Business Owners Don’t Do This

Business Owners Don't Do This

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Business Owners Don’t Do This”.
Dear Oran, Luke and Dan, what’s the worst thing, a company has tried to pull on lmg. I’Ve had a lot of uh corporate software salespeople, try to mess with us just like increase our rates or cut our service or what or just just the the the bamboozler sales tactics are always the ones that that mess with me. We had one recently I’ll, keep everything Anonymous, but we had one recently where um they gave us a price they like they sent us a here is all of your costs thing and we talked to them the next time and they were like. So there was a pricing.

Business Owners Don't Do This

They were like all right. What what are the like sticking points and like uh is like is price, one of your sticking points and I’m like well yeah, because it will be even if it’s like it’s just it’s just going to be. What do you mean price? Always matters yeah like there’s, no such thing as a bad product, just a bad price, so you can kind of solve anything by making it cheap enough yeah. So I was like well yeah, of course, um and they’re like okay. Well I’ll tell you now our price increased, so I I’ll go to bat for you I’ll talk to my boss, I’ll try to get you that price that we originally quoted. You I’m like on your side, I’m going to put my I’m going to put my job on the side, for you guys to get you that price that we already told you, and I was like yeah this.

Business Owners Don't Do This

I can’t stand that kind of thing that doesn’t count yeah, that’s the bare that’s. The bare minimum expectation is that you honor your word yeah. So I don’t know that was pretty annoying uh.

The other one was that same company said that they wouldn’t be able to onboard. If we didn’t sign by the end of this month, they wouldn’t be able to onboard us until December and it’s a software company, and I was like sure I told them on the call. I was like that’s like that’s amazing, because if that’s true, I’m sure you guys are like your stock is going through the absolute roof and you’re hiring as hard as you possibly can, and all these other kind of things – and you just see them like squirming, because It’S like no they’re just doing like fine, which means they don’t have a year-long backlog like it’s. I I don’t know it’s just so. Basically, skey sales tactics, yes drives me nuts, I think um. I think I get most.

Business Owners Don't Do This

I get most offended when people don’t act in good faith, um and and show Integrity um. I, the weird the weird part for me just to interject is I’ve. Had the skey sales tactics but once signed most of the companies have actually been fine to to me at least so. Basically, you just hate sales people and, like account, managers customer success managers. All these things just get me to like the technical people. When I need help, let me know when you release new features.

I need nothing else. Please never talk to me just like I just I don’t care, I don’t care that your company revolving doors sales people like crazy, so you tell me that you will now be my agent for till the end of time and then 3 months later, I need to Introduce to a new person – and I get an email saying, hi, I’m onboarded to this account: could we have a could. We have a call, so I can come up to speed and I say no, I feel so bad. I have never once replied to our twitch representative yeah, but you’ve probably had 15 over the years. I don’t know I don’t even know I don’t even read their names at this point. I just I don’t need anything from Twitch TV.

I uh. I I I remember this one time that our rep blessed their heart um. Let me know they were going to be on vacation. I was like okay, cool we’ve, never spoken so yeah. I don’t think anything’s going to come up in the next. However long you’re going to wherever you’re going AJ, whoever you are AJ’s, seen it enough from me at this point that um I didn’t even have to catch one fairly.

Recently we got an email from like the literally I’m, not exaggerating at least like 12th or 13th rep, that we’ve had from this one company um and I didn’t even get to the email. First he got to it and was like yeah. We we’re not going to do a call. Here’S like the current state of everything, here’s the things that, like we’ve, been asking you to fix for a year and a half.

Let us know if there’s any traction on that yeah have a good one um like. I sorry dude they’re like yeah. Just let us know like how things are going and if, if there’s new ways, we can work with you and it’s like there isn’t. We know all your software offerings they’re great, to be honest, they’re totally fine. I have no problem.

We’Re not going anywhere like we’re, not leaving we’re, not increasing our spend. Do our checks. Do our checks, clear, yeah? Okay, they do sounds good.

Good yeah, like I don’t know all right. Just please don’t waste my time. Um space, gamer04 and float plane chat says as a Salesman. You should hate us and I don’t like you got to do your job right. I don’t know that’s fine yeah, but just do it to someone else yeah. Just I don’t want to deal with it, and my thing is I I understand you got to play the game to a certain degree, just the the like recognize that I’m not buying it and just let’s just real talk, yeah and if you’re like, I don’t have Any play and I try to fight you on a little bit and you’re like yeah.

No sorry like XYZ, like then we’ll be like okay, then we’ll use something else. Then we’ll either use something else or not and we can go from there like I just I don’t I I don’t want to deal with this and I make it very clear. I’M like not going to engage in that thing. Some people will respond to it and some people, the whole car dealership, I’m going to go talk to my manager about this thing, just like I’m not doing that dude all you’re doing is slowing down this transaction. That is quite literally the only thing you’re accomplishing right. Now yeah, it just doesn’t work yeah um and I understand it sucks and you have to deal with people like me all the time which probably isn’t the greatest, but my whole thing is.

I just want to end this call as soon as possible. Yeah. I I have other things to do. We’Ve had sponsors not pay us um yeah, that’s that’s pretty yucky.

We we don’t generally like we don’t generally um that kind of dirty laundry in public. So it’s not the kind of thing we’ve really talked about, but yeah. We we’ve we’ve had companies just like totally skis out on us um trying to trying to think like. I I’m pretty unhappy with one of our merch suppliers right now. I’M I’m not going to name them yet because there’s still time for them to act in good faith and I think that’s the biggest one is acting in good faith. Yeah you’re going to screw up here or there yeah, making legitimate efforts to recogniz to identify problems and take responsibility and rectify them.

That’S all I really ask for anyone. Effort means a lot to me. I had uh. I had one very recently with a company where they uh they just like completely shut off our service out of nowhere, and it was like really important that that service keeps running, and I was like what the heck uh and we ended up figuring out that it Was for a uh like the credit card, didn’t renew and I was like shouldn’t. You have notified me in some way and then I found that they did the subject.

Line of the email was exactly the same as another like just normal transactional email. That goes all the way goes through all the time and it was like buried many lines in as a single line thing like there. What are you even talking about, and I got on a call with them and they do and didn’t, but they very Cline and I’m like okay, so not even mad anymore yeah, whatever yeah they fixed it really quick y.

They got on a call with me. They found a new solution so that it won’t happen again. They did it.

We just move forward. People are going to screw up we’re going to screw up they’re going to screw up. It’S fine funny.

Hats asks if it was the Ora ring or Ur ring. I can’t I still can’t remember how to pronounce the thing um. No, no, no! No, no, that that was. That was uh.

That was a just. It didn’t work out um, but they they didn’t stiff us or anything uh or I mean I don’t think they paid but like I did pronounce the thing wrong and our proposed solution wasn’t acceptable. Whatever um, I I think that they’re a little uptight, but you know that okay, sure, that’s fine, and they probably think that you know I’m a bit of a PR. So I don’t sure fine um that didn’t work out, but there’s been brands that we 100 % have executed, and then they just have ghosted um yeah.

No, that one that one was definitely just not not every not. Every partnership is meant to work out perfectly, and you know what hey we I’d be open to working with them again whether they’d want to work with us again or not. I don’t know but like it just didn’t it just didn’t work out. .