Linus as a Boss would Hate Linus as an Employee

Linus as a Boss would Hate Linus as an Employee

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus as a Boss would Hate Linus as an Employee”.
Good evening, dlll question for you three or whoever answers Ivory Towers are very prolific in manufacturing companies. Dod subcontractors included uh. How do we better guard against detached decisions? I don’t know it’s tough, because even making a conscious effort to talk to people and work in the trenches at this company as we’ve grown, it hasn’t always been easy to fully understand the challenges that people have uh. We had someone raise a concern, so I was frustrated on a shoot recently when a prop that was integral to the intro was not sourced, Um.

Linus as a Boss would Hate Linus as an Employee

Well, hey! We! We had it at one point, but at some point we lost it and then, when we realized we lost it, we didn’t Source a new one, and I I I I landed on set and I was like whoa I can’t arrive on set and like the intro. Doesn’T work because the prop I need for the intro isn’t here we don’t have one. This was so preventable and the conversation that ultimately came out of out of that was hey.

Linus as a Boss would Hate Linus as an Employee

We don’t have a process for just anyone, making a petty cash decision and then begging for forgiveness later there just isn’t a means for it, and it was a funny thing for me to think about, because even before I ran my own company or whatever, that was 100 % – something that I just did if something was like 50 bucks, and I knew that I could defend it to the CEO. I would just spend the $ 50 and worry about it later, but I that is, that is not a recommendation if there, if there’s for real, though right like I got away with being a bit of a mavick, but that’s not that’s. That’S not necessarily good for your career would deal with managing you back then, oh God, I it would actually be like quite the Clash I would be very frustrated. Both of me would be very frustrated, always yeah anyway.

Linus as a Boss would Hate Linus as an Employee

The point is: what came out of that? Was that hey, we don’t have a formalized like one of uh, CEO taran’s favorite words is explicit. We don’t have a formalized process that gives people explicit permission to make a decis like that um a lot of people just do it anyway, so especially people who have been around since the old days and who have been doing it for years, but especially new people. Don’T know they don’t realize they come from other companies where, where spending 20 bucks that you weren’t allowed to spend, could literally mean getting a dressing down right like I and that’s so, that’s so foreign to me, like I that doesn’t make sense in my world cuz. I never worked in that environment and I’m not going to Foster that environment here, but that’s efficient yeah. I came across my supposed uh approval limit. I don’t remember when this was like a few months ago or something and just erupted with laughter.

I was like. Oh, I I have approved things wildly Beyond this many times like that’s. Actually bad, though I didn’t know. No one told me, oh my God, because the approval limits were set up when float plane was completely separate, so it was genuinely not communicated to me at that time.

So, like our Cloud flare contract, which is like enormous certain other on, I fought for the best. Genuinely fought for like the best thing we could get in a lot of these occasions, and that’s the thing, though, is which I think is why I didn’t get in trouble in in good faith. If you are doing the best thing for the company – and you can defend it like that’s, that’s honestly, the The Guiding star that I lived by was could I argue this and win yeah and if I can argue it and win, then the conversation’s over – and this Is not advice and realistically the trust level goes up. It can, however, if you, if you just do what you think is right and it turns out that either you weren’t right or your boss is an idiot and doesn’t understand you were right.

It could be very harmful to your career prospects. It could even get you fired depending on what’s going on so like it’s, it’s genuinely, not advis yeah and that end uh. My my mom loves to loves to phrase things this way, especially around like traffic, lessons for the kids uh. She goes it doesn’t matter if you’re in a crosswalk, it doesn’t matter. If the light is red, it doesn’t matter. If you see the little Walky man you check, you make sure they are actually breaking because sure you can you, you can be right and dead, but you’ll be dead, right, yeah, yeah, um and – and I think it’s those are.

Those are words to live by in everything you know walking across the street uh career relationship. It doesn’t matter if you’re right, if you get killed in the process, yeah XG Ford says boss is idiot, is the issue. That’S fair enough. Uh data freckin says, got hit in a crosswalk yeah, 100 % yep yep Arbiter. Cas says I was hit by a car when I was in crossb had the right away: 100 % man I uh.

I I didn’t take a course until I learned to ride a motorcycle and what I found out was. I just kind of naturally do a lot of defensive driving things, but one of them is that I do not start moving when a light turns green no way scan. I am making sure I’m making damn good insure that the cars on both side are decelerating with enough space to not enter the intersection every single time I’ve been honked at cuz.

I’Ve been like, I have not determined that it is safe to proceed yet and I’m just sitting there um I had a I. I have a very clean driving record. I’Ve never hit anything. I’Ve never been hit.

Everything’S nice. I had a scare the other day. It was raining really really hard. Yeah visibility was not very good. I’M turning in a uh, it’s like off a seldom used Street into a parking lot. There’S someone that comes out from behind my pillar, like I couldn’t see them and they’re wearing all black visibility is terrible.

It’S raining and I see them come to a stop and I slam the car into a stop at the same time and it’s like possible that that could have been bad and I was just like. Oh man, um and cuz, like it, doesn’t matter there wearing all black. It doesn’t matter that it’s raining, it’s my fault. It’S still your fault, uh, CEO Taran, CEO Taran, has uh had a really good uh trick that uh I’ve used.

Since I saw him do it. Uh whenever he goes around a blind Corner, um he’ll flash his beams or honk like if it’s a bad blind corner – and I saw him do this in a parade was where, where it like, was where it f. First came up to give you some idea like how blind this corner needs to be. Don’T don’t punk your horn every time you turn your car, obviously uh, but like um, that’s a good one! Yeah in uh there’s a there’s, a par there’s, a parking lot that I often pull into that has an uncontrolled T intersection where there is not a lot of traffic, and you may have even seen me do this. But if it’s night time I flash my beams as I’m going toward that intersection to make sure that’s it’s obvious.

Someone is coming you never! You never know like people, people get hit by trains and that’s not because they’re dumb it’s well. Sometimes it is, but it’s often not because they’re dumb it’s because it’s not always obvious. Unless there is like motion there, there has to be something to break us out of our out of our super zoned out, sometimes yeah, exactly exactly yeah.

I I have caught myself being really aggressive about like physically moving myself, so that I can check behind pillars whenever I’m going around corners. I’Ve always been really good about checking for bikes all that other time type of stuff, but I I realized in that moment that I don’t think I’ve been super good about making sure there isn’t a thin pedestrian behind the pillar. You know it’s something.

I’Ve noticed too, as I’m getting older, shoulder checking is more work. It’S like actually harder. Now, that’s interesting. Don’T really thought about that. I used to be, I used to be like skinnier and just you know, just generally wirer, like I didn’t take up as much space.

Uh like I’ve, probably since I, since I worked at NCIX, I’ve probably put on about 25 lbs, which at for 56, is like a fair bit, I’m just like generally stiffer like I’m just always like sore from working out in your defense. I think a lot of it’s been muscle yeah, but I just mean like, like I was just like you know, just like moving around in a seat. Yeah was easier, it does get harder, yeah, um and, like you know you my neck’s, stiffer than it used to be and stuff. So so it’s it’s something that I I realized a little while ago and I was like okay.

I need to make a very conscious effort, cuz I I was the kind of person who would like make sure I’ve got nothing in front of me and, like look behind me like not a peripheral vision, shoulder Checker, I was like anything back there. Let’S go yeah um, but yeah. Just I just my my cheapness doesn’t want my insurance rate to go up, so I don’t want to hit anything. That is not the reason and I care about everyone being perfectly safe. All the time. Can you at least try to convince me, hey man, they both count.

What a dick at least the car is already red all right Dan. What are we supposed to be? That’S a good point, my my my leather is white. Do you know how you know what a bad decision that [ Laughter ] was yeah? You can keep doing topics if ag even further and the incontinent sets in oh I mean there’s that too, oh ohle, we saw Dan leaking in the uh Badminton Center tour. Oh yeah, that’s bad! What there was like a puddle on the floor and I made an offhand joke about Dan peeing himself or something or like. I was just getting over food poisoning something and he goes and like what did you do you like crouched over it or something? I don’t remember. I actually can’t remember he did something everything. Just a fever dream like Dan, the joke you’ve taken the you’ve T, the joke was awful and uncomfortable cut back yeah. The editors can finded the line yeah, who has more power in this company than the editors for real, though oh they can make it break.

You yeah, they are the most important thing. They absolutely can. That’S yeah. That’S something Ed taught me early on, not not in like by doing it.

By making me look terrible, yeah cuz, you were all like, never piss off your it admin and he was like never piss off your editor cuz. He he kep me when when he first joined he kept saying like it’s all in the edit. It’S all in the edit, and I was like it’s all in the edit and then I was like oh yeah, we’d film, something i’ be like this was trash no one’s ever going to want to watch this and it comes out of the edit I’m like wow. It’S pretty good, it’s pretty watchable! Okay, like a couple frames, can make. You seem like a nonf funny like bumbling idiot or sharp witted and hilarious actually like frames, even adding yeah exactly a little bit onto the end of every clip. So you just seem like you’re kind of nothing lands and there’s like awkward pauses, and then you turn back and great or the whole roast video that had no laughter.

It’S amazing to be clear. It didn’t need a laugh track. People were losing it um, but we didn’t have the we didn’t, have the audience: miked yeah, ironically one of the first Productions we ever did where we hired a professional AV company to come in and run the production for us. I had we had so many comments on that video yeah.

These dummies never get it right, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. It’S like it wasn’t. Even us a come on, I mean we do make mistakes absolutely, but if I’m going to own mistakes, I’d like for them to at least be our mistakes, it’s got. Six million views.

Yeah did okay, it’s really funny. I’Ve gone back and watched it a couple times. I I’m sure I’ve said this a bunch of times, but I I I’m guessing on. On average, I watch it like once a year yeah, it’s so funny.

I always forget at least a good chunk of it. Yeah Dennis and Ivon are so good. Oh man ion did not hold back no .