QIDI Vida Smart AR Glasses: The All-In-One Smart Device You Need While Sports, Cycling, Hiking

QIDI Vida Smart AR Glasses: The All-In-One Smart Device You Need While Sports, Cycling, Hiking

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “QIDI Vida Smart AR Glasses: The All-In-One Smart Device You Need While Sports, Cycling, Hiking”.
Hey guys, so these are the quiddy smart AR glasses made for sport use. They have many smart features that people haven’t experienced before in this first gen product. Let’S see how these quiddy smart AR glasses work so far, but keep in mind this pair is still a prototype, so we will mainly focus on the core functions and the value that you will get. So these are the quiddy AR smart glasses comes in this nice. Carrying case and yeah, let’s take a look inside here’s the inside, so we have some more Glass glasses inserts here. Here’S the charging cable here and here are the glasses themselves, and if you really like them, you can head over to the kickstarter campaign page to secure your early bird position. Let’S start with the overall design and build these glasses are perfect for outdoor use such as sports or other activities.

QIDI Vida Smart AR Glasses: The All-In-One Smart Device You Need While Sports, Cycling, Hiking

They can help you with visibility outdoors and protect you from the harmful Sun. The lens piece at the front is an a inss z80.3. So it’s strong enough to withstand any impacts and the front doesn’t give off any Reflections. Now between the outer lens and our eyes, there are two pieces of wave guide modules where you can see the info projected on them.

The screens seem to look 5 m away from our eyes when it is projected the nose pads are adjustable, but they also have many sensors housed inside of them and coming to the front, there are the UV and light sensors along with a 60 MB camera. It also saves a lot of space in such a limited form factor, so with all of these new things in the glasses. How is the Comfort level first off? The whole set only weighs 59 G and it is nicely balanced, so you won’t feel the glasses weighing down on your nose. Secondly, the legs are slightly thicker and there is a silicone coating on the surface, so I can’t feel any friction at all. Lastly, the nasal brackets can be adjusted at any angle that you want.

QIDI Vida Smart AR Glasses: The All-In-One Smart Device You Need While Sports, Cycling, Hiking

There are also holes at the end of the legs to attach any straps for added safety. The glasses feature automatic, brightness adjustment. So once you put the glasses on it will help to decide the best brightness of the screen in that particular moment in the environment and when the glasses are up and working.

You can see a very colorful and bright screen right in front of your eyes with a Max brightness of 2,500 knits. So you can see everything when you are outside in the daytime or at night, in order to control the glasses or navigate the functions that you want. You can either use your voice or the tracking ball at the right leg. The tracking ball is also better than other physical buttons, since you won’t need to remember where the buttons are.

These both make. It super easy to use and navigate on the screen. You can see your heart rate, blood oxygen levels and with the rtk and GPS support, you can also get complete navigation, amongst other amazing features. For example, if you are running or cycling with your team, you can also check you and your teammates positions and do a realtime call together. You can even customize the info that you want to show on the screen and place them in the positions that you want. So, overall, this feature combo will Empower Sports enthusiasts and professional athletes to improve their performances.

QIDI Vida Smart AR Glasses: The All-In-One Smart Device You Need While Sports, Cycling, Hiking

You can also ask the glasses, or with a simple press, take any photos or videos without opting out of the navigation with the included 60 MB camera on the front of the lens. You can even take phone calls on them without the hazard of getting hurt when using a phone on the move, and they also have super highquality sound with the speakers on each end of the legs. It even has sensors that can detect the environment’s changes and to alert you of things like weather conditions or body statuses, to change to avoid further damages. Last but not least, it has eim support, so you can really use them to make phone calls without a phone and whenever you want to go out for a ride or a run, these glasses are the only smart devices that you will need, so these glasses are Currently, in a Kickstarter campaign, so if you are interested in them, you can check out the link below and look for more see.

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