Why This Game is Ditching Microtransactions

Why This Game is Ditching Microtransactions

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why This Game is Ditching Microtransactions”.
You want to talk about the live service game that went offline and removed microtransactions. I know nothing about this game. What I do know is I jumped on the steam page right before the show, and recent reviews are mostly negative, which is bad uh and all reviews are mixed and it’s currently in Early Access. Okay, so let’s start the stage is set um developer. Airship Syndicate has delisted its MMORPG wayfinder and has announced that it will be transitioning the game from a free-to-play live service game which just that’s all I need to know to dislike it heavily um to a single player, offline game with optional, two or three-player Co-op, and No microtransactions what a pivot the developer likewise claims that they will be adding content to deepen the game’s RPG elements. The new road map includes that Airship Syndicate uh the developer plans to relaunch the game in Early Access for a one-time purchase of $ 25 cuz. Again, it’s it’s no longer free to playay live service, so they got to charge for it. Uh this and there’s no microtransaction. They need to make money.

Somehow that makes sense. This decision seems to have upset many existing players. So that’s why it’s mostly negative right now, especially those who bought the game for $ 150 with the exalted Founders pack as they feel they invested in a very different game than the one they are now getting. That’S fair.

Consequently, several have posted negative reviews on steem, demanding refunds, also fair. To be completely honest. If you’re completely changing the entire game, you should probably get a refund uh. The root cause of this change appears to be the fact that wayfinder original publisher, digital extremes, which recently closed its publishing Division and divested from the game transferring ownership over to Airship Syndicate themselves.

The development team called the change, a big shift, but a necessary one to guarantee that the game is around forever. Wherever is a strong word yeah in better gaming news, um, the uh, the the. I think it was the the mission lead on Cyber Punk huh uh hold on they. They they worked on the like the the mission design for cyber Punk um was this before or after it was. This is super cool they um. They were celebrating that cyberp punk has officially oh wow crossed over into I. They were either celebrating that it is officially very positive all time or they were celebrating that recent is overwhelmingly positive. Whoa highlight over recent real, quick or the the overwhelmingly positive 99 is that 99 95 95 wow yeah so Shout Out CD project red for like royally fing, this thing up and then man sticking with it.

That is both Lucky the fact that people kept buying the game enough and they had enough cash reserves to do it. Not every developer would have even had the option they just would have completely run out of money yeah. Luckily, CD project had a lot of other things going well for them at the same time yeah.

So so so it’s lucky and also whatever the whatever in Integrity is in inte integress high integrity. Let’S go with that um. So shout out love it.

Why This Game is Ditching Microtransactions

You know. Let highlight positive stories that we come across as well. That’S really cool, so great job, you guys VG Supernova says no. They shouldn’t have released it broken initially, so no praise nah that doesn’t that doesn’t work that no we this is. We hammered on them when it came out and it sucked, and now we praise them when it’s good. It’S the same thing with Microsoft, we went after them when they did the studio closer thing and then we said, hey cool.

Why This Game is Ditching Microtransactions

You released a really neat controller. We can’t just be we, we look, how many, how many companies are even left making games. We can’t just hate all of them forever anytime. They do anything bad.

We can hate blizzard forever. If you like, nice, okay, nice and – and we can – we can be mad at Bethesda for a long time – maybe not forever. Hopefully they fix it come on guys, please, okay, but we can be mad at them for a while, but like what is the point of just being angry all the time even and like? Is it worth it? No, it’s really not! So if someone does something bad, even EA, someone pointed out EA is dead, yeah sure, but I mean leadership, might change the people that work there are going to change constantly like the the company’s going to be a completely different company in 10 years. Think about the kind of company that you don’t necessarily normally think of as a company think about a sports team.

Okay, dude from from from from 10 years ago to today how many people on that Ro yeah. They all they all have the same brand on their shirt right, but how many of those people are? Even still there is the team that you’re cheering for today the same te. It’S it’s the team of thesias right yeah, and there are cases where long-term leadership does result in a culture that is just rotted out from the inside. We’Ve seen that.

Why This Game is Ditching Microtransactions

But you’ve also got to understand that even those like rotten companies are going to have people that are really passionate and really dedicated and really positive and really excited and really worth supporting. And so when those projects go well and when, like okay um Ubisoft, is the publisher for one of my favorite series, ano yeah um. So what I’m gon na refuse to buy and to buy it, and we can simultaneously look at how ano 1800 has been treated, which is amazing, they’ve got so many seasons of of extra content and it’s meaningful extra content, not just like not just like some stupid Cosmetic, you know statue you can and they do have that, but they’ve also got that’s, usually a part of a big content pack which and people want that.

Sometimes there’s there’s a what are they called Beauty Builders or whatever yeah like we can celebrate? What’S really good, and that doesn’t mean we have to forget the things that were bad and that when something else bad happens, we can definitely you know we’re not stupid. Right like we can definitely start to notice patterns, but come on guys. It’S not. Is it good for your own mental health to be angry forever? That’S that’s! Another thing I want to. I want to bring this up to agent.

Rick Justice posted this, and I’ve been thinking about this as well. He said I the wayfinder thing they they couldn’t afford to keep it in MMO uh. When the publisher dropped out instead of killing the game, they made it still playable, that’s my main takeaway as well and like I’m like ah yeah, they should refund those players. They may not be able to like having your publisher just leave.

That’S got to be really rough, and I suspect that, out of their out of their options of only bad out of their only bad options, they chose something that, in my opinion, is pretty good. Uh um, I don’t know it sucks for some people, it sucks for the people that bought that $ 150 pack and then now the game that they you know they wanted to buy. It’S not going to be that anymore, all that type of stuff. I get that that sucks, I’m not saying it’s good for those people, but their Publishers gone.

They can’t keep running this thing. They they they try to do something. That is good, and I I I yeah I don’t know it makes sense. I think it’s good and right. Okay, what I was going to say was was ano.

1800 has been treated super well and then, from that same publisher from mobisoft we get stuff like skull and bones, and it’s just like yeah I mean we’ll we’ll. We will sit here and talk positively about how no 1800 has been treated. It’S a fantastic game.

It’S had really good advancement over its current lifespan, all this other type of stuff and then also crap on you know the first quadruple game ever like it’s. It’S you can say both things right, .