Where’s the Hype?

Where's the Hype?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Where’s the Hype?”.
Hey lonus: have you enjoyed playing Horizon zero Dawn? Are you going to play forbidden West now that it’s on PC yeah? I really enjoyed zero Dawn. I picked it up because I needed something demanding to play on the steam deck. While I reviewed it that felt like something that should have absolutely no right to run well on the steam deck and other than some crashes and some chugging particularly late game uh, I enjoyed the heck out of it. I uh yeah. I I loved it. I thought aloy was just an awesome character: cool yeah I like her without giving anything away because forbidden West just came out so people, if they haven’t already, might be picking up zero Dawn in order to play them back to back, and I respect that I get It um so without giving anything away.

I thought that the story was just so much fun to uncover. As you make your way through the game, did you play it? Zero Dawn, yeah uh. I tried and it wouldn’t run on my computer at all. This was quite a while ago. I still want to play it some other time, but I haven’t I haven’t like I haven’t, played a single video game in the last week.

Where's the Hype?

Oh yeah, it’s fantastic man. I’Ve been gaming more than you lately, yeah dude, okay, I’ll I’ll talk about this after but uh yeah yeah really enjoyed it. I had not actually intended to play forbidden West, though no and it’s not selling nearly as well as zerod Dawn, did there’s a number of tons of hype around zerod Dawn, and it was a fantastic game. I’M sad that the follow-up wasn’t maybe as good. Well, no forbidden West is supposed to be really good. Like that’s not the issue was it just not talked about a lot or something I’ve seen some speculation that um part of why zero Dawn got so much attention was.

Where's the Hype?

It was one of the first big PlayStation exclusives to make its way to PC with a good Port like an actually good Port um. It was dude. It’S rated really well yeah yeah. So I think that what I realized 93 % positive on Steve right now. That’S really good, I know I know.

Where's the Hype?

I think that what I realized, though, when I tried to play TI of the kingdom, was that I um format. I I don’t think I I don’t think I I think I don’t. I don’t need to play that game again.

Right um, I need a new world and I get it. She she goes to a new world, but you can never have as much depth to the World building, as you did in the first one. The first one is from you already established the machines. All that kind of stuff, from her childhood to her adulthood, um and again without too many spoilers, really exploring how what happened? How did we get here? Um, I don’t need to just like go meet new people and see new environments and um. I do think that, like I said, one of the things I loved so much about zerod Dawn is that I think aloy is an outstanding entral character. She’S just super she’s super cool she’s super relatable um. That’S always a pretty big thing for me, like the reason why I liked Assassin’s Creed 2 and the follow-ups Brotherhood and Ascension is that Etso is such a fantastic main character to be able to Pilot. It’S like actually a pretty big deal to like, like the character that you’re playing um so that helps a lot Dave G on Twitch says: you’re, wrong, forbidden West goes full desert Jungle, Island Paradise. It does expand on the original in every way, but that’s exactly it. I I’m not interested in he’s not looking for an expansion on.

I just said I don’t just want to see new environments and meet new characters, which is fine, that’s a personal preference for him. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game: 93 % people like a great game sounds like a fantastic game, but there’s no such thing as wrong. Yeah um yeah like it’s just what what I I really wanted to love tears of the kingdom and what I realized is. I don’t need to play that game, some more with uh with a building mechanic and some new environments to explore, like I breath of the wild, was, if I’m being honest, probably my favorite game, but I just didn’t need to play any more of it. I can feel that way, sometimes not all the time. I I think like um like going from morwin to Oblivion, I just wanted more Oblivion.

Like Oblivion was great. I had no problem with that, but there are definitely some games like the Far Cry series. Oh, my God, this is the same game for the 18th time like I don’t. I don’t need this again like and it and it kind of sucks because the it’s not even the same game.

It’S worse. The game. Please just story, is so there’s so many stupid. Little things to do, and oh man, I could talk about this forever, but um like the the World building, is fantastic.

Some of the scenes and some of the new far CES are like this is a beautiful landscape that I don’t care to explore. It’S like all right and the thing is that there’s there’s so um there’s so many other options out there that I don’t and I I I find precious little time to game. Typically um. However, there has been an except recently I told you I came home.

I have I’ve had no family for a week um, and you know how I’ve T I’ve probably talked to you about how usually I’m pretty good at time zone. Adjustments like I’m kind of the jet leg, King in general, and we’ve both actually usually been pretty good. At that that’s been necessary, we sort of had to learn it early on a lot of Our Lives. Guys like some of those trips we did were just like such short turnarounds in the Japan trip will always be legendary. For that, oh man, we were in the country for like 30 hours or something something like that. The I think the I think my most ridiculous. One was uh when um David, and I did Germany, Germany. I remember this in like less than 48.

It was, I think it was under 48 Hours doorstep to doorstep, or something like that. I’D have to look up the travel logs. Maybe it wasn’t quite that extreme, but that included a full work day on the other side like it was absolutely nuts, because because we were working during their workday, so we were doing just wild stuff um anyway.

The point is that I’m usually pretty good at it, and I’ve can kind of plan things out and go okay, yeah. Here’S how I’m going to get enough sleep that I can do a long go and then I can pass the F out at the right time and then wake up refreshed totally. You also do some pre-preparation before the trip starts.

Just start shifting your sleep schedule, I don’t have time for that. I’Ve done it before yeah. I don’t usually do it, but I’ve done it before. Okay.

So, on my way back from Japan um I was like okay. So here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to um hang out for a little bit. I will I will. I will stay up for like three or four hours of the flight and then I’m going to sleep, this, the last half and then uh, I’m going to get home, I’m going to make it through the whole day, because I was Landing in the morning and then I’Ll go to bed early, I should be good, and so I fired up Dave the diver and then all of a sudden we landed in Vancouver yeah.

I was just gon na say you played it at all. No, but I saw I saw you loaded up on Steam, but somehow steam like indicated to me that you were on a a handheld yeah. I was playing on the Ali, but I didn’t I didn’t I’m trying to remember how it even did that and I didn’t realize that steam would indicate like what device the person was on. That’S weird, I’m surprised at that, but I knew you were on your ally because of something steam indicated to me. I don’t know how anyways I saw you load up Dave the diver, and I asked you like how it was, but you probably didn’t see it because you were on. I was playing Dave, the diver yeah, but yeah.

So it’s that good. Nothing else exists when you’re playing Dave the diver, wow. Okay, it’s it’s actually kind of mindblowing how much um just like they they kind of over. It’S it’s like ano.

Where there’s always four things. You need to be doing right now, yeah, five! Six did you did you forget about two get get on it like like it’s ah um and the and the fishing is just like it. It’S way too satisfying it’s. There are some, I’m F, I’m probably about I’ve got about 12 hours in it, and I am finding some stuff is getting a little bit tedious.

But I’m already starting to see hints that travel is going to get a little faster and stuff and like the fishing for just like random fish for the restaurant, is going to start to matter less and stuff like that. But they just they just keep unlocking new gameplay mechanics and new stuff to strive for, and you haven’t even finished the last thing at all and they’re they’re, throwing a new thing at you and you’re like anyway yeah. It’S really good um, which you guys didn’t need me to tell you, because it’s that’s aaim yeah, that’s a very highly rated game. Yeah! Isn’T it like not really indie or something like that, like I think so, overwhelmingly positive with almost 90,000 reviews, yeah um yeah.

I thought this was like yeah Nexon yeah yeah. That’S a pretty big deal yeah it has. It has like that super kind of fun intimate Indie Vibe, but there is so much content and so many like there’s entire games that have been built within the game like it clearly Took a ton of work. Yeah.

That’S awesome, yeah, really, good! It’S great! I did a I filmed a phlan exclusive this week, uh, which is like I don’t know what the heck to title it, but it’s um. It’S my Starfield review where I talk about Starfield, for I think it’s like two sentences. What? How is that a video uh – and I actually end up talking about like the gaming industry and like how everything was going down for a long time, but how? I don’t think it’s like actually that bad, because I think we’re at this part of the curve. Ooh inflection point: let’s go yeah because Indies have been pretty good for pretty much the whole time.

There’S been. You know, Indie like fantastic Indies that have trickled through pretty much the whole time, but we’re. I think my whole thing is about how I think certain old companies are dying and we’re seeing offshoots come out of those companies like um. I don’t want to spoil all of it, but yeah. I think it’s actually pretty good.

You should check it out. .