How is this air-conditioned gaming chair like to use? AutoFull M6 unboxing

How is this air-conditioned gaming chair like to use? AutoFull M6 unboxing

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How is this air-conditioned gaming chair like to use? AutoFull M6 unboxing”.
Today I am unboxing the autof full M6 gaming chair with ventilation and heating functions. I love the idea of a seat with heat and ventilation, because I live in an area with very odd weather, where some days it’s freezing cold other days. It’S super sticky hot. So I love that idea. I’M excited about that fact.

How is this air-conditioned gaming chair like to use? AutoFull M6 unboxing

Let’S open it up and see, if it’s all it’s cracked up to be all right, I have my Giant instruction poster here, the back side. This is a super cool poster of the autof full that I could hang on my walls if I wanted um, so we use reusing my items here. Let’S see how long this takes the autofold m6 gaming, chair with ventilation and heating functions, has Ultra Soft horse leather. A ventilated and a heated seat has Dynamic tracking lumbar support 6D mechanic, armrests autof, full M6 gaming chair with ventilation and heating. This took me about 40 minutes put together. It was fairly easy to do so.

How is this air-conditioned gaming chair like to use? AutoFull M6 unboxing

It slides really well on the rug that I’m on has great spinning abilities, but also it has a lot of adjustments starting off with my armrest. Here I can go out. I can bring it all the way in. I can bring it up for gaming.

On my Nintendo or any other handheld device, I can bring them up or down and they have a nice elbow rest. Here too, I can also go up and down then, with my controls over here, I can recline backwards. I can adjust my lumbar support here. So once I get it to where I like it, I can repress that button, or I can also adjust my lumbar support up and down by using this knob.

So, with all of those great features, this chair is very accommodating for many people and it is really nice now one of the really nice things. If you would like to recline and put your feet up, while you’re gaming, you can do so very easily and voila. I can now enjoy a nap and be quite comfortable. My heat and ventilation. Controls are right here, but I do need an external battery source. I cannot plug it in um here either.

How is this air-conditioned gaming chair like to use? AutoFull M6 unboxing

My cord is right here, it’s just a simple USB cord, so I can plug it into any external battery uh and enjoy my ventilation. So let’s go do that and see what we think of it all. So I have my cook te 10 power bank here going to plug it. In now this seat does have a nice pocket and back here any power bank will work, put a piece of paper.

Let’S see how my fan works, so every little hole here does allow air to escape. That’S on the highest level has three different levels. Then heating. My heat pads are here and here and I I can feel it getting warmer. I can see the seat warmer being very nice during the winter time. I usually avoid leather chairs just because they’re so cold in the winter time up here and then during the summer time, they’re hot they’re sticky. My legs always stick to them, but this one’s actually very nice because of that heated seat in that ventilation yeah. This is going to make working gaming. Whatever you decide to use this chair for just so much nicer, because you’re going to have that air flow going. You’Re going to stay cool or you’re going to stay warm definitely check out this gaming chair.

If you are looking to upgrade your gaming experience, you’re looking to upgrade your home office, this chair is going to work for you. It is comfortable, I’m a small frame, but this fits me perfectly well and I really do enjoy this seat so check it out. Cuz. You will not be sorry. .