Google Keeps Lying

Google Keeps Lying

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Keeps Lying”.
Let’S move on our on to our next topic: what do you want to talk about Luke? What do we got? Google search Doc is real. Let’S do that. Google has confirmed the authenticity of a 2500 page uh leaked internal document detailing the inner workings of Google search. A Google representative warned against making inaccurate assumptions based about uh sorry about search based out of uh out of oh wow. I really you’re doing okay, you jet leg buddy.

Are you inaccurate? I’Ve been in the woods for a few days, so I I haven’t. Looked at a computer screen in like four days, um, making inaccurate assumptions about search based on outof context, outdated or incomplete information likely because they Market uh wow likely because many marketing and SEO experts have concluded that the documents directly contradict past public statements by Google Representatives About how search works, Google employees have previously denied that search, uses click Centric metrics, to determine page rankings that it does not consider subdomains separately from domains and that it doesn’t penalize new websites. But these claims are all directly contradicted by these technical API documents. Further spark Toro, founder and marketing expert Rand fishkin says that the documents show a clear pattern of Google search increasingly prioritizing powerful Brands over all else.

Google Keeps Lying

Even when smaller sites and companies are more authoritative, trustworthy and relevant, which is something that we’ve been talking about for a while now um and even I think we had a a topic on Wan uh from house fresh about a month ago y a few weeks ago. About this exact problem, uh and now we see it in technical documents and they can say whatever they want uh. They confirm the authenticity of the documents, so yeah sure, maybe it’s out ofd sure doesn’t feel like it. Maybe it’s gotten worse.

Google Keeps Lying

Maybe that’s the out. Ofd part, I’m not sure I mean it doesn’t matter how out ofd. It is if it’s contemporary right like if it is from the same time that they issued these denials, that they are, that they’re yeah that they’re determining page rankings in these manners um.

Google Keeps Lying

I think it’s been very clear to anyone. Who’S ever talked to a Google representative that they are not transparent, uh about how their algorithms work and they will hide behind excuses. Like oh well, you know, we don’t know it’s a black box.

We are not sure uh. No, but the reality of it is that I have personally had experiences with Google Staff. I mean obviously most of my experiences with YouTube, not with Google search, but I have personally had experiences with Google Staff where I’ve basically said hey, you guys tuned something. Here’S what I think you tuned and they’re like? No: no, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! And then 6 months a year later, I go hey you know about that experiment. A year ago, uh I see you guys have kind of walked. It back and they’re like yeah.

It was kind of tuned too far for x, I’m like right so yeah. You never like acknowledged it to me at the time. But if I just pretend that I knew about it, then no problem um and to be clear. These were not it’s not as black and white, either as just an engineer going in and and and turning a dial right.

These are. These are gigantic platforms, so any experiment that they run would never be sitewide these days, I mean you’ll see this in things like the roll out of the new layout, for example, where a small handful of people see it and then more people see it and then They gather feedback and they gather user metric and then and then they roll it out a little further and a little further and then they make some tweaks and then they roll it out a little further. So it’s not usually as simple as just oh yeah. We want to be able to respond better this, the time that I noticed this in particular was uh when Tik Tok was really On The Rise.

What like five six years ago? Seven, I I don’t know it would have been a number of years ago and it was kind of in the in the hot knife through object, phase of YouTube. Where, from what I could tell, it was basically impossible to break out if you were anything other than how many M .