Gamers, Buy This

Gamers, Buy This

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Gamers, Buy This”.
Have you have always recommended dram ssds, but unfortunately, most ssds only have SLC cache. Has your opinion on dless ssds change? Much sometimes you guys use them in your builds like sabr Rockets. So I it’s one of those things where I feel like, and you know what I don’t have. Unfortunately I don’t have uh. I don’t have a rational, uh basis for this, and sometimes things are sometimes things do be like that, though um I feel like dless is still the way that I would go if I could, if I could afford the extra in a particular budget for my build And the reason for that is that it does put a little bit less stress on the nand in the long term.

Is this going to be a problem within the reasonable life life expectancy of an SSD, probably not using using the The nand Flash as an SLC cache to accelerate the fun the the drive or using system memory? So so many ssds these days support using a little bit of system memory to um to make up for the function of a of a dedicated dram cache on your SSD, and that, aside from the small performance hit, is not problematic at all uh. Relying on the nand itself to accelerate the SSD um can cause a little bit of extra wear. Even then is that going to be a problem in the long term? Um, probably not. You know. I think that in the early days of ssds, especially when we were still using SLC or two bit Perell mlc, there was a lot of hand ringing and stress about how our ssds had a finite number of right cycles, and they were only going to last. For a little while, and they basically had a had a countdown timer, they had a ticking clock on them and and and we we stressed a lot about it, and some of that was valid, especially for like an Enterprise application where these things are going to be Overwritten, you know multiple times per day, but for the average user I mean think about it.

How? How often are you actually overwriting that SSD and if it can support hundreds or, in some case, say thousands of cycles of being overwritten? Is that really ever going to be a problem? Um yeah? So it’s not rational, but I would still, I would still take a dam cach SSD over a over a dless SSD, assuming that you know they’re at the same price um. I don’t know that I would, but with that said, if I were to buy a system, so let’s say I picked up an Rog Ally or a steam deck or a laptop, and it had a dless SSD in it. Am I going to notice? Am I going to bother to replace it? No, and especially if I was picking up a game drive like a secondary game Drive, I don’t know. Direct storage might matter at some point. The first couple of games to implemented it hasn’t really mattered, but for direct storage, it might matter at some point um.

So for, like a secondary game drive just my my game dump um. Would I bother to get a dam cache SSD? Absolutely not for that. Where I’m not going to have any data that matters – and you know everything could just be replaced by downloading the games again from Steam just get whatever the cheapest possible storage from a a reasonably respected brand would be um inmore in float, plane chat, says them kingspec, Ssds die quickly, though I mean that may be true.

That may not be true. That may be anecdotal. I don’t I don’t have any any trustworthy data on whether kingspec ssds die quickly or not, but if they do, I would say it’s probably less to do with the lack of D cache and probably more to do with the quality of the nand. There’S been some recent scandals, particularly in USB thumb, drives and SD cards around lowquality nand Flash from Rando suppliers or, in some cases, used nand being used in these devices. That has an extremely extremely short life cycle man. I would love to see that product, the the the SSD n and USB thumb drive.

You know like the the a grade nand chip thumb drive. I’M not aware of anybody who sells that anymore premium thumb drives used to be a thing from the liks of you know: Brands like Patriot or whatever else, but I’m I’m not convinced that they exist anymore. Apparently they exist. Okay.

Does anyone have an example who who makes who makes that these days uh build it yourself with an m.2? I mean yes, that is what I do. Um apparently cor s has one SanDisk and Samsung have them, but which one specifically guys, because don’t don’t tell me that every Samsung one is a good, is good quality. Nand there’s no way give me a specific model. Let’S see Samsung bar plus someone says, I’m never heard of a Samsung bar plus me. Neither and apparently neither have you. You have no idea what you’re talking about, apparently the SanDisk one terabyte extreme Pro, oh, my God.

Okay, I have to go back to this. Unfortunately, I can’t screen share with you guys right now, uh, oh I couldn’t find it. I I brought a bunch of Samsung Sound Bars. No, I found bar pluses for sure. How did you not find it maybe you’re on that, Japan, Google, I’m trying to find the right one and then I’m going to screen share yeah you can force yourself. Can I screen share with you guys? No, I don’t think so.

I got this though. No sir Samsung bar plus uh 3.1 flash drive 256 gigs speed in style, move files in a Flash rugged refinement, I’m not seeing like Stu. It says I can screen share. Look that I uh. I totally didn’t even know. That was a thing now. How do I, how do I make this? You make it big? You need make this big? No, no, it’s fine! It’S fine hold on no I’ll. Just I’ll just show you I’ll just show you okay, so everything you’re looking at right here is a sponsored Amazon result. It’S really small you’re, looking at right here, highlighting it I see, I see I see everything you’re looking at right here is a spal result. Thing you’re looking at here is, is the same Amazon result, but not sponsored wow, and then this is people also ask that is about hold at 100 % scaling, and I believe this is a 1440p display. Unbelievable I have go here to find. Oh wait is that this this result.

Gamers, Buy This

No, this is a different WD page. This may be the actual result right under the fold, so you can tell they totally knew they 100 % knew what I actually wanted. They just put it below the fold below all their sponsored crap anyway. Okay, I’m going to stop screen sharing. Now, if I can figure out how to do that. Oh I’m screen sharing someone. Someone suggested that I use kogi I’d never heard of it. Apparently it’s a premium uh like access, I think I’m not sure um okay, so this is a portable SSD.

Gamers, Buy This

This is not what I was. This is not really a thumb drive. I wanted something in that thumb drive form factor that is using higher quality nand like an SSD, the bar plus. Is that what the bar plus is? It doesn’t look very big. Okay, I’m gon na try searching for it again. Oh, my God, karaoke I I have 100 % had flash drives that are that are physically bigger than this 100 % multiple of them.

Gamers, Buy This

Oh yeah, this one, this one looks fine, okay, so the bar plus is a trustworthy drive to store your valuable data. Okay, so it looks like this is the one. This is the thing I want. Yeah comes with a nice little lanyard thing on it boom. That’S a lot of time. Do they actually say like how many, how many total rights it’s rated at or are they just saying? Samsung makes a lot of Nan Flash and our experts in Nan flash.

Therefore, you should trust it, because I don’t actually see anything that indicates exactly what Nan chips are in this thing, I’m not sure I can’t find that either they just say it’s fast, uh and and the reviews for this thing are terrible. Are they they’re most Samsung’s own site? The reviews are awful start start scrolling down yeah one and done stopped working after two months, far from announce speeds, poor right speeds, protected registration, fast, read, speeds, poor, WR speeds only lasted seven months. Those are the first eight reviews when I scroll down. Oh you are on a different page than me.

Mine is like overall 4.5, I’m on the Canada page. I guess my my top ones are 4.2 and has a lot of negative ones. My top ones are uh impressive and stylish amazing. High quality, flash drive, solid, secure, never fails future repeat customer here, durability.

Yeah, I don’t know, I don’t know man uh Napalm uh in twitch chat in typical twitch, which manner has apparently put their life savings into Intel. Thanks for the info guys, I made it very clear: that’s not Financial advice, I don’t want you to do that. Please don’t do that yeah! I don’t do that. Thank you.

Bye. Apparently, the bar plus had some issues for a while with sizes below 128 gigs. So those might be okay, which makes sense – or it might be, that they’re not using super super great quality, nand and in lower capacities. Those low overall rights are revealing themselves a lot faster.

I wan na I wna okay I’ll give a screen share for a second. I don’t know how well you can see this lus, but they show, like you, know the bar plus deployed in a few different scenarios. It’S on this guy’s like wrist uh, bead thingy, like okay, that looks pretty cool. It’S probably really annoying having it whack into your hand, all the time and then okay, it’s just plugged into a laptop, that’s fine and then the weirdest spot to permanently have a flash drive like ever really just attached to the pull tab of the side. Pocket of your backpack, have you seen the one? That’S in the back of a shovel, basically you’re telling what you’re telling me you want to see an even dumber over engineered pull tab on the LTT backpack going forward. Pull tab. Is the flash drive? Yes yeah. You see this Carabiner with a flash drive in it Carabiner and flash drive there.

We go you listening to tinan time to redesign tinan is screaming back to square one. I can hear him I can hear and to be clear guys when I was talking about. I was talking like very longterm. I was talking like multi-year Outlook, so please I none of it is financial advice.

I was just saying I I like I like their trajectory competing with tsmc and geopolitical tensions around tsmc and Intel being a place to Fab things. I that that’s that’s all I was saying I was saying I like Ginger’s Vision. Okay, that’s all I’m saying yeah you like this stock. Damn it you guys he just likes the stock. There you go.

I just like stock, not Financial advice for the see end time. Yeah, let’s let’s go, I do .