MIT President Sally Kornbluth Charge to the Class of 2024

MIT President Sally Kornbluth Charge to the Class of 2024

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “MIT President Sally Kornbluth Charge to the Class of 2024”.
Sally KORNBLUTH, Penny and Michaela. Thank you both for your reflections today and for your leadership in our community. Good afternoon everyone.. It is customary on this day of celebration for the president to deliver a charge to the graduating, class.

[ DISTANT CHANTING, ] AUDIENCE ( CHANTING, ), Sally Sally, Sally, Sally, Sally, Sally, Sally, Sally, Sally Sally Sally Sally., [ APPLAUSE, ], SALLY KORNBLUTH Wow.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Really thank you.. In a year when there has been so much campus turmoil, I may not be able to offer you either advice or inspiration, but I would like to acknowledge a few things that I’ve learned since I came to MIT 17 months ago.

MIT President Sally Kornbluth Charge to the Class of 2024

And I want to start by Addressing your parents and your families., As all of you know, the education we offer. Students is famous for its depth and its rigor and we’re proud of the bursting satchel of skills and knowledge that every MIT graduate carries out into the world.. But the truth is that the young people you sent us whom you trusted us to educate and care for were remarkable before we even met them.. You certainly know this about them as individuals, and you know the specific challenges they had to overcome.. For some of you, the young person whose graduation you’re here to celebrate is the first in your family to go to college., For some coming here meant leaving home many thousands of miles away.. For some, it meant overcoming language barriers or personal hardships.. Some faced all the normal rigors of the MIT curriculum on top of family responsibilities and even tragic losses..

MIT President Sally Kornbluth Charge to the Class of 2024

You also know their individual achievements, how much they learned and grew and stretched and pushed themselves long before they came to MIT.. You know how delightful and inspiring and thoughtful they are, and I expect at least most of know, the particular thrill of the day. You realized that they now understood things that you just cannot understand the day when it would be no longer possible for you, even theoretically, to help them with their homework..

MIT President Sally Kornbluth Charge to the Class of 2024

So you know them well as exceptional individuals, but at MIT we also get to see them all. Together., Taken together in their critical mass, they are a natural wonder as awe inspiring as a visitation of 17 year cicadas as miraculous as a total eclipse of the sun.. It’S been our privilege to teach them and to learn together with them, and we share with you. The highest hopes for what they will do, next. Now to those of you graduating today, with the exception of a few master’s students. Nearly all of you have been part of the MIT community longer than I have..

You know it’s culture and quality so well that they may not stand out to you anymore., But I’ve spent my whole career in higher education, and I have never seen a community quite like this one, a community founded on wonder and wondering why a community whose version Of March Madness is a thousand people staring upward spontaneously, sharing the wondrous sight of a solar eclipse and actually being able to explain it. A community that runs on an irrepressible combination of curiosity and creativity and drive a community in which everyone you meet has something important to teach you a community in which people expect excellence of themselves and take great care of one another.. I have no doubt that you’re tired of hearing how resilient you are because of the pandemic, but I mentioned that long drawn out challenge as another illustration of what it means to be part of this particular community, a community that fought the virus with the tools of Measurement and questioning and analysis and self-discipline, and was therefore able to pursue its mission almost undeterred, a community that understands in a deep way that the vaccines, as Noubar just said, were not some overnight miracle, but rather the final flowering of decades of work by thousands of People pushing the boundaries of fundamental science, a place that does not shy away from complexity, a place that embraces the hardest problems.. You may not ever find another community like it, but I hope you’ll keep us in mind as you design and invent creative communities of your own..

All of you graduating here today have been tested by the repercussions of a relentless virus by societal upheaval here and by violent conflict and the most terrible human suffering abroad.. And, of course, you have been tested many many many times by the faculty of MIT. At MIT. An education is sort of a test of endurance. A grand set made of P sets a test made of tests. MIT is famous for testing its students., But you have tested us too. From the moment you arrived to the present., You have tested our systems, our assumptions, our practices. You’ve revealed places where our understanding may fall.

Short. You’ve shown us that we need to reflect more deeply and be willing to assess and reconsider long-held beliefs.. In short, the Institute you are graduating from is thanks in part to you always reflecting always changing, and I take that as your charge to us.. So thank you., Congratulations and best wishes to each of you for a wonderful future., [ APPLAUSE, ] .