My Employees Always Steal My Stuff

My Employees Always Steal My Stuff

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Employees Always Steal My Stuff”.
Curious about the amount of stolen items found during Tech upgrade videos were the items actually considered stolen, or is this just a joke about the amount of stuff employees take back with them both a little bit of both? I think yes, both is good. Um. Okay, sorry. I was eating jerky um, okay, so part of it is that I was a little bit legitimately annoyed in some of the very early ones to find work property in people’s homes, nothing that mattered um in the grand scheme of things. What were some of those things? Like what like cables like a like a a cheap USB dock, that realistically, we didn’t pay for, and and probably they intended to return at some point because remember we started this series when work from home was a lot more common at our company. Because of all the locks and stuff right, so people had a lot of stuff at home that they were probably going to return it.

My Employees Always Steal My Stuff

But it wasn’t asset like asset tagged inventory, so nothing would have prevented them from just keeping it. And so it was this kind of gray area where it kind of started with me being like hey, come on man and then OB. Obviously I ended up with a lot of false positives, because legitimately people do end up with a lot of stuff that used to belong to the company.

My Employees Always Steal My Stuff

You know we got LTT store well, we also have the lmg store, which is where people can sometimes get access to. You know a unit that came in for b-roll for a sponsor and ended up having cosmetic damage and they were like. Well, we don’t want it back and it goes in the it goes in the giveaway pile. We have a giveaway pile um. We also have wild Christmas parties, not in like a like a tech, bro Silicon Valley, games, industry kind of way in, like a wow, I can’t believe the giveaways um that they’re giving that they have at this uh. You know two drink maximum.

My Employees Always Steal My Stuff

Otherwise, pretty you know controlled party um, so so people end up with stuff from the Christmas party. Uh people end up with. We have done on occasion in the past um. The Christmas party is a lot of stuff. It’S hundreds of things. Every year we have done on occasion in the past um, like extra credit things that people can do for what we call lmg bucks.

I don’t think we’ve done that in a long time, but in the early days I’ve never even heard of that yeah. No, we we would have stuff, that’s like. Ah, this power supply has a broken fan in it. Lonus could open it and put a new fan in or if you wanted to just like, take it home with you and put a new fan in it, then you can have 50 lmg bucks or something like that and if you, if you buy Stu, must have Been when I was off float planing, I’ve never heard of this.

Almost almost no one used it, but this is just an example of one of the ways that people could have obtained stuff over the years um I used to just get paid in Hardware that I mean no yeah not by me yes, well, topped up. You were above the legal limit. Otherwise, yes, yes, yes, yes, you can’t say stuff like that. Luke you got! People are going to.

You know how people are. It was fun anyway, so lmg bucks uh for stuff. That’S in our inventory! That’S like used! We don’t. If people want to like buy it and we don’t need it, we don’t charge full price for it.

So people can use lmg bucks to stretch a dollar pretty far days, so people people use lmg bucks um a lot, so people have stuff that they’ve bought from work stuff, that they have won from work stuff, that they’ve taken home from work for legitimate purposes and In the case of Dennis stuff that they’ve just taken um because I don’t know he thinks he has tenure or something I’m not sure how that works in his head, so it is a. It is a combination of things and, like anything, it’s been amusing. For me to see the community speculation around it, because the number of people that are outraged either way is baffling uh.

The people that are that are outraged. That I am that I am such a that I’m such a – I don’t know, overbearing horrible boss, that I’m going to be berating. Someone in public over this cable that they took um is probably about equal to the number of people that hate me. For being such a such a disorganized corporate Overlord, that I can’t even Inspire my team in this horrible toxic work environment to not be stealing anything that isn’t bolted down like it’s.

It’S amazing how you can just take a aing joke, that’s just a meme and interpret it as I’ve. Always I’ve always wondered like if we do one at my place. What stuff like what stuff will not be stolen? I cuz it’s a lot of it like I. Don’T even know like I I don’t know well that’s what asset tags are for yeah, but sometimes there’s asset tags on stuff. That was given away H, really yeah, really yeah. Okay, well, we’ll see uh, I might remember, and then I think I have like three generations.

You know I personally select the items for the giveaway every year right, yeah, yeah, that’s what I know, but there’s there’s three generations of computers in my place that are from my like weird upgrade thing that I have mhm mhm. Well, I guess we’ll see I like found some graphics cards at my dad’s place and I recognize them as work property yeah yeah, so I think we’ll figure it out, but I didn’t even know, but I did so like it’s yeah. It might be interesting guilty.

Oh yeah, I’ve taken stuff home – I don’t anymore but, like I don’t know the line used to be a lot more blurry. When there was like three of us um it used to be as simple as is like: hey my GPU died um. I want a game.

This weekend – and I like don’t – want to go to the store yeah. Can I borrow a GPU and it be like yeah, don’t take one of the ones we need for this review on Tuesday yeah. I need these ones.

It’S like. Okay, I’ll grab, some other ones. Yeah, it used to be pretty Loosey doy pretty fluid, but that was that was a really so the stuff that I have is going to be like ancient. I would say these days the vast majority of what I’m meing on on camera. I am meing on yeah. It’S it’s mostly the yeah.

It’S mostly going to be the really old stuff. This is why Luke hasn’t gotten an upgrade yet says Bell in the chat yeah, I love it. Every day is set up upgrades every day. I’M upgrading sorry .