of the marketing stuff that we got definitely leads us to believe differently yeah as for sound and feel it sounds and feels pretty good. Oh, that does sound and feel good.

I’M not gon na lie as much as I don’t like Angry meows pricing. They do a lot of unique stuff, and so it’s really hard to argue against it. When not only is the keyboard definitely high quality, but it has a cool Niche feature that no one else is doing or not many other people are doing so. At that point, you can charge whatever you want as long as it sells. It’S the right price, at least for some people away. We go.

Oh all right. This is already best I’m going to Mulligan Mulligan Mulligan Mulligan Mulligan, okay, 116. 97. That’S not bad uh! I messed up a couple times early on. It just sounds and feels good. I’Ve been getting more used to using a 65 recently um, especially at work when I’m mostly just typing.

I don’t do a lot of like alt, f4 or F5, even to refresh stuff like I would at home. I almost never need a numpad for anything, because I’m a writer I’m just writing scripts. Usually so, for me, the layout is actually pretty good. The touch bar. I got ta try this on. Like a video player, it works.

What this is so cool. Okay, I hit I hit some extra key and that, like stopped to the window from being full screen right right right, right, okay, so that’s the whole thing is you’re supposed to be able to keep your fingers on the home row so that you can just like The swipe should become a part of your typing. Basically, it should feel as natural to you after using this thing for a while, of course, it should feel as natural to you as hitting the space bar with your thumb and honestly that didn’t take too long to get used to wow.

Like I know, this is not the most riveting thing to watch, because it’s just snake, but it works like this – is such a proof of concept right now, oh my God, no foreign! This is so dumb. It’S so good, though I don’t know what the hell it is with these guys. They seem to be able to find these little quirks that just like really tickle me somehow, okay, okay, so we should be able to like hold this down and it should fast forward.

The video I don’t know if that’s only in video players swipe swipe, worked. Okay, that’s so cool. What about up up is volume up and down is volume, so you can like swipe up and down for volume.

If I hold no, I fight what, if I could like swipe up and then hold no no download some software for it, and then you can tweak all of this stuff. However much you want, I think you can do different function, layers and stuff like that. It already feels pretty natural to just scrub through videos like this, and then I mean I’ve never used the arrow keys to do that, though, in the first place, but something about this feels right.

I don’t know what to tell you one thing that a lot of you might be wondering is ah, but I can’t use a wrist rest now, because it’s gon na block the bar true. However, a lot of keyboards that are around this height, like this, doesn’t feel like it needs a wrist rest for me personally, and I get it they’re fixing their own problem, but angry meow does sell these like hover wrist pads that you can put on either side. So this would still be open to you if you’re using those guys, maybe they made this to sell more of those wrist pads. I don’t know, but it honestly does Feel Pretty Natural like.

I actually want you to come. Try this really quick! All right. Let’S see! Wow, oh, the hole did work, you’re, just swiping hold oh swipe and hold okay. Well, it works one way.

I don’t know the down was a harder than going very easy to go right. Can I go left? Oh, the up and down is hard to hold up and down yeah. It’S an idea. You don’t have a ton of space yeah, but it doesn’t work yeah.

It went to 100. yeah, that’s cool and yeah. It does like if I were like. Oh, I just need to fix something. It doesn’t feel unnatural right, like your thumb, is actually kind of right there, like I I’m actually totally okay with it. That feels pretty good yeah.

I’M not I’ll, give him that cool okay. So it’s gon na type, great! It’S gon na feel pretty good and if 65 is good enough for you, then this is probably enough of a keyboard that you can deal with missing a few Keys. How much is a doll, so the standard MSRP starts at 398 US dollars, but it goes up to 550 US Dollars.

Okay, so you’re paying similar prices to the Cyber board. Maybe a hundred bucks less! You don’t get the cool screen on the front with the LEDs that you get, but you do get the really sick touch bar. I can’t justify spending that much on a niche feature, especially when you can get really good 65 in the same quality range as this.

For half the price, a little less than half the price in some cases, but honestly, if you want like something that is like really cool and kind of just stands out on your desk, maybe it’s for you, I’m not gon na buy it. Do I want one? Yes, will I buy one no, like I said before the Embargo, for this is the day we’re filming, but it’s going up on Indiegogo on February 2nd. So if you do want one, if you are interested, if you’re, okay with paying that like at least a hundred dollars extra luxury tax for a little cool feature, hopefully you can snag one for yourself, because the stuff from Angry meow, you know as much as it’s Priced High, it tends to sell out pretty quickly thanks for watching short circuit. If you want to check another one out, maybe check out the Cyber board.

That was one of the first keyboards I looked at on this channel and I was a little love struck. .