Google ruined the Web

Google ruined the Web

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google ruined the Web”.
Techlink saves you Time by updating you on the tech news, but you could also save time on other stuff with the help of magical who sponsored this video. What kind of stuff we’ll tell you later? Okay, don’t don’t worry about saving time Google’s Ai overviews and search appear to have broadly rolled out to the American public, and the internet has exploded with examples of the world’s most popular search engine, telling users to thicken pizza sauce with Glue non-toxic, of course, and eat At least one small rock per day so refreshing to see more Health advice from alternative sources like geologists and not even real ones. That was quoted from an onion article, but Google isn’t just citing the wrong experts. The glue Pizza recommendation was pulled from an 11-year-old comment. Left by the Reddit user, fo Smith, don’t ask what he makes he’s got a very specific specialization.

Google ruined the Web

We managed to reach him by phone, but all we heard was yes. It appears that Google Now treats Forum posts claiming you can hover if you jump and simply don’t look down as gospel truth and is also pulling a meta Ai and claiming it has children their favorite breakfast is smoothies oatmeal breakfast smoothie, which actually makes that more believable. That’S what they would like, what do you put in your smoothie Johnny smoothie yep, Google is now so broken. It told one user that doctors recommend smoking two to three cigarettes per day during pregnancy.

Babies need tar. So so it’s a good thing that there’s a way to disable the AI features. If you don’t want to Mouse over and enable the new web filter for every search, you can add udm equal sign4 to the end of the search, URL and automate that process in your browser settings. Of course, if you prefer Google to help you reimagine Nintendo’s Wario as a sassy messy polyamorous bottom in Mario drag, then yeah W it’s a free country. I mean you could w you like iFix. It says it’s dropping its partnership with Samsung over the company’s unwillingness to make it easier to repair their devices. Two years ago, the companies agreed that iFix, it would be Samsung’s designated third-party parts and Tools, distributor with Samsung making replacement parts available to anyone.

Google ruined the Web

The idea was that Samsung was setting off handin wrench with iFixit on a journey to make their devices more repairable. Instead, Samsung kept part prices high and components glued together, proving that there ain’t no fix in some things. What got broke, what they use for glue pizza, cheese, it’s an option to make matters worse.

Google ruined the Web

A leaked contract seen by 404 media, indicated Samsung required independent repair shops to give up the personal information and repair details of customers, as well as immediately disassemble Samsung devices repaired with third-party Parts. Terms like these will be illegal once right to repair laws passed in New York, Minnesota and California come into effect later this year and iFixit says: they’ll still provide Parts and Repair fix kits for Samsung devices, so all is not lost for Galaxy lovers, but you might Want to think about seeing other phone manufacturers? No, I can fix him. Oh, oh honey! Literally you can’t. A new report has thrown a wrench into the conflict between dystopia generator, open, Ai and Scarlet Johansson, the star of multiple movies that depict said dystopia. Here’S a quick refresher of the issue open AI demoed, its new real-time voice mode for Chad GPT last week, using a voice that many, including apparently Sam ultman himself, compared to the AI Voice Assistant played by Scar Joe in the 2013 movie. Her scarjo eventually released a statement claiming that open AI asked her to voice their assistant in September 2023.

She declined months later. They reached out again 2 days before the GPT 40 event. Now, in the ensuing backlash open, aai paused, the use of the alleged scarjo copying voice called sky as legal experts chimed in on the actress’s right to sue the company. Her case was looking pretty solid, but two days ago a Washington Post investigation found that the actress behind the sky Voice, who wished to remain anonymous, was hired in June 20123 months before Johansson says she refused open ai’s request.

Furthermore, according to to open a eyes casting call and her agent, the Sky actress was never directed to imitate scarjo or her character in her now. Don’T get me wrong. Open AI has been acting pretty sketchy lately, but to me, the two voices sound completely different other than the fact that they’re, both women from either LA or Manhattan, speaking in a friendly tone, it’s like saying Christian, Bale and Jason STM are copying each other’s gritty, cotney Style of speaking, it’s two different BLS. Is it especially since Jason’s STM can only be heard with a within a one foot radius, I’m fing Batman in it going on about this, isn’t productive. Unlike this video sponsor magical, it’s the productivity, app that wants to help.

You save time by taking care of repetitive tasks like entering data, filling out forms and responding to messages 100 % free to download the magical. Chrome extension is compatible with over 10 million tools, apps and services like Gmail LinkedIn and at least 99,900 9,998. More. That’S just math create message templates that magical can autop personalize by filling in your recipient’s name and any other relevant information. So you can easily send a message to lonus from lmg and say you love his company’s YouTube channels. Even if you don’t have a template. Magicals AI reply lets you respond to emails and messages with one click, without repeating specific words like utilize 100 times no offense. If you do that, actually some offense, meanwhile magical transfers feature, can scrape info from up to 50 Chrome tabs at once and plop it all. In a spreadsheet or form near instantly so download the magical extension for free using the link below and save your precious time, so you can focus on what actually matters like Tech news, for example, are you ready to save even more time boy I am AMD, is Allegedly rebranding their upcoming stupidly named ryzen AI 100 apus, no they’re, not making the name less stupid, use silly goose, they’re, making the number bigger, because Intel made them feel inadequate.

According to a leaker team, Blue’s upcoming core Ultra 200 series made AMD feel like their chip. Number was too small, so they’re rebranding it. As the ryzen AI 300 series, we’ve reached out to psychologists to try and determine exactly what level of small penis compensation this is.

None of them have returned our calls. Microsoft suffered a massive Services outage this morning that left users completely able to access Bing co-pilot chat, GPT, internet search and duck ducko, which wouldn’t have been sad at all. If Google wasn’t treating search like a creative writing class right now, thankfully Microsoft seemed to get on top of the issue pretty quickly and fixed it about 9 hours later, without specifying exactly what caused it.

The incident is a lovely reminder that other than the russia-based Yandex, we have exactly two companies providing the backbone of internet search and they’re, both a little off their rocker right now, so that’s cool. The US government has announced that it intends to resume a 25 % tariff on graphics cards, motherboards and PC cases assembled in China. This follows another recent decision to double the Tariff on Chinese semiconductors from 25 to 50 %. The tariffs were paused over the past year. In part to take industry feedback, several companies, including Nvidia and HP, argued that they don’t have the manufacturing capacity to take on all of the components currently made in China. Us consumers should therefore expect to see the cost of electronics rise sharply because we’re passing the taxes on to you.

Spotify says they have discontinued car thing. Car thing you make my car s: that’s their $ 90 Hardware, experiment that brought Spotify and voice controls to cars without Android, auto or apple carplay. Now this doesn’t mean they’re no longer making the device they already stopped doing that 2 years ago, now, they’re going to remotely brick every car thing in existence before the end of the year. There’S no refund no trade-in option it just becomes e-w. Oh and Spotify recommends you contact your local waste disposable department on how to dispose of the device Spotify doesn’t want. You mishandling the garbage they made.

We wouldn’t what? What do you want us? It’S expensive, it’s $ 90 garbage, I think, doesn’t even work. What do you want me to do with it and whale scientists think theyve figured out why orcas have been ramming and sometimes sinking boats off the coast of Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco? This Behavior has been going on for 5 years. 673 boats have been attacked since 2020. What could Inspire such aggression grief, Revenge, nope, uh, it turns out it was.

It was bored, teens, juvenile killer, whales just apparently enjoy messing with the Rudders of ships. It was a fat and it just kind of caught on. Everyone was doing it mom now this isn’t to say that these orines aren’t dangerous. Official guidance is that if you see one do not enter the water or they will tear you apart with pointed insults about your outfit and general Vibe, your self-esteem may never recover and I may never recover if you don’t come back on Monday for more Tech news. I mean like it’s going to happen the show and someone needs to watch. I can’t I’ll probably be doing the tech news, so you know like someone please I don’t the world is so confusing.
