Make Good Decisions Easier

Make Good Decisions Easier

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Make Good Decisions Easier”.
Hey DUS, Duke and Lan: do you have any tips for someone struggling to stay disciplined, whether it be for work or a hobby? Oh man, I think Nike said it best like just do it yeah? I I don’t really know what else there is to say you. You you have to decide what’s important and you’ve got to you’ve, got to commit no excuses. There’S there’s a lot of different way like if you are incapable of doing that. There are other things you can do. We talked about last W show actually accountabil budy type situation. Um yeah don’t go to the gym by yourself. It doesn’t work. You have to go with someone you have there. There has to be a reason unless they’re sick, all the time yeah. Well, I mean everyone. I think I think it’s fair to say that either everyone – or at least almost everyone, has better discipline planning ahead.

Everyone knows that they should work out tomorrow. Everyone knows that they should go grocery shopping on the weekend and cook their meals, but not everyone. In the moment is going to feel like working out right now or going grocery shopping and cooking right now, something I do specifically for both of those two things is like I’ll pack, my gym bag ahead of time yeah and like I’ll I’ll leave it like by The door so that it’s like it’s shaming you! Yes, it’s a reminder, the food thing to prep it before you’re hungry and then, when it’s that that meal comes up, it’s like, oh, you like could eat junk or you could go, get some food or you could order delivery or whatever, but actually the easiest option Right now is eating the stuff you already prepped. So, like remove barriers of difficulty – and I don’t know if people are going to like this but yeah in increase levels of like you know – have a have a buddy that does the thing with you or your partner or whatever else, um try to keep you keep You on it like have a workout, buddy or or do meal prepping with someone else. I don’t know so I uh I I I never book badminton by myself.

I book it ahead of time, because I know that you know I should go exercise and you know do stuff and then, when it’s time to go well, there’s a lot of obstacles to not going I’m going to have to pay anyway, because I signed up ahead Of time – and I’m not going to be there so they’re going to be short people, so the rotations are going to be off. So I better go someone in fing chat said we have no friends. I actually don’t agree that that’s an excuse got them, because not only is there a bunch of online communities where people are in the exact same boat and you could probably find an accountability buddy there, but I’ve found if you go to the gym. For example, if we’re just using that that one, it’s actually quite easy to make friends everyone there is there for the same reason: yeah everybody and like uh, like I made friends friends with this dude literally earlier this week, cuz I saw he had lifting shoes and He finished a set and was just kind of standing there, so I walked up to him and was like hey. What’S up he’s like hey? What’S going on, I was like I saw you have lifting shoes.

Make Good Decisions Easier

How do you like those and his whole? He just lit up everybody if you ask them, but like what they’re doing or why they spent all this time researching it. They spent all this money on it. They’Re using it actively. They’Ve worked really hard. No one in their life cares at all like not even a little bit. You sound uh, you sound mad. It’S I’m not mad. Are you mad bro? It’S just real cuz, like he’s always trying to tell me about how much he lifted, I’m like doesn’t even care a little bit.

Make Good Decisions Easier

Is that a lot yeah? That’S the worst one, that’s the worst um but like sounds like a lot good job. Nobody cares gold star, but but that other person at the gym yeah might actually care yeah. So like it’s, it’s quite easy to make friends with people there um, if you, if you work in an office, try to find someone else like if they’re, if they’re often going out for food every lunch, you know try to make a pack with them like, let’s, Let’S eat: let’s take our lunches together and eat together and eat stuff. We brought home like brought from home like let’s make this like a thing hold each other accountable. Let’S try to save some money, eat better stuff like that um and you don’t even have to you, don’t even have to do it. Cuz you’re, like uh. I want to lose weight.

Make Good Decisions Easier

You could do it because you want to to save some money. You can make great things at home. I don’t know it’s an option. Oh man, common twitch L, I actually hate you. No super chats just buy something from me and I’ll mention your comment.

So you’d, rather just throw money at the screen than get something in return. This is actually better. How can you not see that yeah like I’ve? I I’ve had people the well I’ll ask them about like a certain movement that they’re doing or whatever and it’ll get they get so excited about it and like these, they don’t know who I am I’m just some random dude at the gym. They’Ll get so excited about it that I they end up talking to me about it like far longer than I had hoped they would I’m like ready to do my next set of whatever I’m doing like kind of hoping this person will stop talking but they’re, just Like so stoked to talk about this thing that they’re really interested in oh no they’re, still mad cuz, they don’t have to spend cuz.

They don’t have to spend shipping costs on their then just buy a gift card and never use it yeah. It’S crazy, there’s loopholes. It’S it’s a it’s a nut. Why do you want to give me money for nothing? Buy a backpack set the shipping address to like a a homeless, shelter boom.

Sure you donated backpack, like oh man, you guys are killing me here. You’Re killing me! You know what you know what baned boom. Oh, you lost your privileges. It finally happened.

You lost your privileges, all right! Look, what you’ve done twitch no wait hold on. No, no, no, that’s not that’s! Not the right bring them back. One person can’t represent the whole.

There oh never mind, Get Wrecked, uh uh, all right, two, two other things I’ll add just really quickly. You can you just can’t shut up about this. You are actually, you are actually perfectly exemplifying the phenomenon you’re talking about you, get a gym person talking about the bloody gym they can’t shut up. It is a problem. It’S not possible.

I could literally go on forever. I’Ve done it to Dan, I’m I’m living vicariously through Luke. Is it it’s? Not it’s true, though, right. I think every time I have brought it up, people are like well. Have you tried this cuz? It’S all. It’S all interesting, I’m like no. The research shows I’ve done. Did you hurt your shoulder? Well, actually I didn’t hurt my shoulder. I read the papers on them.

Full, like partials, are good for the um anyways. No, but like there’s, there’s two things that I use as well. One is try to do better than yesterday, so if you’re, if you’re like oh, I don’t want to take the stairs today, I’m tired and then just let that thing in the back of your head.

Go like you did it yesterday, you did it. Yes, you found a way yesterday and then it’s like oh fine, and then you go. Do it. It’S great .