Im really getting tired of this.. – Reddit React EP9

Im really getting tired of this.. - Reddit React EP9

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Im really getting tired of this.. – Reddit React EP9”.
You know it’s been over two months since I have been in the battle station subreddit, I’m eager to see if there are any new and exciting setups that will Tickle My Fancy. So I say we take a quick [ Applause. ] peek. Do you also feel slow and on edge when this happens pun intended? Ever since I started using Opera as my main browser, my workflow has almost doubled in Pace. It has all relevant features built right into it, for instance Arya their browser AI. It cannot only answer any question, you ask it, but you can also highlight words and phrases on any website and get either a translation or brief explanation of whatever you highlighted.

Im really getting tired of this.. - Reddit React EP9

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Im really getting tired of this.. - Reddit React EP9

At the same time, time is money and, if you like me, you’d want to save your time so go ahead and click. My link below to try out Opera for free – and let me know which feature is your favorite. In the comment section down below and right after bat, we have a seal of a approval setup Eric starting off the show, literally at the top of the page, which is awesome to see uh. This was posted 20 hours ago.

It’S got 1.3k votes. We are literally starting off at the top um. To be honest, I’m not surprised to see a seal worthy setup on the front page of Reddit looks like this was taken before he got the seal uh.

Im really getting tired of this.. - Reddit React EP9

This was actually one of the photos in the submission itself. Uh, it would have been cool to see an updated picture with the seal of approval on the shelf, and no that is not a seal of approval on the top left. I thought it was at first, but it’s actually uh some sort of Music Award. I just can’t get enough of that awesome custom frame that you’re dad welded for the shelves and the desk that was seriously big brain and my voice is cracking already. We we just started, we we just started.

As always, it’s awesome to see a uh seal of approval setup on the um Reddit battle station. What is going on my voice today right, underneath that we have a setup that is using a Kyoto monochrome, tourus mouse pad. That is awesome we’re off to a great start. You guys I’m really happy that that puts a smile on my face, seeing one of my pads uh showcased on the um, the battle station subreddit.

I believe this user is also a part of the Discord server. I think I’ve seen this setup uh circulating in the setups Channel, but definitely loving the vibe of the setup very earthy, very natury cozy. I guess uh K management could definitely use some improvements um.

I think it would have been cooler or better to Route the cable. Alongside the bottom, the shelf and then maybe route it on the left side, because you can, you can clearly see it from the right and I’m not sure about this loose cable going down the PC case, but other than that I mean it. It looks like an awesome, looks like an awesome setup, so this one’s posted 23 days ago, I hate wires 4.2k votes wow.

I love that we got another floating. It looks like another floating desk setup um. I would have to assume that the cables are around through the wall and underneath the desk.

That’S what one of the things I hate about. Reddit is uh or the battle station subreddit is that you can only post one picture. Unfortunately, this subreddit has been out how many years and we don’t have an option for a carousel or like a montage of pictures.

I just I don’t I don’t get it. But yes from what I can see. I mean the setup looks clean, AF um. Even the cables from the PC aren’t visible in the corner, W you definitely either photoshoop the cables or he spent a good time, routing them precisely fantastic setup.

Warm gang, assemble. This setup looks somewhat familiar. I feel like this person has been on setup Wars or I have reacted to a different version of the setup before um the Symmetry. My Lord you we got, we got to stop here for a second and just appreciate the Symmetry.

Can we drop? Can we drop a line like directly in the center and see if this guy actually put in the effort to make everything symmetrical because it seems like it is at least to My Naked Eyes? We got stands on both sides for his little plants. There are three plants on each stand and two items underneath like he put the attention to detail, I got to respect that. I got to point that out even the freaking pictures on the wall, I mean the lamps this. This is.

This is amazing. This is so beautiful to look at even the stuff on the Shelf guys check that out. We got speakers on both ends and then three items on both sides. What what appears to be like a bell in the center, this guy’s, a symmetry God. My Lord, I can look at this ol day, honestly, always that a little display on the bottom, that’s so cool! Oh, that’s! Genius! That’S actually genius, there’s only really two ways to do a dual setup with this. If you want to maintain symmetry number, one is, if you have to stack another monitor on top, which it looks like he doesn’t have the space for that.

So a second option is to find something smaller and put it underneath the made monitor for reference, material or or notes like that, and he definitely took the smarter choice so fantastic, fantastic. I think this might even be seal worthy if he uh. If he comes on the show built, if you’re watching this video toss us submission man, we love to see you wow this one. This one looks interesting. I have questions. My first thought is: that’s an aquarium sitting next to his electronics, but then, when you think about it, logically, it can’t be an aquarium.

That’S just these very Brave, to put liquid next to his electronics. So it has to be a mineral PC, but I don’t see any components like where are the components unless these are the components in the back um. I I don’t know what I’m looking at. I have to go in the comment section to confirm, because that does not look like a mineral PC. It’S an aquarium, I’m so lost. I don’t know. What’S powering this monitor uh, it has to be like a laptop or something tucked away. Maybe the PC is underneath the desk actually, but I’ve never seen an aquarium. This close to electronics, this guy is definitely Brave wow. This looks good wow. This looks clean 18 days ago, 2.8k votes. My room is ready perfect for a snowy day. I love those panels. Um, it’s hurting my eyes that the Shelf is not centered, but I get it. You know you got a you got a window on the top right, but from this distance it looks nice, it looks. It looks cozy for froto a lower of the Rings inspired battle.

Ation, this reminds me of that one dude who had like the Lord Of The Wings Shields and armors bro. I forget which video that was from, but he had the same type of setup and like wall deor, these two must be cousins or something can you imagine bringing a girl over and asking her if she wants to see his big sword? Imagine bringing over a girl and showing her your big shiny sword. That is one one lucky girl, minimalistic setup anything I could add 1.5k votes 11 days ago, um yeah I mean it’s clean. Obviously you definitely need a mouse pad.

I just. I could already hear that noise of the mouse scraping against the uh the desk. Could I put possibly interest you in a Tech Source mouse pad. We have a new website by the way.

In case you missed the announcement techsource, we added a bunch of cool featur features like filtering. You have an all-white setup, so we can filter by white, for example, and you can check out all the pads that we have in that specific color. Personally, for your setup, I do recommend going with toppo white V2, our top seller or cyber white. I think cyber white will look better because we have a bit of um subtle black accents in there as well other than that honestly.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe a bit of greenery to add that splash of color, but if you’re into that monochrome color scheme like I am of course, oh, you know what do have Greenery up there. That does not look green at all looks like you adjusted the saturation, but I could be wrong, but other than that, maybe you can add some stuff to personalize it because right now, there’s nothing that separates this setup from someone else that decides to copy it like. When I look at the setup, I don’t know anything about you, okay, what Incarnation I can’t tell which one’s the primary display. Why would you have a 49 in on the side like that? This is just not optimal.

I would have to assume that the smaller display is your primary. That’S literally the only thing that’s in front of you, and then you got this super ultra white. This guy is afraid of stacking displays. Um, I don’t even want to get into the uh.

The vertical monitor on the side, that’s hanging for dear life, like what possessed you to go with a monitor layout like this. It’S just so bizarre looks like the speakers are also blocked off by the monitors, there’s literally nothing on the surface of the desk, I’m always against putting the keyboard and mouse in a drawer. I just feel like your hands are at an awkward angle.

You don’t have enough space for your wrists, but you know to each their own. I guess, unfortunately, the PC is being blocked off, but you know I feel, like that’s the least of this guy’s worries if this layout works for you by all means man more power to you, but this is this: does not look functional whatsoever, see how much better This looks by adding some green plants, like obviously he’s going for mostly a monoc cream monoc cream. That’S a cool color scheme, monoc cream. Obviously he was going with a monoch cream. I said it again. Obviously, he’s going with a monoch chrome, themed setup, but adding a splash of green in there gives it a nice cozy, Vibe and – and I love this – I don’t know if there has been any adjustment to the saturation.

It seems like the rest of the setup is desaturated on purpose, but um it looks clean. I like it that monzer looks awfully familiar. I think he’s using the bolo monzer, which is the same one.

I used in the more recent setup makeover which you guys will see in a week or so um. This is hands down one of the best risers I’ve used, because it’s a modular design, you can add accessories to it and just by looking at the photo, it looks like he added a stand in the middle to hold his portable display. Phenomenal awesome pick whoa. What’S this complete wooden dual desk PC, I haven’t seen one of these on here. In forever we got a desk PC custom made. It looks like super ultra r as a primary and another 27in up top for an overhead um wow.

That’S a pretty sick system. Building a PC inside the desk is not easy. I’Ve been there, but building an entire desk yourself is actually even more impressive. I wonder how The Thermals are in here. Oh wait. We have a hardware info monitor on the top wow, that’s cool, that is cool.

Here’S a really cool closet setup, only 340 upbs. That is embarrassing for this subreddit, like cool setups, like these, don’t get enough recognition I feel like, but then you put a setup inside of a damn truck and all of a sudden you have 50,000 votes and you’re on the top makes no sense. We got to show some more appreciation with these types of setups like that is so freaking clean. Come on definitely deserves more than 340 Vats.

Like let’s be realistic here we got a floating corner desk, perfect width of the entire room. We got brackets on the bottom for support and some shelves up there to support the Funko Pop collection. It’S it’s got personality. It’S clean, excellent, Cable Management. I mean I’m just I’m disappointed man, I’m disappointed. This is such a clean and awesome setup. It’S a dual setup too. Look at looks like one side is for the PC and the other side is for watching content, maybe console gaming and he’s got a sick, clean PC in the corner as well.

Why aren you guys voting on setups like these come on? I got a feeling the DC Fanboys downvoted, this setup on purpose. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me even though this has been posted 23 days ago? It’S got almost the same amount of votes as that awesome closet setup like if this isn’t the perfect representation of the battle station subreddit. I don’t know what is man’s using a freaking potty training toilet seat. As his chair Lord, I think my daughter has that same exact toilet seat for potty training whoa, that is cool, that is cool, 234 votes. Why this is such an epic setup? Look at that! That’S clean! I love it. Quad moniters, the top display, could have been flipped upside down to minimize bezels blah blah whatever.

But I mean it’s, it’s such a clean setup, no cables in sight. We have a small form factor, build on the side, a bit of lighting. I mean I’m, I’m just confused, I’m legitimately confused.

What does it take to be on the top? What does it take to get at least a thousand votes on here? I feel like this. Subreddit has really died in the past year or so um. Let me know in the comment section, if you guys agree or disagree, but honestly, I just feel like the community has taken a big dip after Co was over, which is sad to see, because this place used to have so many unique and inspiring setups and used To be so active in the past, but now now it’s a mess.

We crowned our home lab gaming rig and work laptop dock into an old TV, Al Cove, it’s cozy. What purpose is this? Even for? Oh, my God, there’s no leg room, it’s not functional there. There’S no way this is an actual setup. We started off so great. We started off at a high and honestly as as I’m scrolling down so does the quality of the setups right like this type of setup, is perfect for maybe monitoring security cameras. It’S not an actual functional setup where you have to sit in front of it.

212 votes all right. Well. On that note, I’m going to be leaving the battle station for another few months um.

Hopefully we can get some nice submissions before I come back. Thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll see you very soon in the next one. .