X is selling user data to the government

X is selling user data to the government

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “X is selling user data to the government”.
You also shouldn’t blindly trust Twitter turns out, there’s still a bunch of Hypocrites when it comes to privacy. I know right no way the intercept has acquired emails between the Secret Service and surveillance. Firm data minor that show that Elon musk’s X has continued secretly selling massive amounts of user data for the explicit purpose of government surveillance. This goes against X, Twitter’s own use, policy which forbids conducting or providing surve are gathering intelligence. So it’s only okay. When we do it for money, while Twitter is not directly selling this information to the government, it is knowingly leasing the information to an intermediary broker, which is immediately turning it over to the government for law enforcement and surveillant purpose surveillance purposes. For the last decade, Twitter has also been pursuing a lawsuit demanding that they be allowed to publicly disclose more information about national security.

Letters that the government uses to compel social media companies to turn over users. Data musk continued the suit after taking over the site and called the Supreme Court’s January decision to strike the case down disappointing uh discussion. Question here is Twitter’s.

Hypocrisy obviously predates musk’s tenure, but how has an overt Free Speech Advocate managed to wind up with such a similar stance on cooperating with government surveillance as the people he sought to usurp? I actually have a feeling that it has less to do with financial incentives and more has to do with, like you must do do this uh I mean you, don’t have to take money for it. I have a feeling there isn’t really another option. It’S like here.

Take the money or we’ll just destroy you, anyways um, I don’t know not sure I mean I would be interested to see if there’s a similar arrangement with meta I’d be Sim. I’D be curious to see if there’s a similar arrangement with you know a Discord I mean. We know this just happened with YouTube yeah, but that’s not really the same Arrangement yeah yeah they weren’t selling to data Brokers for it to be used for government surveillance. I I really don’t think that’s the same thing: yeah yeah, oh yeah, all I’m really trying to say is if right now, at least, if the government wants your stuff for the most part they’re going to get it. This is why companies that, like really really really talk about privacy, don’t have anything they don’t have any of the information so that when the government comes knocking, they literally can’t give it to them. It’S not a function which, to be clear, is not something that you can necessarily trust either. No, I mean a lot of VPN providers say: oh yeah, no laws! No, but you are just it’s full trust me bro. You can’t prove they don’t have anything unless it’s actually been tested in court before and even then just because it’s been tested once doesn’t mean that something didn’t change.

Something can change on a doesn’t mean that there isn’t like a malicious actor in there. Somehow, who is law personally y like it’s? It’S yeah, I don’t know it’s a thing. I think the main thing that I’m trying to say is that I don’t trust that it would completely stop, even if there wasn’t Financial incentive. I don’t trust that it would completely stop, but um it might be different. It might be smaller in scope, it’s not in the dock, but apparently like it’s. It’S it’s basically like an all you can eat API access is, is my understanding of it? It’S like! No! It’S it’s like it’s bad, it’s yeah! It’S! You know it’s! It’S really bad! I had never heard of this. I don’t know the scope of it or how much money is being exchanged. I mean it’s one of those things where, if the hypocrisy wasn’t already obvious, when um uh, when he sued that uh that Watchdog group, that, like anti-at speech Watchdog group for saying stuff, he didn’t like really yeah. It’S like free speech is not just speech. You agree with it’s free spe. Wait was this the Anti-Defamation League stuff uh? No, I don’t think it was them. I think it was someone else. I don’t know. Basically, I like actually try not to follow it.

Cuz it just yeah, there’s a not for-profit. That reported on an increase in hate speech and that that may be true that, maybe not true, he might agree he might not agree, but what it, what what what they said was was free speech it. It was free speech and you can’t just be like. No. I don’t like that free speech and try to sue them to not say it.

X is selling user data to the government

I will say: that’s not what the you can’t be a free speech, absolutist. If you are going to selectively yeah, it’s not how it works. Yeah I um yeah.

I always hated Twitter. I will absolutely admit it is more useless now than like ever I still up a ton of people were saying it was going to go down and I was like I don’t think so. I got a lot of hate for that and it’s still up. So it is still up screw you guys, but um.

X is selling user data to the government

It is definitely more useless. The amount of like I, I think, there’s more spam. Now I have no scientific reason to think this, but it sure, as heck feels like it so much spam. Oh my good! I can’t even it’s like overran man when I, when I click a trending topic, it’s hard for me to even find out why it’s trending, sometimes okay. I felt that before the buyout.

I never had that problem, interesting, usually the first 20 or so were relevant enough and had enough likes that I could, I could tell you know, is it are they dead? Is it pedophilia? You know like like? What is it why why are they trending? You know now I will click on something and I’m actually not sure for, and sometimes I will even go as far as just giving up and Googling name controversy to find out what the heck is going on. It’S it’s pretty. I I definitely use it less than I ever have yeah yeah, and I and I and I don’t that’s true for me as well, and I don’t even really think I’m using it less because like musk bought it I’m just using it less cuz like well, you Made your position very clear: you always considered it a dumpster fire. I still need to use it for DMS yeah, so I’m still on it a little bit, but I think my I think my app limit right now is like 3 minutes or 5 minutes or something like it’s really short but realistically you’re objectively wrong, because even a Trash tier crappier, clone of it, is worth $ 8 billion.

So you’ve clearly missed something here. What oh man yeah? That’S, okay, the purchase price for Twitter. That’S all right was a bargain based on the value of Truth, social. That’S that’s a that’s! A really interesting. Take! Actually, what he pay 44 million it was.

It was 40 something he should write. The art of the deal, yeah yeah um, incredible deal absolutely incredible deal the best deal, um, hey a a a co-authored book between musk and Trump on making deal. There’S no way.

They’D be able to agree on Whose name goes first on the cover, please. Oh man, it’s like it’s like it’s one of those reflective ones where you have to like look at it. The right way to have the name show up, but then they find who gets to be the one on the right yeah.

X is selling user data to the government

I was. He stole my joke and that’s why my name would go first. Oh man, that was pretty funny.
