Friends are now Ad Space

Friends are now Ad Space

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Friends are now Ad Space”.
Anyways one that I want to talk about, yeah Discord wants you to make your friends watch ads nice. This week, Discord will be expanding its Quest program, which I didn’t even know exists which sends notifications to some users with an offer of ingame rewards if they play certain games and stream them to their friends. These streams will have ads that live in the bottom left. Uh bottom left hand corner, I guess of the screen. These ads will be targeted based on information collected by Discord, though users can opt out both of this data collection and all notifications related to Quest H. I have been wondering this whole time.

Friends are now Ad Space

How streaming on Discord makes any sense for Discord at all, and this really didn’t help me understand, do tell. Are there costs like? Is it? Is it direct user to user? Somehow are they? I don’t think so. So it’s going through Discord, I meaness all the bandwidth of streams is going through Discord and they’re going to offset it with this I mean this is better than nothing, but I just I just I mean honestly Luke. It must be, it must be going through their infra, because otherwise, why would they limit quality so hard yeah, I mean that’s a good point like it could be. Just you know to make you pay for Nitro compil reasons. Cuz, some people’s computers won’t be able to do it, but realistically I I I doubt it because when when Discord was in hey, we’re just VC funded and don’t need to make any money, let’s go mode, they they made everything as great as they possibly could like. I think I I I I actually even from a even from a user safety standpoint, I kind of feel like they would have to have it go through their infra yeah, because there are public servers that people stream in for sure yeah, yeah and and they could Potentially be liable for what someone sent to someone else on the platform like they’d have to have some kind of record of that um.

Apparently, it is direct. Oh Discord. Streams usually go through stun turn servers.

Okay hold on hold on we’re, getting some, no we’re getting. Some uh conflicting information in the float plane chat, so I’m not 100 % sure hold on people are saying. Yeah, Google did not commit a crime um, just okay, technically, probably not, but stealing telling you you’re not telling someone you’re not going to take their personal information and then taking it.

Is that not a crime? It might not technically be a crime, but it’s certainly not nice, and it should be that’s that’s where I’ll. That’S where I’ll leave that sure we, if it isn’t it should be. None of this is legal advice.

Friends are now Ad Space

Yep, hey that thing he said yeah. If it’s peerto I’ve never looked into this cuz like I don’t care that much. It just seems a little weird to me.

Friends are now Ad Space

If it’s peer-to peer, I totally get. It sounds good um, yeah routing it through their servers, yeah yeah, whatever um, but if it’s peerto peer then sure, okay, they found a cool way to monetize it. Whatever you don’t have to do.

The quests you can opt out of the data collection. Stuff seems all fine to me um how it all goes live yeah. I don’t have time to read this right now, but if, if they are doing like transcoding or anything for it, it makes no sense to me at all.

If it’s directly peer-to-peer, then sure okay makes sense, go live streams are transmitted to discord’s, backend and then routed to viewers. This hides the IP addresses between users on the call and allows the service to control where the data is routed. For example, the service will only relay video to a participant on the call if they are watching it.

The go live stream is constrained by how much data can go through the network, because the stream needs to watchable for every viewer. The streamer will not transmit more data than what the slowest connection can support, so that could be a major reason that they don’t allow superity stuff yeah. In addition, a streamer will only translit data if at least one viewer is watching, estimating bandwidth is complicated.

How we measure performance so yeah yeah they’re, not transcoding, that helps a lot. No yeah, the no the client trans codes. Yeah yeah, doesn’t solve everything.

Okay, but do they still? Are they still absorbing the bandwidth cost? That’S what I want to know, I’m not sure either way. Discord’S model has always been kind of wild to me. You look, you look at how much teams and slack cost, and then you look at what Discord does and in a huge amount of cases, far better than either of those platforms, and it’s like what maybe the real question should be.

Why does teams cost that much? Well and isn’t slack like uh: did you see teams as being decoupled from office? Did we talk about that on wer? Already we haven’t talked about that W show, but that is very interesting to yeah. It’S a interesting timing, Microsoft’s clearly going hm. We push this really hard in a way that Regulators are going to be probably super unimpressed by, maybe if in good faith, we decouple this now they won’t go back and look at because you know what it’s.

The only reason we use teams was because we were effectively forced to buy it because we needed office. I would have happily paid less and not bought teams. It is a really interesting thing because, like the Taran linked me that news article SE Linus you can un crime, that’s actually pretty funny yeah I mean I guess.

If in good faith, you stopped being unfaithful before she found out that might earn you some brownie points. Oh man, I think with most people, not enough, I mean it’s it’s some. If I did that, I am still dead. Oh I well yeah. I won’t be at work the next day. Dude, I won’t be alive.

I’D be alive. Ivonne’S made it very clear what would happen to me. I’D be alive as long as I don’t, B, [, Laughter, ] out, understood, yeah, makes sense, and when that woman says something you believe her yeah, she be scary, sometimes um.

What is it like? Okay, yeah. I thought I Heards. I can’t find anything on this right now, so I don’t know if it’s true, but I thought slack was like somehow managing to be uh to be having Financial issues, but I’m not finding anything on that.

So I don’t that that might have just been completely made up, but anyways um. It is something to now reconsider is the use of teams. What AK Panda says. You cannot bleed out from such a small wound.

Anyways anyway, we uh no Drake. We we uh. Do we keep using teams, there’s so many problems with it internally I know, and if it’s being decoupled anyways, I just hate the pain of switching yeah uh. It’S kind of bad, though I know yeah it’s kind of usable, though one of the frustrating things yeah is slack, also has a ton of problems. I’Ve said it before I’ll say it again. If Discord had an Enterprise mode, I just put us on Discord: 100 % I’d support that, but it it there’s just a few things doesn’t quite it honestly really doesn’t need much more, which is again so interesting to me, like kind of infuriating yeah like I can Understand the Discord branding just not really making sense for them for a corporate product yeah, but they could roll the same thing: different logo, yeah yeah, yeah, cord dis, oh my God, Sid Rock.

What’S Sid Rock chat like I don’t know, what’s? What’S the? I don’t think you want that, I’m sure they could come up with some name. I use Discord for my company head of it here, that’s cool. We used to use Discord for float plane as well. There’S like some issues with it, though yeah um.

I don’t know it’s not, I. I don’t think it’s I’m. You could probably get it most of the way there for what we need if you had a probably an arrangement of like different Bots and things to manage different stuff um. But there’s like there there’s reasons you don’t actually necessarily want the window that someone looks at this is less from it. This is more from like operations, I guess, but you don’t necessarily want the window, that someone needs to look at for work to also have all their personal stuff in it and then okay, so are you getting them to have a different work? Discord account? You can’t moderate what other things they’re joining on the work Discord account um like removing, adding and removing someone from the server is not as clean. It’S pretty easy to get off task in Discord.

I’Ll tell you that much you can data retain in slack and in teams, which ha has very important, um benefits for companies right like if you have former staff, that’s not with you anymore, and you need to like really need to have access to those records. Uh. You can really need them like it can be: it’s not the kind of thing that I would ever be comfortable snooping on for no reason, but if it was really needed, it could be like. Oh, this changes everything kind of thing in that defense.

If you did Snoop on it for no reason, I don’t think there’s really a way to do that without majorly, alerting the user so like, which that’s cool, actually um um, but yeah. If you want to like data, retained direct messages that someone has from their like work, Discord like yeah, good luck, unless you are creating the Discord accounts for every one of your users, which then becomes like an onboarding Nightmare, and you have to track all this stuff And it’s just like: ah I don’t know man, I I think it’s cool that you use it. I actually liked it for a lot of when we used it for flow plane. The reason why we, the reason why we stopped was uh Maxim, maximum message, length, um and code Snippets and a few other things that were problematic back.

Then I’ve heard that those have gotten better and easier to deal with. I still don’t think migrating back to. It is fully an option because of some of the things that I just mentioned, but I honestly I really wish that yeah Discord would figure that out, because the calls on Discord the amount of times I’ve had issues with calls on slack and teams that I just Know we wouldn’t have had these issues on Discord is insane Discord calls are solid yeah. I will have issues in teams or slack sometimes, and certain people that I know will be around on Discord, I’ll jump off the teams or slack call and call that person on Discord just to be sometimes I’ve actually done it sometimes with just employees.

If I have their Discord, um, but sometimes I’ll, do it to friends just to be like hey is my mic working and stuff and they’re like yeah, I’m like okay, bye, just hang up right away, go back to the work, call to be like okay. Now I confirmed it’s not yeah yeah anyways, 100 %, um they’re they’re, video, they’re they’re streaming, even just camera great screen sharing great, never any problems. There.

Text chat, flows really super well. Their bot support is fantastic, there’s a lot of things that they have going for them. That’S really really good. .