How to Store Excel Numbers as Text

How to Store Excel Numbers as Text

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to Store Excel Numbers as Text”.
In this short Excel tutorial, I’m going to show you how to enter numbers into Excel, as if they were text and we’ll look at some of the other features and options that are available related to this tip. So here I am in an Excel spreadsheet and notice. What happens when I click on a cell and type in a number? Let’S say the number seven I tap enter notice that Excel put the number seven to the right side of this cell. Now I want you to watch as I enter some text into cell D2.

I’M just going to type in a glorious kind of music tap enter and to help you see this a little bit better. I’M going to click and drag between columns, d and e to stretch out column D. Take a look at the word synth poop because it is text Excel, is aligning it to the left side of cell L D2 and if I tap enter on the keyboard, I can give you some more examples. 859, I tap enter Excel, sees that as a number, and so it’s putting it to the right and let’s try some text tap, enter it’s put to the left. Now there are situations in which we don’t want Excel. To do this, where we may want numbers not to show up as numbers but text, let me give you an example. Let’S say I want to put 711 in column.

How to Store Excel Numbers as Text

F1 711 is a convenience store if I type in 711, tap enter notice that Excel treats it as if it were a number and in fact it converts it into a date number format. Well, I don’t want that. I want it to show up as text because in this case 711 really is text. It’S the name of something it’s not really a number. So the trick is, you would just click on or in one of the cells in Microsoft, Excel and type the apostrophe key and then proceed to type. Your number tap enter on the keyboard because of that apostrophe symbol Excel treated these numbers, not as numbers, but as text.

Let’S try it up here, I’m just going to add an apostrophe in front of the seven tap enter and now Excel sees it as being text. Not numbers what about 859 apostrophe and now that number is seen by Excel as being text now you’ll notice, in some cases, this little green triangle in the corner of the number that is now treated as text. If I click on that, there’s a little exclamation point and I can click on that to see some options that I have, as you can see, Excel admits that this is a number stored as text. Well, if I regret that I could just click here to convert back to a number, I’m going to undo that by holding control and tapping Z on the keyboard and I’ll click back here on the exclamation point. In addition to converting to number, I could get some help on, what’s considered to be an error in this case, and I could learn more about this situation all X. Out of that, my other options are to Simply ignore it, because in this case it’s not really an error. I was trying to do this besides ignoring we can also edit in the formula bar. So if I click that it just moves, my cursor up here to the formula bar and I can continue to type and then tap enter when I’m done the last option I have because this number is stored as text is down here, error checking options. I can click there and it lets me adjust or change the options for error checking. In most cases, you’ll want to just simply type in numbers as numbers text as text, but there really are situations in which you, you don’t want numbers to be seen as numbers, but rather as text and in those cases put in the apostrophe before your number tap Enter and it will be treated as text thanks for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful. If you did please like follow And subscribe, and when you do click the bell and you’ll be notified when I post another video, if you’d like to support my channel, consider clicking the thanks button below the video, and you could also support me through my patreon account Or by buying Channel mer and you’ll see information about those options in the description below the video speaking of patreon, I want to give a quick shout out to my $ 5 patreon supporters.

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