Linus Calls Out Intel

Linus Calls Out Intel

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Calls Out Intel”.
Intel rebukes motherboard makers over fixes for Intel’s, unstable CPUs. We’Ve also got some AOL. Lake leaks and AMD stealing CPU market share, I just didn’t, say, steal they earned it, but anyway, that’s my headline here after Intel didn’t publicly take action concerning recent widespread reports of 14th gen processors, causing game crashes and blue screens of death on around April 20th, Asus Released a bios update with an Intel based line profile which turned down various performance boosting settings this week Intel spoke up to tell users not to use such profiles from motherboard makers. Instead, Intel wants you to use the Intel default settings profile instead, as it involves a combination of thermal and power delivery, features with a selection of possible power delivery profiles based on the specific motherboard’s capabilities.

Broadly, the motherboard maker profiles did seem to help with the stability issues, but it came at a performance cost. Intel’S guidance seems to be geared towards allowing users to regain some of that lost performance. Intel is now demanding that by May 31st, motherboard makers release bios updates with Intel’s default settings profile as the default. I can’t believe this has taken this long to come to a head, but aren’t they also saying that doesn’t fix it because the the performance uh? What is it multi-core, enhancement, uh default thing, controversy or like conflict between Intel and motherboard? Manufacturers has been going back for like the better part of a decade at this point, and it was. It was bound to happen at some point that some kind of performance boosting profile of some sort was going to cause instability because it it all. It has always been overclocking to run anything but Intel’s default behavior for the CPU, and I just. I can’t believe that it took this long. It took it, took Intel ending up with egg on their face over the instability of the not Intel default profile for them. To finally say: look, you actually can’t do this anymore and I’m willing to bet that this lasts one generation and then immediately in order for mother wordo manufacturers to try to differentiate their product from each other they’re going to go back to putting whatever the most aggressive Profile they can probably get away with on the majority of CPUs is, and we’re going to be back to this whole song and dance until this happens again like there’s just absolutely oh yeah, no way that it’s not going to just keep happening, oh yeah, and to Be clear, I don’t even really I don’t even really blame the motherboard manufacturers here.

Linus Calls Out Intel

Obviously they’re going to they’re going to push the limits of whatever Intel will allow them to do and they’re going to try and differentiate their product. I I lean toward blaming Intel theame. They play yeah if they want to be competitive, they have to do that.

Linus Calls Out Intel

Yeah they’re, not setting the rules. I mean look like what it is. If, if man, if intel, wanted motherboard manufacturers to differentiate their products, they they didn’t have to consolidate every single function onto the onto the CPU and under the chipset they might have, they might have not tried to take all the margin for themselves. In the motherboard I mean that was an option to be clear. There were performance advantages to some of those moves like moving the integrated memory controller onto the CPU, to simplify the motherboard, make it more performant.

Linus Calls Out Intel

But it’s just: it’s been a it’s been a trend from Intel for a very long time to squeeze motherboard manufacturers and it’s become harder and harder for them to differentiate, and so they’re going to do what they got to do. They they got to do what they got to do and if intel doesn’t like it well then they’re going to have to lay down the law and if they haven’t laid down the law, then this is going to happen. This is around and find out. It’S that simple um one can only hope that Intel’s upcoming AOL Lake desktop CPUs won’t suffer the same issues on top of having no hyperthreading and allegedly terrible names uh.

This is this is pretty funny yeah here we go. Um NextGen, desktop CPUs have reportedly leaked AOL. Lake core Ultra 200 series uh same core counts as Raptor Lake refresh, but fewer threads okay hold on where’s my where’s, my branding.

Here we go uhuh so um sure I don’t know why the shoot! Why not just I mean why Ultra? Why not just an can we just have, I don’t know like a nine? Can we just have some continuity here? Why do we go from 9 to 8 from 0 0 to 5 14 to2? I understand because this is this. Is the the generation processor generation yeah, but why did we move everything down? One or maybe maybe two so a 600 class product becomes a four class product or don’t I can’t even begin to follow along with this uh AMD. Had a new naming scheme, allegedly new naming scheme, allegedly maybe leak on asus’s site that looked just as bad as Intel’s, if not worse, cuz they shoehorned AI into all the processor names.

So it was like ryzen 9 Ai and then they switched to a uh. They switched to a three letter or a three digigit numbering scheme as well, and it just it was utterly un, just un indecipherable. I I I couldn’t even uh that has not been confirmed to be real.

We should do. We should do product naming consultation. I’D be happy to they wouldn’t want they; no, they wouldn’t want our advice, though you just You’ just call it CPU we’d be no.

I wouldn’t we’d be that would be all stupid. Yes, we’d be advising them on how to make it. This is CPU w. We also sell CPU 2 and three sorry keep going W CPU.

Okay, our naming is bad too for very different reasons. Okay, may maybe don’t do naming consultation. I think we could do better than them. I think anybody could yeah In fairness to me. I wasn’t involved just way too literal.

We are pretty literal backpack. I mean we’re not wrong. It’S a backpack screwdriver. It is a screwdriver. It doesn’t even call itself ratcheting screwdriver, just screwdriver, it’s a screwdriver.

It’S it’s! You know what you’re getting you do. Yeah, it’s better! Yeah, sorry, I just don’t know how much it leans. On marketing I mean look: we’ve had some more fun stuff. Lately: okay, there’s the faas zip up: Hoodie FaZe I like faas, okay, um; okay, that’s that’s pretty literal um zet! Okay! We’Ve got 100 %; cotton t-shirt.

The Steve turtleneck okay, this is actually a pretty solid mover. That’S fairly marketing yeah good on okay Marino, t-shirt. Okay, stop stop! Looking at those names, um fan, okay, wag hoodie is pretty good. I named that one that one’s good that is good. I named that one. The uncle line is Hoodie okay, but that was that was from a video.

I don’t know if that’s fair J that was literally actually a joke. Um H, this is not going to be better Lou. I didn’t mean to start this. Lounge pants are all right added Pro to this. I think no, no! I added premium to this one that that was my contribution to the name of that. Okay, these are so the premium Sports joggers better than the track.

Joggers cuz the track. Joggers aren’t premium you, the Dropout has a really cool name doesn’t sell at all, but people love it. I wish people. The Dropout sweater is like one of the comfiest sweaters. I think I’ve ever had and people don’t know that yeah cuz, they can’t try it. I know retail retail is a is a heck of a thing like buying clothes.

At retail. I get it yeah, it’s tough to buy them online, cuz, you’re basic the same way, you’re buying it blindly. I I get it I just. I wish people had the opportunity to try it because it’s very much like a comfy like nice, a little bit more Hefty sweater, it’s nice, it’s good! I enjoy it and I don’t like pullovers, but I like that sweater AMD has hit a recck high in x86. Desktop and server market share, which is good, cuz, apparently their GPU gaming, business and custom. Not cooking business is not going so good, but this man, this looks incredible in servers. Their revenue share is 33 % and that’s on a unit share of only 23.6. So that means that they are killing Intel at the highend for Server Like crushing them. That’S crazy, not even close right yeah! I I where is where? Where is this topic? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just uh, oh you’re, just looking at stuff, I’m looking at this right here. Look at it go woo wow number, Gober, yeah, think’s a little less hot. On the desktop side, I feel I love how them D – oh, but this is server market share, so it’s not just AMD and Intel yeah. No, this is x86.

Oh, I see X6. So I love how them killing. It is still being a third of the market. Well, yeah, but I mean you got to compared to some historical record.

That is crazy and you got to remember too, like only part of the decision of which CPU to procure is which one is better. A huge part of it is long-term contracts. A huge huge part of it is production capacity like as an as an end user. Okay, you would look at the marketing for someone like a mouse pad Factory in China which that they have marketing you’d.

Look at the marketing and go well that’s stupid, because it’ll be full of things like what their production capacity is on a monthly basis and you’re sitting there going yeah, but are they good do? Do you make anything good depending on the buyer? That may not be their top priority because they just need mouse pads and, if and and the factory that they’re working with May simply not have enough capacity of mouse pads and so at. A certain point like AMD can only buy so much of tsmc’s finite capacity and at a certain point, supply and demand. If everyone tries to buy it, it will drive up the price to the point where oh well, hey Intel’s products, not looking that bad anymore Intel. Meanwhile, has their own production capacity, so they effectively get to sell every chip that AMD can’t make, and it will be that way for the foreseeable future.

Um, that is until AMD, can get more production capacity from Intel’s Foundry business that’ll be an interesting day, we’ll see how that goes. Ever since I talked about how I I like Intel’s long-term plan, their stock has dropped considerably. I still like their long-term plan, but I made it very clear at that time.

This is investment advice. I made it very clear at that time that it was a long-term play that I liked long-term play fox in a box says: oh yeah, so forget contracts and availability. What about just Comfort people buy based on Brands all the time that was an lmg clip that went up actually shortly before the W show. Today, from last week, where I talked about not being fans but man, people people buy what they’re comfortable with and you’re fans at different levels and fox in a box says at my company. We buy more Intel servers because we have Intel servers and we don’t have issues so we will buy more of them, which honestly in a lot of situations, is a mostly good enough reason when it comes to technology and how fast moving it is, maybe less so. But when you’re dealing with like trying to convince people that are doing purchasing decisions for a huge range of things and that that just happens to be one part of it yeah, I don’t know .