Intel Arc A770 vs RTX 3090 — Ghost Recon Breakpoint — 1440p Ultrawide

Intel Arc A770 vs RTX 3090 — Ghost Recon Breakpoint — 1440p Ultrawide

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Intel Arc A770 vs RTX 3090 — Ghost Recon Breakpoint — 1440p Ultrawide”.
Hello and welcome to Rogue tech gaming. This is Ghost Recon breakpoint. No, it’s not a new game, but that’s not why you’re here? Well maybe it is. This is an interesting comparison between an RTX 390 and a new Intel Ark 770, which might seem like an odd comparison, because 390s are going for $ 11,000 and Ark 770s are going for $ 350.

Bear with me there’s a point here. The short version is both of these cards will play this game. We are playing in Vulcan, it wouldn’t matter as much on the 3090. If you were in directx11, the performance would be a little bit worse overall, but it would still be fine, because Nvidia is quite good at directx11. The Intel Art card is not so be aware.

You do need to run inv Vulcan a direct X12 in order to get decent performance out of the Intel R cart. What you’re watching right here is a bunch of open world running around getting ready to go to a mission. I’Ll actually show you some driving and shooting here in a second notice that our frame rate is hovering in the 75 to 80 frame per second range average. With a 1 % low around 50, you can see the real time numbers in the upper leth hand corner.

Intel Arc A770 vs RTX 3090 — Ghost Recon Breakpoint — 1440p Ultrawide

This is 1440p ultra wide, so it’s 3440 by 1440 ultimate detail. Important note, not high, not very high, not even Ultra. There is a setting, above Ultra in this game, called ultimate, and everything is cranked to the max, so an RTX 390 at 1440p ultrawide in a 2018 game. This game is 4 years old running in the optimized Vulcan. Api is barely over 60 frames per. Second, you can see right here we’re at 66 frames per second on an RTX 3090.

If you want to play AAA games of of the past couple of years at high resolution and high detail settings, you really cannot over bu your graphics card. 3090. 4090. Take your pick: it’s all well worth it now. Of course you can obviously play this game at high detail at 1440p standard and you would not need nearly this much graphics card. In fact, you can play 1440p at 1440p uh.

You can play 1440p ultrawide at high detail on a $ 350 Arc card. Let me show you some shooting here on the 390 and then we’ll jump over to the arc we’ve jumped ahead in the mission. I’Ve stolen the truck we’re going to go driving down the road we’re going to get shot at there’s going to be enemies. It’S going to be very exciting, interestingly enough, the frame rate’s not going to vary by all that much a little bit higher a little bit.

Yes, I know I hit the post, don’t don’t don’t at me, so it’ll be higher it’ll be lower depending upon where we’re at this is an interesting game that sort of seems to run run kind of the same, no matter what you’re doing yes, it can vary. Yes, I drove Offroad and over tree stumps again, don’t at me it’s not my truck. I stole it, drive it like you stole it, so you can see here we’re back to 75 frames per second, which is kind of what we were doing before it will dip lower in the 60s. It will dip higher in the 80s.

Intel Arc A770 vs RTX 3090 — Ghost Recon Breakpoint — 1440p Ultrawide

But overall it’s very playable and there’s the bad guys off to the left and there’s a car coming to intercept because we’re doing a stolen truck Mission. You know when I recorded this, I could swear that there was some shooting involved. Maybe it’s up here! I could be completely mistaken. I recorded this a couple days ago and now I’m doing a voiceover for it. I’M I’m certainly not playing it while I’m voicing it over. You cannot intelligently do that. If you’re trying to make an intelligent point, no there isn’t any shooting huh all right.

Well, let’s skip ahead again now this is the shooting part um! My apologies. I thought there was, but clearly I was thinking of a different battle. There was a battle: oh, that was a good shot, so there was a battle where I was driving down the road in a truck and I was getting shot at. It was clearly not that one. What can I say they all blend together after a while here we go, here’s some shooting, it’s all very exciting. Of course my teammates are doing the shooting, so I’m not entirely sure that that counts.

It is a beautiful game. It really is a beautiful game. Well, you’ve seen enough here on the 390. Let take a look at the art card. This is 1440p ultrawide high detail, not very high, not Ultra, not ultimate high. So technically, it’s not really high, because there’s really only medium and low below this. This is more of a medium detail. Setting that they’ve called high to make everybody feel better about themselves. Can you notice the difference? Well, here’s the interesting thing.

If you look at it side by side, you can see some differences. The trees aren’t as nice. The grass isn’t as As Nice, the textures aren’t as nice, the world’s not quite as nice, but it’s still a beautiful game. It’S fine, there’s a little more pop in there’s a little less overall detail, but it is fine notice. The frame rate we are actually had started the Benchmark at this point. I’M going to show it you anyway, cuz it’s driving down the road shooting things there we go, we just started the Benchmark.

So here’s the thing, the frame rate, is almost exactly the same. We are now playing on an Intel a770, getting about 75 frames per second with about 50ish. Well, it just jumped to 64, but it’ll drop down later getting 50ish in the 1 % low, which is almost exactly the same frame rate as the 390 was getting. So let me be clear: 1440p ultrawide, Ghost Recon breakpoint 75 frames per second $ 1,000 card versus $ 350 card. The only compromise necessary is to drop from Ultimate detail to high detail, want ultimate want the best of the best want a future go, spend 1,000 bucks and get a 3090. Are you okay, with something more reasonable? Well, the ark a770 may be just what you need now to be completely fair. You can get similar results playing on mid-range cards from AMD and Nvidia. Put a 370 TI in here put a RX, 6700 XT or 6750 XT and you’d be getting similar performance for $ 500.

Intel Arc A770 vs RTX 3090 — Ghost Recon Breakpoint — 1440p Ultrawide

A 6800 XT will actually let you go to very high and still get similar performance and have 16 gigs of vram. So that’s certainly an option as well, quick cautionary note, because I feel that the disclaimer is important to put in here. This is Vulcan, it performs great direct X12 and Vulcan games are fine on this card. Direct X1 games are not.

I am going to do a full review on this video card, but I thought you guys might appreciate this, and those of you who watch over here on this channel might appreciate being able to see some footage extended footage, not just a clip that we put into A video, but actually you know 3, four, 5, 6 minutes worth of footage. So you can actually watch The real- Time Performance and go hey that that looks good or now that doesn’t or hey that’s pretty playable by the way when you’re shooting at bad guys. It’S completely unfair to have a minigun, and I am a fan of unfairness in war because after all, if you’re going to shoot at me, I don’t particularly feel like playing Fair and yes Min guns are fun because yay they are so.

I don’t know why. I was shooting that base. It’S not even part of the target, but hey Min guns are fun.

Oh there we go. I think I got them. I do love the unlimited ammunition because that’s completely realistic, shooting 6,000 rounds of ammunition a minute, I’m sure I could fire for four or five minutes and never run out of ammo I’m in a truck. I have lots of ammo sure I do that’s that’s how trucks work work so in any case, performance is great here. There’S no issues whatsoever. You just have to be running a Vulcan or direct X12 game on the a770, and this is a really good example of how you do not need ,000 video cards in order to play awesome AAA games.

You just have to turn down the detail. Settings and yes, 1440p Ultra wide, is absolutely awesome. Well, this is the end of the mission here.

It’S a great place to stop the video. Let me know what you think down in the comment section below. I certainly appreciate you guys watching.

Let me know what you want to see next, I haven’t done much with this particular uh channel in a while I’ve just been posting over on the main Channel. This channel may get occasional updates. Just when I feel like it. I could certainly do more games like this, where I can compare the 390 and the a770 have a couple more recordings or not. Your comments and feedback are appreciate have a lovely afternoon or morning or evening wherever it is wherever you’re watching this, and I will see all of you next time. .