Dan and the Flaming Car

Dan and the Flaming Car

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Dan and the Flaming Car”.
This is why I’m supposed to stay behind the desk is your fault. This is your fault. Flo plane are. We are we’re gone again, maybe I’m still showing. If chat can hear me when we’re live and it’s working, you got to spam oooo and when it dies you got to spam FS.

I want all of the Chats on all the platforms to go as fast as possible when I’m at my computer. Normally I ping 8888 right ping 888. This is this. That’S my keep alive. Your keep alive is now oooo ooo. This is Mechanical Turk for for for DNS, uh pings, it’s it’s kind of working.

Dan and the Flaming Car

It is working. We’Re have very effective status checks in all of the chats that I can see real time. It’S a lot faster than ping. All of the chats I can see are just ooo right now and it’s Global, which means we’re working yeah, yeah yeah, exactly it’s! It’S a it’s a way to communicate with all of the places that we’re streaming. Well, my heart rate’s up, so I’m enjoying this. There was one of the sponsor spots earlier I started cracking up because um it was like uh aonis, I’m going to give you guys another shout out. I guess it says. According to a study by cyber security Ventures, a Cyber attack took place every 39 seconds last year.

Dan and the Flaming Car

Trust me being hacked is not fun and I was like it’s kind of fun. This is not it’s not a suggestion. Please don’t do it. I certainly had fun yeah, but we had a wonderful time as long as there’s no like permanent damage. It can be an exciting experience, yeah. We we were talking about that and, like that, uh that rise to action that happens almost immediately.

Did I ever tell you the story about the car that was set on fire outside of my house? No, but everyone’s still spamming ooo. So I know we’re still good. So please tell me nice um, I mean well when we got hacked both of us like immediately jumped into action, and it was kind of like oh okay go um and almost like detrimentally kind of activated. I guess um, but you know i’ I’d met a couple. Friends at you University and I was driving them back to my place for the first time kind of, like you know, new budding friendships and like all right, we’re going to come, hang out and as I’m pulling like up my street and into my driveway, there’s kind Of like a fire down at the end of the road, which is weird like a big fire in the street, it’s kind of down over a hill, and so I didn’t even think like. I just stopped the car and got out and then just ran down the street.

Dan and the Flaming Car

I didn’t even say anything to like the two people who I’m with I’m like I, I was like casual friends with these people uh, and this was like the first experience. Oh, we G to go hang out with Dan and he’s just the fire he just leaves, and so I start sprinting down the street and I get over the top of this hill and like okay. So it’s a car set on fire and I Sprint up to it and there’s this poor woman there who is obviously freaking out um, and I just basically because I understand in the bystander effect people just freeze and what you’re supposed to do is you’re supposed to Tell people what to do MH and for me it was like call 911 um, but like she was on the phone and I just kept like pointing and yelling at her uh. Are you talking to 911 or like? Are you talking to the police or something like that, and so this this guy it was night, so this guy just comes running down the the hill and starts get starts? Are you on the phone? Are you are you calling the police? Are you calling? The police are you calling the police and uh, so I’m pretty sure that she might have been freaked out a little bit uh. The thing is that this car was not hers uh, it had most likely been dumped there and Abandoned and set on fire after, like a murder.

So not only that is someone screams down her street dumps, a car sets it on fire and then, like a few minutes later, this random stranger comes hurdling down the street anyway yeah so uh, maybe don’t scream at people who are in a crisis who have already Done the thing that they need to maybe not the greatest idea uh, but I I will bring attention again to that. My entire screen is just various chat, spamming, oooo um. Why do you do this, which I’m enjoying very thoroughly uh? Usually I I don’t like it when people just Spam chat super hard, no, but right now, while we’re still trying to figure out like what even just happened, it is kind of useful to have like very upto-date real time, information based on if people are receiving the Stream or not my my favorite, is the IM Emoji, just the single I Emoji wo I’ll post that in chat it’ll disappear immediately.
