How to Change Color of Excel Gridlines or Remove Them

How to Change Color of Excel Gridlines or Remove Them

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How to Change Color of Excel Gridlines or Remove Them”.
In this Excel video we’re going to look at how to change the color of the grid lines in Excel and even how to remove them completely if you want to let’s get started so here I am in an Excel, spread, sheeet a toy inventory and you can See that some of the cells are outlined in a little bit darker color than the grid lines, and then we have the typical gray grid lines throughout the rest of the sheet. Let’S look at some of the gridline color options that we have. There are people that have trouble seeing certain colors and if you have trouble seeing these gray, gridline colors you’re going to want to change those other people just prefer different colors, even though they can see the gray. So if you want to change the default gridline color, one way to do that is just go here to file and select options and in the advanced options you can browse down almost to the bottom and you’ll find this option show grid lines, grid line color. So if you want to you can change that from Gray or automatic to let’s say: dark: blue click. Okay and now the grid lines show up in a different color, now notice. If I open a new spreadsheet, the new spreadsheet does not have that default color. So the grid line color that you set up is based on the sheet that you’re working on. So that’s one way to change grid line colors and, as you can see, it applies to all of the grid lines on a specific sheet. Now why do these show up darker? Because they were already set up here in this dropdown menu to be thick outside borders and so Excel automatically makes them darker or thicker speaking of this option here of font borders? That is another way that you can change the grid line colors. You could go here to the Home tab in the font group, look for the borders button and then go down here and choose line color and select a line, color, maybe orange, and then you can draw a border grid.

So I can now click and drag and select a range, and the grid Lines within that range will turn orange. Okay. So far, we’ve looked at two different ways to change the grid line colors in Excel one that applies to the entire sheet and then another. That applies to whatever range you draw out, I’m going to undo that second, one by holding control and tapping Z, because I want you to see that there are times and situations in which you may want to just hide all grid lines. To do that, you would go to the view Tab and in the show group you should see grid lines and just uncheck that and now all of the grid lines have disappeared, except for the ones that I established using this borders menu I’m going to put the Grid lines back in just to point out that it is also possible to have the grid lines in most of the spreadsheet, be hidden, but not in specific areas that you choose to do that.

How to Change Color of Excel Gridlines or Remove Them

I’M going to select all of my worksheet by holding control and tapping a that selects everything, but I want to now deselect the parts where I want to keep the grid lines so I’ll hold, control, again click and drag to deselect. The ranges that I don’t want the grid lines to disappear from so with those selected I’m now going to rightclick anywhere in the selected area and I’ll choose format, cells and I’ll click on the border. Tab, I’m going to select a color here, how about white and then I’ll make sure that I’ve clicked on outline and inside click. Okay and now all of my grid lines in the selected area have disappeared while keeping the grid lines in the other areas. So those are some of the options we have for changing the gridline colors or even removing them completely thanks for watching.

How to Change Color of Excel Gridlines or Remove Them

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How to Change Color of Excel Gridlines or Remove Them

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