Are Aliens Real? — Former Member Exclusive

Are Aliens Real? — Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Are Aliens Real? — Former Member Exclusive”.
Oh, I like the aliens real one. Yes, of course, aliens exist, whether they’re, here or not. It’S a separate conversation in all of the cosmos and all of the universe. Intelligent life is out there. It is mathematically certain as certain as anything else and being stupid.

Are Aliens Real? — Former Member Exclusive

Anybody well, whether there’s any anywhere that can find us as a separate conversation, I’m willing to believe there’s. No current intelligent life next to Earth keep in mind. We’Ve only been transmitting electromagnetic signals that escape Earth’s system, the soul system for not quite 100 years, maybe 80 years. At this point there is a bubble: 80 Light Years Around The Soul system. Yes, that contains Earth’s electromagnetic signature. Any aliens outside of that have never heard of us could never heard of us. We can’t have her. We’Ve only been listening to disguised for even less than that, maybe 50 years yeah.

Are Aliens Real? — Former Member Exclusive

We somebody would have had to have been 50 light years away transmitting 50 years ago for us to receive the signal today correct if they were transmitting 100 years ago and stopped we’d. Never get it if they transmit 50 years from now and stopped the universe is billions of years old. Yes, there are a gazillion, intelligent life forms out there, but they may not all exist at the same time and the universe is massive at a scale that human monkey brains do not understand correct yeah. It simply comes down to this key point and anybody says otherwise.

Are Aliens Real? — Former Member Exclusive

Doesn’T understand the math, I am not an astrophysicist, but this is the facts at sub light, relevistic speeds. We will never go anywhere else and we will never meet anybody else and we will live our entire human civilization on this planet and die and become extinct. Unless we develop FTL drive faster than light travel yep, you need some type of faster than light travel to which, of course, somebody always says well, FTL is impossible. Don’T you know, Einstein in physics, yeah and flying airplanes wasn’t possible once and spaceships weren’t possible once and then we did all of those things just firing a rocket motor to go faster. No, that’s not possible. You’Ll, never break the speed of light.

Doing that. But there’s a lot of ideas around wormholes yep wormholes, how gravity works folding space, none of which we can do today, but we have to figure out the trick to get around the 3D space that we’re in yeah. How do you you could take a piece of paper if you fold it in half the two ends of the piece of paper now touch, but if you put it flat, it’s a long distance across correct. So if you fold it over, you can make an instant jump between one point to another and never actually travel faster than light. But you you traveled in space much further by making a jump between two points. Yes, but the universe is not a flat piece of paper. The Earth is 3D correct. So how do you fold two points in the universe around to touch correct to just take one step and instantly be somewhere else? A wormhole drive a jump drive a a um.

Whatever you want to call it, I don’t know, will we invent one in 20 years 200 years? I don’t know, there’s someone out there who knows how to do it? It will be impossible until it’s until it’s not and when it’s not it’s, not yeah. It is also possible that intelligent species capable of developing such things may very well have come across earth, took one look at us and went prime directive they’re, not ready and they move on ready. Let me ask you a question: that’s true: we have airplanes and computers and nuclear weapons.

We can travel to some places in the world right here on Earth right now and come across otherwise intelligent human people who have not had any contact with the outside world and they live the same way. They did 500 years ago. There’S an island off the coast of India that nobody goes to that’s off limits that they don’t I mean they still have.

You know Spears and and wooden Shields, and you know they do the old tribal dances they might as well be 500 years in the past. There’S some places in the Amazon jungle where people have no outside contact correct. We don’t go, hunt those people down and talk to them. We could.

We could easily invade that island off the coast of India and kick all those people off. There’S only a couple hundred people there if we want to conquer that island and get rid of all those people be walk in the park now. Sometimes photographers and fishermen have gotten too close and there have been actually people who have died because Spears and arrows have hit them and killed them. But this is because it’s a few independent people, if we sent in the U.S Marines they would. This would be over in five minutes.

We don’t, because a that’s horrible and B we don’t actually care. No, who cares intelligent aliens in their FDL Starships coming to Earth would look at us and go yeah they’re, not interesting, and they would carry on. We don’t have anything to offer them, it’s a one-way exchange. Why would we bother exactly oh? Why would they bother yeah? Why would we bother going to the to the native peoples of America or of India? You know what I mean just the same way. They look at us so now do I think that the UFO spots are real.

No, of course not anybody capable of coming here from Interstellar distance. This is perfectly capable of not being seen uh-huh between staying in orbit. Why would you be flying around in our atmosphere? There’S no reason: yeah. We already have cameras and sensors that can see license plates and read golf balls from orbit. They certainly could do better yep and I’m sure they will have some type of invisibility or cloaking device that bends light and makes them invisible to our sensors yep, and they will detect all everything we could do a much further away than we can look at our Stealth technology now Advance it by A Thousand Years. This isn’t even a contest.

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