Essential Google Sheets Math Functions

Essential Google Sheets Math Functions

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Essential Google Sheets Math Functions”.
In this Google Sheets, video, I’m going to teach you several essential mathematical functions to use in your Google Sheets. Let’S get started so here I have a spreadsheet with a list of employees of a small business and it would be nice if I could figure out certain key information from this data. For example, I’d like to know the total salary average salary highest lowest and also how many total employees this business has. How could we figure those things out in an easy and Powerful way we’re going to use some functions so first, let’s add up all of these salaries to figure out the total salary expenses for this small business.

Essential Google Sheets Math Functions

So I’ve clicked here on cell d113 and I’m going to type equals anytime, I’m working in Google Sheets and I want to create a formula. I start with equals and in my mind I think this cell equals and that always reminds me to put in an equal sign, so this cell equals what well I want it to equal all of these salaries added up now. Google Sheets is smart and sometimes it figures out what you want before you actually do it, and so that’s happened in this case.

Essential Google Sheets Math Functions

It’S figured out that I want to perform a sum of all of these numbers. In other words, I want to add them all up. So it’s in Gray already put in the formula that I want, but I could type it out manually if I want to so equals sum left parenthesis. Next, I need to show Google Sheets what range of data I want it to add up, and I can show it that by click and dragging let’s say I want to add up all their ages.

Essential Google Sheets Math Functions

I could click and drag to show that or I could just type in the cell references so B2 through b11 and in Google Sheets you put in the word through instead of using the word you put in a colon. So in this case, I don’t really want to add up their ages. I want to add up their salaries, so I could click and drag to select that range or I could just type in D2 through d11. I should put in my right parenthesis, though, in many cases you don’t have to do that and then I’ll tap enter on the keyboard and Google Sheets has figured out the total salary expense for this small business. Let’S now figure out the average salary, so I clicked on D14 and I’ll type equals now Excel thinks I want to do another sum.

Well, I don’t so I’m going to just type in average and notice that Google Sheets is kind of coaching me and helping me along once I started typing average. It narrowed down the number of functions that I might want, and here is Google Sheets list of guesses. For what I might want to be typing here, but I’ll just finish, typing out average left parenthesis and then I’ll click and drag to select the range that I want to average. This time, I’m not going to put in the right parenthesis just to demonstrate that you don’t have to in many cases I’ll tap enter the average salary for the employees is 88,000 great. So so far we’ve looked at sum and average.

Now, let’s look at Max Max. Can help me find the highest number in a range of numbers, so I’ll type equals Max left parenthesis, and then, in this case I think I’ll. Just type in the cell refer references so D2 through d11 right parenthesis, tap enter on the keyboard, there’s the highest salary. It happens to belong to the CEO.

Now, let’s go to the lowest salary equals Min left parenthesis. I need to show the range of data that I want to look through to find the lowest number the Min number I’ll put in my right parenthesis tap enter. There’S the smallest or lowest salary.

Okay. Finally, we’ve gotten to count – and I could change this in the spreadsheet and just call this – this total number of employees and then I’ll tap tab to tab over. So I’d like to count up how many salaries or how many employees we have in this small business to do that I’ll, just type equals count I’ll put in a left parenthesis and then I’ll just click and drag to highlight the range that I want to count Tap enter, there are currently 10 employees in the small business.

Let’S say somebody new is hired in the company. I could rightclick anywhere here at the left and choose insert row above. Let’S say: John Doe comes into the company as a salesperson. Making $ 56,000 I’ll tap enter all of these numbers update and change, and the total number of employees also increases now just a quick tip.

If you want to count anything other than numbers, you need to use, not count but count a so. Let me demonstrate that if I just say count the different people’s positions in this company I tap enter. Google Sheets is showing zero because it’s counting the total number of numbers in a Range so, instead of using count in that case, I could use count a put in a left parenthesis this time. Instead of the job positions, I’m going to select the range of names, so it’s going to count all of the names and because I used count a instead of count.

It’S okay, that these names are text and not numbers I’ll tap, enter on the keyboard, and it gives me the correct answer. So there is a key difference between count and count. A all right. We’Ve looked at the essential mathematical functions in Google Sheets. If there’s a lot of interest in this article, I will will create additional videos teaching you more functions in Google Sheets thanks for watching. I hope you found this video to be helpful.

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