Microsoft Made the most Customizable Controller Ever

Microsoft Made the most Customizable Controller Ever

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Microsoft Made the most Customizable Controller Ever”.
Going to be interesting, why don’t we jump into our next topic here? You want to pick another headline, one uh sure how about the controller want to talk about the controller yeah. This thing looks sick, it’s very cool! Look at this thing: Microsoft announces the protus controller. Microsoft has announced the Proteus controller, a modular controller with swappable face plates and customizable components for gamers with various mobility issues. The cube, like modules, can be snapped together in countless different configurations. Its buttons are remappable and its analog stick can be swapped out for 3D printed sticks with custom grips um and those several files for these sticks are available on uh biowaves, webbsite bio with a BYO.

So I’m going to share this now so they’re showing right here. We are open- sourcing, the mechanical connection mechanism for the Proteus controller. This will allow you to 3D print different components such as handles analog sticks, mounts whatever you can think of here are some examples of downloadable files. Some of these These are cool, and these are sick.

Microsoft Made the most Customizable Controller Ever

So it goes from like just fairly standard concave top analog. Stick to ball grips XL. Rest, that’s super cool, so for chins or elbows, so you can control a joystick more easily and hopefully more comfortably um ridge. Cap analog sticks, a thin grip analog, stick which could be very interesting because um, if you notice how it how it tends to flare, you might be able to attach something to this um. So you could move in like a different plane, but but have it adjust a joystick which is very cool, um control, grip, analog caps and squarehead analog sticks and by open- sourcing the mechanism they’re making it so that not only are they making these files able to Be downloaded and others able to be downloaded later, but you should be able to design your own as well, which is very cool because, as far as my understanding goes, that Community is kind of all about customizing, so being able to 3D print and design. Your own is probably going to be a pretty big deal, super cool and with the way that 3D printing materials are changing like it’s not like.

Microsoft Made the most Customizable Controller Ever

This has to be made out of just standard pla like you can you could make them actually comfortable? You know with like multimaterial printing yeah, so you can have you know a nice stiff shaft, and then you can have like a like a softer end cap and man. This is it’s one of those things that Microsoft, just I don’t I feel like doesn’t get enough attention for the fact that they do this kind of thing. I mean look they’re a soulless Corporation, let’s, let’s treat them as what they are any any company with shareholders. At the end of the day is going to look out for its bottom line. First, we know that, but can you grow up? Really I’m trying to hold it in here laugh in the background is not helpful both of get together. Oh man, um anyways anyway.

So the point is yeah: okay, they’re they’re a corporation, but I feel like this is the kind of thing that when they do, we should be paying a lot of attention to. We should give be giving them a lot of praise for absolutely because, realistically, this makes no commercial sense. The development of this it’s it’s not going to pay for itself, no um. This is legitimately about enabling Gamers and that’s super cool. I I love it yeah and to to note as well. This doesn’t replace the Adaptive controller. The Adaptive controller is wicked cool um and honestly, I could end up seeing a lot of setups that end up using both absolutely um.

Microsoft Made the most Customizable Controller Ever

The one problem that they’re run into there running both is just that it’s going to be fairly costly, um. This protus controller costs about 300 bucks um. It’S on sale, right now, actually um.

If you go to buy it, I think it’s 15 % off right now, uh. Let me see really quick yeah, so it’s it’s 15 % off right now, but uh it’ll, theoretically be 300. Bucks long run USD um, but that kind of makes sense. Cuz, it’s very complicated. I think the Xbox adaptive controller, while being super cool, is a little bit more basic um. This is a fairly complicated controller, but I like seeing stuff like this, like you said it’s unlikely to make a ton of money, it doesn’t excuse, buying up game developers and closing them um that that’s lame, but we we can hit them for that and also praise Them for this yeah cuz – this is this is great.

This is like the opposite. This is like the opposite of that. This is this, is making gaming more accessible and and friendlier yeah uh, which is something gaming needs, sometimes something on on the other end of this.

If you’re like this sounds cool, but it’s not applicable to me on the other end of this, in my opinion, I’m surprised that especially people on the pro scene don’t find more use out of things like the Proteus controller and the Adaptive controller, because if you are Able to enhance the inputs that you have MH by making it so that you can introduce your feed or or something else yeah or we, you know, bringing back our old concept of clinch to prone y yeah. I was, I was wondering you could make that work with the Adaptive controller very likely could yeah um but yeah. I I especially for games that have a huge amount of inputs.

I’M I’m a little bit surprised. You don’t see for utilization of these just for like making more competitive, yeah yeah so consider that as well. .