Regular People Aren’t Ready for AI Google

Regular People Aren’t Ready for AI Google

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Regular People Aren’t Ready for AI Google”.
Uh Google gave us back the old web search then hit it. Google has announced that it will be rolling out Gemini, infused AI Google search for all users, which includes results organized using generative AI, as well as AI overviews used to summarize topics. Google has also added a web search tab that filters out everything, but text based results, wait similar to how Google search used to work in the 90s and 2000s generative AI is s ing results which includes results, organized using generative AI? I don’t know, don’t don’t overthink the talk, the notes, sure organized using machine learning. Okay, there uh Google has also added a web search tab. Oh yep.

There we go uh, okay, so the web search tab is hidden under the more drop down menu, meaning that many users will likely never find it, but it kind of looks awesome. I was looking at the side by side in The Verge article, and I was like dang that actually looks way better. Oh because just like the the random like carousels of products and stuff are just not there. Um Google also presented uh. Google also announced updates to its AI models. Uh Gemini Nano now has multimodal capabilities, so that is like more than just text, there’s also a new lower latency Gemini 1.5 flash model, blah blah blah blah blah. Google also presented project Astra, which the company calls their vision for the future of AI assistance. At this point, I’m just going to wait.

I don’t I’m not. I don’t even Cortana Siri at some point. One of them is going to Rise Above the Rest, be legitimately useful and I’ll try it then I just I just can’t care anymore, we’re in we’re in the rapid development fight phase, which is which is fun, but if you’re, if you’re, not that interested yeah, I Would just I would, I don’t think, there’s a huge point in being lightly paying attention yeah, if it’s, if it’s not your job, to cover these things for a living, you don’t need to try Alexa AI, which I assume probably exists in a beta State somewhere in Just I don’t know, whoes um perceive live audio and video answer in real time. Blah blah blah Google slips a check to the doj. This is kind of funny. According to a motion filed by Google. This morning the company has written the federal government, a cash years’s check for triple the maximum damage is claimed in the doj’s ongoing antitrust trial triple the company now claims that these monetary damages should be considered moot. The motion also argues that the case should be presented to a judge rather than a jury both because these kinds of cases are typically decided by judges and because the case involves a complicated intricate technology ecosystem, which the doj has acknowledged is highly technical, often abstract and Outside the everyday knowledge of most prospective Jers discussion, question here is: why doesn’t Google want a jury? H, wow, you know no admission of guilt, but like hey, here’s the maximum amount of money times some multiplier that you guys might have.

Regular People Aren’t Ready for AI Google

I’M really glad that antitrust is heating up. I hope they go after Microsoft again for all the stuff, that’s going on with Windows right now. I love that they’re, going after Apple, who have just been have been given a free pass. Just for what being trendy like you guys understand there, there are, they are just as much a part of this capitalist hellscape that we’re all participating in this like post, like anything mattering, less a part of it, because they charge more other than shareholder returns.

Right, like the whole Tech, the whole Tech financing system is like broken because there’s this expectation of this explosive growth in the money that you invest into these companies and it has to come from somewhere and guess what somewhere is you apple is by Apple’s absolutely a Participant they are prime participant in this, and the fact that they were just like given a free pass because they have a cute commercial, where a trendy guy is like you’re a PC, you wear a suit like. Are you for real? I think that’s pretty old at this point but yeah I hear you uh. What is this about uh? I forget. I forget exactly what anti trust thing.

Regular People Aren’t Ready for AI Google

This was something good. I hope. Yeah yeah fu yeah .