Belle Delphine Keyboard Combo Unboxing

Belle Delphine Keyboard Combo Unboxing

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Belle Delphine Keyboard Combo Unboxing”.
What’S better than this pink keyboard combo, from Ghost featuring by the time we finally got our pink belfine keyboard combo from Ghost the new one came out blue and improved bathwater with a one in five chance of getting an actual bathwater key cap, let’s open it here. We go. Oh, my God. We’Ve got our mouse pad I’ve. Seen these for years, they’ve been a big part of the Gaming Community for quite a long time.

It’S not always a butt on the end. Sometimes it’s something completely different I’ll. Let you take a guess as to what it could be. We’Ve also got.

Oh, is this the bathwater key cab? You got to wait and we get an accessories box with key cap switch poar, type-c, USB, cable and screwdriver. Oh, it’s nice that it comes with a screwdriver. We got some extra screws for the keyboard, that’s always a really nice inclusion and then cable, I’m a little unimpressed. It’S not sleeved uh, our pink one actually does come with like a coiled, sleeved cable, and it’s a lot nicer than this. This has a ferai bead and it’s about 5 ft long. So it’s fine uh a little disappointed, but whatever we’ll see what else we got? We’Ve got our nice blue keyboard from Ghost I already don’t like the sound of it, but you know what we’ll take a closer look at this in a second, but I got to unbox the rest of our sweet sweet peripherals. Here you can like see deformity.

Belle Delphine Keyboard Combo Unboxing

Oh, you can see through the key caps. Wow. That’S cheap looks like it’s just d sub cuz everything’s just printed onto the keyboard, so your Legends are actually going to wear out faster than if they were double shot.

Uh, but we’ll try we’ll try we’ll look! We’Ll look more of that later I got to look at everything else like stickers, wow. These are actually pretty decent stickers. They got a bit too much white outline but uh. Otherwise, you know they’re, okay, they’re good size stickers can be expensive, especially when you’re ordering a lot of them. So getting six included is not too bad. We’Ve got a nice little B, deline holographic shiny, welcome to the Ghost Family, warranty, okay and keyboard shortcuts it’s nice.

Belle Delphine Keyboard Combo Unboxing

It’S a good collab, no matter what this product might turn out to be, whether the quality of certain items is good or bad. I will say it is a cool piece of like collector kind of History. So take that for what you will, then it’s also got a wrist rest that I actually really like.

It’S nice and heavy feels like it’s memory foam. This is what I’m really after. Is this floppy wrist rest? I uh I’m a big fan of nice memory. Foam wrist rests, and this is a good size. It’S a good color, nice and comfy we’ll try it later, but yeah, I’m digging it so far, and then we’ve got our Mouse, which is just an M1 ultral light.

It’S got a nice sensor in it. It’S very light. One thing you may have noticed is that it’s wired, not wireless, so keep that in mind.

Belle Delphine Keyboard Combo Unboxing

As for the briefcase itself, um, I really do like it. It’S solid. The foam fits everything pretty well, nothing really falls out unless you’re smacking it around. I really love the blue and the pink. I think they play very nicely together.

Wow. Look at that number 488 of a th000 we’re special around here, we’re quirky. Before we dive into our bathwater, maybe keycap we got to try out the keyboard. It is a K75 from Ghost um, it’s fine, it’s a plastic keyboard with a really Hollow sound to it, especially on the space bar uh. The nice thing is that it’s clear, so you can actually see the back of the board.

I’Ve got one uh Portico 75. At home that looks kind of similar to this, and I had a similar problem where it felt really Hollow. Uh was not great.

So what I’d recommend if you look, if you are the kind of person who buys this kit and that can be to ever? But if you are, you really want to open this thing up, add some foam or tape, at least because you see all that space in there. Listen to this. It’S not great. It’S not the worst thing. I’Ve ever tried, but it’s really not great they’re. Just linear switches it is hot swappable, five pin hot Swap and a pretty good form factor, I’m actually a big fan of this kind of like 75 %, where you get your frro um.

It’S still short, you don’t have a uh, 10 keys or anything like that. Oh, I love the Bell. The Bell key cap up in the top left there that’s great and then the octopus, the octopus on here you can just take your own guess as to what that might be. I will say: Bel deline is a popular e girl who has kind of uh Gone the anime approach, I’m going to go with anime instead of H there and um octopuses and tentacles tend to be something that you find in anime and I’ll leave it at that. We’Ve also got this little like milk jar, with some milk splashing out and the cavar headphones, which yeah she’s very famous for wearing cater headphones and then her in the bath uh. The bath key cap is probably my favorite, maybe as much as I’d like the bathwater key cap, although these bubbles are great um.

Overall, the color scheme is great. If you like, a kind of pastel teal and light pink and a weird blue um, it’s very pretty easily. The biggest issue that I have is the lack of a nice cable. You’Ve just got this really Bland white USBC, cable, um really should have been sleeved or maybe even coiled uh. The white is fine white matches, the key caps and everything else I’ll say the wrist rest is comfortable um as much as I might never own. One of these they’re always very comfy because they basically follow just a regular dress design except the very boldest before I actually finish, plugging this in. Let’S exchange this key cap here with the bathwater one, if it truly there’s liquid in there. Oh, my God, Is that real verified gamer girl, bath water from Bel deline herself.

If you don’t know, uh, she’s famous for selling her bath water and it’s sold out guys are thirsty. I guess those simps be simpon. One issue I have as cool as this is – and I love that it’s actually got liquid in it if, if, if you get a normal one, by the way, it’ll just be maybe empty or solid, fill we’re not sure, but it won’t have a liquid in here. Um one huge issue I have, though, is that it looks like they’ve just stickered on this HP space bar bandage. Oh, it’s a health bar yeah they’ve, just stickered that on and that just seems, um kind of lazy and then this top cap can I remove it. It feels okay, it feels pretty glued on nope. You can take it off. I don’t think it’s supposed to come off.

I Can Feel Like Glue separating as they take it off. It smells like nothing. I don’t know what to tell you drink it, drink it drink. It you actually drink, gamer girl, it says, don’t drink it on the web, drink it drink it drink it.

Oh, it is just a thimble. You know you can drink like a thimble of bleach and you won’t get sick yeah. It’S got a weird taste to it. I’M not swallowing that okay, I can’t believe I just did that yeah, they say: don’t drink it, I’m pretty sure, there’s chemicals in there.

Oh, I’ve got like this lingering taste in my mouth that sucks the reality of what I just did is like washing over me in a terrible terrible way. As for the key cap itself, it sits here nicely it’s a oneu key cap, they’re they’re, saying it’s Universal. On the website I mean honestly, any oneu is going to fit on any one. U so, yeah! Technically it’s Universal, but they’re not really doing you any kind of big favors by that. Okay! Now that I’ve actually debased myself to this degree, let’s plug this in and uh – try typing on it to see if it’s any good, but before we try it we’re going to talk about a word from our sponsor manscaped, thanks to manscape for sponsoring this video. If you’re feeling a little overgrown and you’ve got a hot date coming up with belfine trim your Hedges, the manly way with manscapes lawnmower 5.0 Ultra its trimmer and foil blades, are interchangeable, letting you choose from buzzcut, bald or Jeff Bezos bald and to navigate through those More volumous spots, the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra even comes with an LED light, so you can see right through the Shrubbery. It’S also portable and charges conveniently with a USBC cable, meaning you can whack the weeds anywhere. You might be check out the lawnmower 5.0 ultr circuit and use code circuit for 20 % off in free shipping.

I, like all the RGB. It could be diffused a bit better so that it’s not just like a bunch of LEDs shining at you like the mouse here, um, whatever it’s fine, the keyboard itself, it’s Hol it’s going to do what it does, let’s type on it and see how it works. 123, 98 % – that’s not too bad uh the mouse is okay, it’s got a good sensor in it. I think that this shape in general is comfortable for me, but I’m also not a big fan of the speed holes cuz.

I can feel them constantly, but you’re also not going to get as light as it is without those taking away a bunch of material from the mouse so to each their own. I’M not crazy buzy about it, but it’s perfectly fine. I wish that all of this was Wireless as someone who typically likes wired Tech – I just I don’t know the cable for the mouse feels bad. The cable for the keyboard feels bad if you’re going to make him wired dedicated just add a nice cable, please.

This feels really weird also with her like looking back at me. Uh there’s not a lot that makes me uncomfortable and I wouldn’t even say I’m uncomfortable right now, but it’s just I guess. If you ever want a little bit of reassurance, you just kind of move. Your mouth so you’re, like yeah, I’m having a real bad day, a thanks Belle. As for the keyboard itself, I mean it’s a pretty typical, ghost keyboard K75 uh, it’s fine, it’s kind of too expensive for what it is.

Considering, it’s all plastic. I think that you can get something better out there for similar prices, even when this is on sale. Normally, the keyboard is like 180 bucks, which is way too much for what it is.

It’S often probably at the real price. You know where you see sales and it just sticks around forever. It’S it’s on sale for 120, which is better, but still not great astr laabs they’re, not bad. It’S a pixart 3389 sensor in here.

So it’s very accurate and precise. The only problem is, it’s got. Latency uh quite a bit at around 14 or 15 milliseconds, which is I mean it’s not like a ton, but it’s definitely a lot more than uh.

What you get out of something better like a Logitech, especially for a Wired Mouse like what the hell the latency, should be basically zero. But here we are, as for the keyboard, Windows does not like the ghost software and it doesn’t have via compatibility, so uh you’re kind of stuck with it, unfortunately uh. Otherwise, in terms of of latency, it tested a little slower on the side of gaming keyboards. So it’s fine, I don’t like it. I think it’s just overpriced.

Realistically, I probably wouldn’t buy it myself, but I do love the color scheme. Like that’s what keeps drawing me in. I got to say this whole combo, it’s pretty cute overall. But what does it look like as part of the cutest setup? This looks amazing when it’s in its natural habitat, but I got David here and he’s got to try it out and see what he thinks. Why does it sound so bad? It’S terrible. What is like, is it Hollow yeah, it’s pretty Hollow flip it over look at how much empty space is on the bottom. Oh, that’s a shame. It can be fixed.

You can make it better, but yeah it’s expensive. I love the translucent look and I like that. These match, although because this is more match, it feels like it’s actually pretty different right. I don’t even want to touch this.

What come on, I’m good! No, how about the bathwater geek cap? What’S bath water about them? No just the one key cap on the top left: oh there was water in there. Oh did you drink it, yeah good. Overall, this keyboard feels really cheap. How expensive is it it’s 180 full price, usually on sale for 120? Okay, even one no even 120, is too and that’s just the keyboard doesn’t include wrist rest, anything just the keyboard, yeah yeah.

I don’t think I would be spending my $ 120 on this. Next up is Mark our senior editor wow, one of our senior editors. This is a really cute setup. That’S great! What do you think about the peripherals? They are very, not cute what you don’t think they’re cute yeah I mean there are oh wait hold on. I know that person yeah, I mean I don’t know her. Would you would you buy this this full bathwater? Combo? Oh definitely not! Next. Ups, James Scott from the business team, oh great James, using my real name, you have a stage name: uh Bobby G, Bobby G Bel deline fan number five. Oh, this actually is beline yeah.

Okay, guess a price guess a price? How much would you before? I guess the Price Is that real bath water it was. Is that going to be available at the Christmas party? Maybe I would probably guess around 150 for everything, but that makes me guess probably double that 250 bucks for the whole thing with the one in five chance: no nope, it’s just plastic yeah. It is that is so! No all right! No thank you. Thank you.

Next up is Belle, not deline. Please blur me. I don’t want my girlfriend to know uh, but this is beautiful. I would definitely buy this, no matter the price, no matter the price, no, what I just want to drink that bath water.

I’Ve been a big fan for years, a loyal subscriber. Did you notice that these are shorts? You can see the skin color. Oh, I did not notice that, oh, my God, last but not least, Maria a graphic designer Maria.

What do you think of not only the belfine bathwater combo but the cutest PC setup? So so so cute? I love it. I love the colors. I love the RGB. Would you pay $ 250 for the Bel Delphine bathwater combo kit? The most part, I guess, is the she’s looking back at you she’s, but I like this three um yeah. I think it’s good. Okay, the colors are nice. It looks pretty and with the whole setup like it, fits perfect yeah it’s in its natural home yeah overall, as a collector’s package, I think it’s actually pretty cool and the price isn’t obscene. However, if you’re buying this for just the components uh, it’s really not worth it the K75. While this version is really nice um, it’s not the best keyboard. I don’t even think it’s worth the $ 120 that it usually goes for on sale and the mouse is fine.

Pixart sensor is really good, but it’s really not for me thanks for watching. If you want to check out other short circuits, maybe check out the Evia lineup that we went to France to look at me Andrew and Bell look they’re all right here again, you can’t see them. I can see them they’re right there, goodbye .