Pokemon — Collector’s Edition Unboxing — Flygon EX vs Scizor EX — Former Member Exclusive

Pokemon — Collector's Edition Unboxing — Flygon EX vs Scizor EX — Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Pokemon — Collector’s Edition Unboxing — Flygon EX vs Scizor EX — Former Member Exclusive”.
Hello and welcome to rogue tech gaming, i’m your host muse and today we’ll be relieving some pokemon cards of their packaging. I’Ve got a couple of pokemon ex boxes here, flygon and scissor. Each one has four booster packs. Each booster pack has 10 cards one energy. That’S a total of 80 cards, we’ll be adding to tech’s family arsenal and hopefully we’ll be sleeving up some rares for them today, along with their respective foils and oversized foils. Of course, before we get to our deck building and battling be sure to check the links in the video description to amazon and ebay for everything that we talk about here, today’s video is brought to you by urcd keys, the best source for windows, 10 and office. Professional product keys at deeply discounted prices more details at the end of the video now to rip into the flygon box.

Just kidding i’ll, be very aware of these beautiful and delicate cards. They put this in here in a way, that’s very interesting to try to get it out without bending the card, because you kind of have to the way it’s you know pushed in there, um and actually the cards are already bent in there. Look at that totally already bent our one guaranteed special card that doesn’t want to leave the box. Oh this, poor guy! Oh no! Sorry you guys at home! That was painful for me to watch and i was the one doing it so uh good times, but there we have it.

Pokemon — Collector's Edition Unboxing — Flygon EX vs Scizor EX — Former Member Exclusive

There is our beautiful flygon ex. There awesome addition to the arsenal, but um, like i said it was kind of already already bent in the packaging there. So that’s uh rough times, but all right, let’s set that guy aside and let’s see here, we’ve got our four different booster packs. Here we have our primal clash, we got two of those and then we have it’s upside down. Let’S do it this way, let’s pull this code for them go ahead and set that aside, and we of course have our giant foil here. Look at that. That is pretty i like it, don’t know what exactly i would do with it, but it’s so pretty we’ll go ahead and display here you have it all four of the booster packs included and now to select which one which one we open. First, let’s see here, we have primal clash now, for the big reveal the doof horsey.

I always just want to say seahorse, but you know chinchou tynamo, nidoran, all right, ryperior, nice, nice, it’s a nice foil, but it’s not necessarily all that rare uh. Let’S see here, sceptile weakness, policy, nidorina, my goodness rough seas and we’ve got a code card there for them all right, so i’ll set them aside, see what else we get out of our new booster packs, but, like i said that one’s not a super super rare Card all right next pack, and this one is the first primal clash. Booster pack just kidding.

Pokemon — Collector's Edition Unboxing — Flygon EX vs Scizor EX — Former Member Exclusive

We already opened the other primal clash. Booster pack, my apologies, all right. We have illumise, so cute soul, rock mudkip trap inch nose pass, always the strangest one to me.

I don’t the nose pass, is so strange, slugma, it’s a really cool, looking foil version of slugma um that one i’m actually not super familiar with that particular card i’ll have to look that one up that actually might be a rare uh, while rain energy retrieval. Bravo, special energy and, of course, a code card for them, and, let’s see here, i’m not sure about this one so i’ll. Look that one set up aside and this one we just opened is our phantom forces all right and our first card from this pack is our spiro. Then we’ve got ayanma, oh that bug.

That’S always popping up on pokemon go and you’re like another yama bucienna swirlix whismur, don’t mind if i do swell it roller skates, robo substitute, wobba, fett and then another code card for them for online. I’M gon na go ahead and pull this clef key, we’ll review that at the end, all righty we’ve got one more booster pack for this box to reveal relieve this guy of his packaging furious fists. We have makuhita gothita adorable magmar, tough guy pikachu pancha poliwag. Oh, that’s a really cute little foil of poliwag beartick tie runt clef key excel gore and we’re gon na set aside that code key for them all right.

I’Ll set aside this one see and see what it’s worth some of those basic card foils are uh. Very rare, so it’s definitely worth uh looking them up to double check on those, so all in all i’d say not a bad buy. Definitely because when it nearly releases, it’s only about 20 for the pack and now they’re a lot higher because of course, the same pack is not available and so buying packs.

That or recent releases are going to be more cost effective than buying packs. That aren’t available anymore um, but they still got a great value out of it, since i believe it was 20 at release and they still did get two additional rares out of the pack. So you’ve got your giant oversized foil here. You’Ve got the regular size foil.

That’S included with the box the flygon ex, and then he also got the shiny, ryperior and the klefki pardon me not shinies, because with pokemon, that is a very specific thing: uh foils, the ryperior foil and the klefki foil. All right! So now we’re going to move on to the next box, we’re going to start our second box here, but now to figure out how to get into the box. Since the scissors are on the inside [ Laughter, ], just kidding, [ Laughter, ], all right! Isn’T that pretty all right? Let’S pull it apart here, this um foil included with the package, actually does look like it’s in a better shape. It’S not actually bent to start out with, like the other one was, but i am still concerned with trying to get it out of there yeah that is really stuck in there. I can see how the fast one was bent.

Pokemon — Collector's Edition Unboxing — Flygon EX vs Scizor EX — Former Member Exclusive

Aha see the packaging doesn’t matter the card does so you bend the packaging and not the card. It’S a real art to it. This scissor is very pretty. He looks so ominous compared to the red clawed enemy that he reminds me of from powerpuff girls.

Okay, so we’ll set that aside all right now we have our four booster packs here, this one’s given us a sun and moon, a steam siege. Oh that sounds like there’s gon na be some cool steampunk pokemon. In there we shall see, and then we’ve got fates, collide and evolutions all right. Let’S go ahead and slide this guy out of here, just in case things get hairy. You know all right, let’s go ahead and start with our sun and moon pack. We’Ll get this out of the way sun and moon. Give us something awesome, that’s a pretty purple! Who is this all right, cosmog rock that took me a second.

It actually looks a little bit different than when you see him pop up in pogo, growlithe meowth. All right dewpider, it’s a very funny name, actually pharaoh. Oh that’s such a pretty card. Look at all those little stars, so colorful for colorless all right, lapras gxo! Oh that’s a good one! I think this box was already worth it. What do you think? Because i think that is a beaut all right, we’ll set that aside energy, professor kukui arachwinid nest ball.

They really liked the spiders, didn’t they and then there’s their code for online, actually i’ll set aside the firo just for kicks and giggles. But i just think it’s pretty all right, which pack should we do next? Normally i go to evolution because it’s the other one on top, but i think steam siege, because i’m curious. Yes, let’s see all right, bergmite iceberg.

Termites does sound terrifying, clancher, c, dot, nose path, manny’s, so odd, littleo, like a little leo like the little guy with the mohawk that they added to lion king special charge. It’S really pretty yeah avalog an avalanche slug. All right. Let’S see here, tangrowth, i’m assuming that’s after tangula um special charge shield on and another code for them to go online. Alrighty, that’s a pretty card, so i don’t know.

Maybe they’ll want to leave it all right. Next pack is going to be evolutions. Oh i’m a little disappointed. There was nothing steam punk in there.

That’S all right. Let’S see all right, voltorb shocking, tangela, hey! I was just talking about you poliwag seal magikarp, oh charizard, look at that fire, but then i was like how are you going to follow that fiery charizard, that sure is pretty, but we got a slobro ex. That is a great way to follow that charizard and win there. We go.

We have another rare. This is turning out to be a really good booster box, my goodness we got our switch, our blastoise spirit, link and a pidgeot spirit link, and then our code for online set that aside for them i’ll pull this aside just to see. But it does not stand up to that slobro ex. That is a really good pool.

Oh, we still have one left. I didn’t even realize, because we had such good cards sitting over here. The slobo and lapras are staring at me going. That was a good.

It was a good box, we’re not even done with it. Fates collide. Let’S see i don’t i don’t know, i mean if there’s another rare in here, that’d be pretty crazy, but let’s see all right, we got a bronzer should have been in the steampunk pack, but that’s okay, i’ll let it slide mincino. So adorbs snubble look at the puppy edge of the table, deerling riolu ooh special energy and they made it all shiny for you, grumpig fairy drop, squeezing power memory and another code card to go online.

So yeah, that’s what i was thinking wasn’t super likely. There was going to be another rare in there, so not super shocking all right, so all in all, this particular buy was definitely worth the buy. He ended up with a 20 expansion box that came with his oversized card, his card that was included, a slobro ex foil, a lapras gx foil, and they are beautiful, a charizard ultra rare foil that is currently selling for apparently a lot as far as the pokey App is concerned, um that i am using the tcg players app and then, of course, all of his codes for getting additional card packs to play with online. So this was a very, very good buy because he got three rares, one of them being an ultra.

So i think this one was an awesome pull for sure now do i think every pack you buy is going to have this kind of block. Obviously not we just opened another package that was very very similar. That did not have this kind of pull, so i think that he got really really lucky on this one.

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