Change is on the Horizon (OS)

Change is on the Horizon (OS)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Change is on the Horizon (OS)”.
An open Future is on the horizon, get it cuz, that’s the name of the operating system. Uh meta is opening its Quest. Vr headset software now called Horizon OS to third-party devices. Meta has already uh included three official Partners planning to planning on creating Horizon OS based headsets, including a gaming Focus device from Asus, a learning Focus device from Lenovo and a limited edition. Meta quest in collaboration with Xbox meta apparently wants its OS to become the Android of virtual reality. A major benefit for users is the ability to bring profile information across devices and device manufacturers and cross-device compatible programs and games. Uh Adam thinks a major downside for users is the ability for meta to track even more of you uh, which is I’m sure, 100 % of the reason why they want to do this.

Change is on the Horizon (OS)

Does that seems like the reason anybody does anything these days? Oh, we released this new pair of software. It’S and free. We get all the informations uh discussion question. Would a default platform shared between various headsets be a boon to VR? Do we trust Zuckerberg to be the man with the plan uh? What’S in it for Mark? After the mediocre launch of the Vision, Pro is meta feeling, bullish or bearish on the VR Market as a whole. What about you a lot of questions? Actually, that is a lot of questions. Computer tethered, guy yeah, my head sets a screen. One of the reasons I switched to the index over the the uh – I still call it the cv1 cuz. I was a dk1 boy been there from the start, yeah get in there for the dev stuff too yeah uh is because the lighthouse system is a little bit more open to third party trackers and like tracking and things like that than maybe a closed system or Even inside out right um, but I mean I would like to see the software at least being a little more open um. I don’t even see why the headsets couldn’t just be like tethered headsets, but you would attach a computer module to the headset. So you kind of have like headset driving companies and then maybe also headset display companies uh, like the index, had a plug on the top, and I could just pop a Oculus Android phone yeah.

Change is on the Horizon (OS)

So it’s really turning into like computer and monitor yeah. Instead of all in one device, yeah yeah, I like the idea of like uh Someone putting a sticker on their headset. That’S, like my other, my other VR headset. Is a computer, monitor yeah yeah.

I mean that makes sense a lot of the good stuff uh yeah. I think they’re shared between, I think I think they’re bearish right and I think, seems like it. I think a lot of people maybe have been moving away from games, because developing games for VR is really hard. It’S a very limited platform.

You don’t really have too much that you can do uh in the space and then productivity like. Is that better, better uh? You know I’ve got this here. My head is unencumbered apart from some headphones and I do know people all of the people that I know that kept their apple Vision, Pros, mhm, uh and especially the people that I know that are happy with them – are people that travel a lot and work while They travel, I think, that’s reasonable and and travel might even be very expensive productivity tool. What are your productivity gains versus uh um? The amount that you’ve spent on it like? Are you making x amount of dollars more than you would or is it for fun or is it for writing? Like I don’t know, I think there’s got to be a little bit of tech. Passion involved, MH um, but I think you’ve got the if you’ve got the tech passion and you can excuse it as like a productivity for work/ business expense. I think those you want to sell it to yourself.

I guess yeah yeah I can. I can certainly see that I think if I had the disposable income and needed that use case, then you know maybe I would buy it. I still haven’t gotten to try it um. It seems to have disappeared, but I don’t know just spatial Computing is a a concept.

Change is on the Horizon (OS)

I’M not sure it’s an interesting one, uh Avery Studio says: are they using it, while in the middle of traveling yeah totally, you use it on a plane right on a on a plane passenger seat in a car, something like that train yeah in an automobile yeah Um um people are definitely using them. I just I think it’s a lot less common than obviously, when it first came out um, maybe it’s kind of settled into its like 600, more hardcore users who are actually going to get some use out of it than yeah. Maybe getting it and seeing that it’s a toy unless you actually really want to use it like a super powerful computer, is a good toy, a $ 4,000 $ 5,000 computer to play games on very expensive toy right, yes, yeah as a productivity tool. Also, pretty expensive can be reasonably productive on a laptop, but it’s better to be productive on a desktop. So maybe that’s the kind of comparison and there’s also some privacy benefits absolutely uh. If you’re on a plane, um and you’re, not in like first class cuz, you didn’t feel like uh remortgaging your house to fly somewhere.

You could have bought two Vision, Pros, yeah, exactly uh. Then then other people might be able to see your screen and, depending on what you’re working on that might actually not be okay, you might want to protect your slash fiction. You know yeah all that sort of stuff totally nobody wants to see your weird Harry Potter, stuff. I got to buy a Vision Pro.

You know that kind of thing – hey yeah, if it if it helps the productivity of of uh of that then yeah. Why not um? How about a bike? I don’t know man, I don’t think you can take those on planes. I I think they they meant using it while you’re on a bike uh, I think. Maybe if it’s a tandem bike and you’re in the back, you could make it work.

I think what it’s 12 milliseconds of delay, something like that. Maybe I’m sure you could find a way to bike around with it. Maybe once the fov gets better, I’m waiting for glasses for me super high quality AR glasses, we’re not there yet but yeah. That’S where I’m okay with like all right now, I’m going to consider glasses being a productivity tool right. My biggest thing right now is it’s it’s something that’s going to go in your face, so if you want wide market adoption, it needs to not be really ugly. I think for me, I, like the uh, like the solidar, the solidity of physical objects right um when I’m being productive or I’m working on stuff. The last thing I want to be uh separating my brain into is the management of my environment m right.

So I’m working on things and then suddenly there’s a window here, but I need it over here or something like that with a mouse. It’S really easy to just um, but now kind of I’m dealing with floating windows and they have to be in 3D space and I have to manipulate them and now I’m trying to conceptualize where my productivity is going, and maybe you would get used to that. So this is kind of it’s very new um. You know I can do that on a computer, maybe less experienced users struggle with that right have no idea. If this is a thing or not, so I might be talking about a thing that already exists, but something that you might like is if someone made an app where you could set up like a workspace and you could have multiple workspaces and then the things within That workspace are contained to that like plane.

You know what I haven’t seen yet, which would be amazing for inside out and like the Oculus and even the Vision Pro stuff like that is just fiducial markers yeah. You know uh. This is where my computer marker, this is where my computer monitor. Is you just put a little Q code, fiducial marker thing on the desk, and now it is there or you know you put it on a coaster.

You get you get a coaster like this yeah AR things are already a thing. We’Ve already got the AR uh amiibo things as well. Uh computer monitor right there and then it’s just there. You want to move it a bit. You just interact with a physical object. Right, not everything has to be digital, that’d be kind of neat yeah and you could still you could represent it in virtual reality, with something that looks a little bit better with just like a like command orb or something near that area.

So you know where to reach to grab it, even if it’s full Dive Right um, but if you’re doing some AR stuff, then yeah, then you can just see the coaster. I guess I mean that kind of works already with the. U you know index and individual trackers and things like that they are represented. So I don’t know yeah.

Maybe po ball marker yeah, I like that use whatever you want. Yeah Pokeball marker. I don’t know. Mys Nial said that I don’t sure sure I mean you could change it to whatever you want. .