PCI Express 7.0 is INSANE

PCI Express 7.0 is INSANE

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “PCI Express 7.0 is INSANE”.
What if you had a 2 terabit per second link inside your home, PC? That’S what’s coming down the road with PCI Express 7.0, which will deliver 256 GB per second of bandwidth in One Direction, on an x16 link, by contrast to the PCI Express 4.0 slots that many of you have in your computers today only support an eighth of that. But even those current speeds have no problem supporting the bandwidth needs of an RTX 4090. So What on earth do we need eight times as much for and how do they keep cramming more speed into those little slots anyway? To start PCI Express 7.0 uses the same Pam 4 signaling seam that was introduced with version 6.0. We explained it in a bit more detail in that video, but long story. Short Pam 4 uses four voltage levels rather than two to encode data, meaning it can send two bits per cycle instead of the usual one, but if it uses the same encoding scheme, how is it double the speed? Well, the answer seems fairly straightforward. A doubling of the frequency, however, when you’re pushing that much data down the pipe at once, maintaining good signal Integrity becomes a real challenge. You can’t just go around having errors left and right.

PCI Express 7.0 is INSANE

Pci Express 6.0 introduced. Some error correcting features alongside Pam 4 so that it would actually be you know, usable, but at the speeds pcie 7.0 is trying to push. Manufacturers will likely have to make improvements to the actual physical layer.

PCI Express 7.0 is INSANE

This could take the form of anything from better materials. Like more robustly built pcbs to Optical solutions that offer better signal Integrity than copper, in fact, the PCI special interest group or PCI Sig, an industry Association. That’S responsible for developing the PCI Express standard has already formed an optical workg group to make sure the PCI 7.0 spec as well as future revisions, will actually be feasible. This even includes using full-on cables instead of copper traces in some situations, but why is there a need for that? Much bandwidth we’ll tell you right after we thank the sponsor of this video delete me the pros at keeping your personal stuff, well, personal, keeping your family’s online life, private! Isn’T just about you! It’S a team effort! That’S why delete me now has family plans to cover everyone? Each family member gets their own personalized data, cleanup, making sure that all that private info stays private from the kids to the grown-ups. They’Ve got everyone protected from online snoops and scams and managing it all is easy. Peasy giving you peace of mind head on over to the video description to check out delete me today with high-end PCI Express 5.0 X4 ssds that you can actually go and buy right.

PCI Express 7.0 is INSANE

Now, you’re already getting up to 16 GB per second of speed in One Direction and there’s a good chance. You already know even high-end modern graphics cards aren’t suffering because current pcie revisions on motherboards are fast enough to not cause bottlenecks. This means that pcie 7.0 will initially be aimed more at data centers, for example, making 800 GB ethernet more accessible is a major goal of the PCI Sig, and it hopes to do this with pcie 7.0. Although you likely aren’t going to be running ethernet speeds of that magnitude in your home rig anytime, soon, connections that fast are going to become important for allowing data centers to support all the load, we’re putting on them with cloud and AI applications. Whether it’s something straightforward like simply being being able to deliver tons of highres video at once or GPU frames for cloud gaming services or more complex stuff like AI, for self-driving cars, language processing or medical Diagnostics and ethernet, isn’t the only connection type that pcie 7.0 can Help enable there’s also a standard called compute express, link or cxl, which runs on top of the pcie physical layer and can be used for a large number of use cases, notably adding more RAM with the applications we mentioned, demanding not just more speed, but also more Memory capacity cxl over pcie 7.0 looks to become an easy way for data centers to significantly increase how much RAM they can fit into a server.

We likely won’t see products featuring pcie 7.0 until the latter part of the decade – probably 2027 at the earliest, and if you’re waiting for a PCI 7 SSD to pop into your PC, it will likely be even longer than that, which is unfortunate for those of you Who are very concerned about saving an extra second or two on load times in your favorite game? But you know what that’s a great time to pet: the cat stop ignoring the cat, it’s a living being. It needs love. But I love that you watch this whole video thanks for that, like the video, if you liked it dislike it, if you disliked it check out our video on PCI, Express 6 comment below with video suggestions and don’t forget to subscribe and follow it’ll. Do yourself a favor .