The right choice! DREO Purifier Fan

The right choice! DREO Purifier Fan

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The right choice! DREO Purifier Fan”.
Thank you to dreo for sponsoring this video. So I find pretty much any excuse to have long, flowy, hair, so no better opportunity to live that dream and testing the F speed of a $ 600 very expensive fan from a well-known brand and putting up against the $ 300 dreo purifier tower fan see how They compare boiler alert, save your money go for the cheaper one. Before I tell you everything that dreo can do. Let me thank you for being good awesome, human being supporting the Channel all of these years.

The right choice! DREO Purifier Fan

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The right choice! DREO Purifier Fan

There are two like main things, to take into account when looking at a product like this or really any product from a company. For me, it’s about performance and it’s about design, especially if it’s going to be in my house. It’S got to perform how it’s supposed to, and it’s got to look good and since is always going to be out and be seen. Second part is a bit more important here, so in that vein meet my friend dreo the purifier fan that delivers in all those areas.

So this is a purifier tower fan and, if you’re like, why does anybody need a purifier tower fan John, when you have kids with really bad allergies? You need these in your house when you have somebody who’s an incredibly light sleeper and needs something to make white noise in your house. You also need one of these, so for me we have one in pretty much every room of our home. Now, what they’re going to do it’s going to blow air to help, keep you cool and also circulate that air.

The right choice! DREO Purifier Fan

While it’s doing it, it’s going to purify, set air, so you’re going to have a cleaner, healthier home and the benefit to using the drio over any of the other air purifiers. My home. This is going to circulate the air better, allow it to pull in and filter air from a much larger space.

Hey guys so future John here you might notice. My voice sounds uh a little raspier than usual uh. I’Ve actually been battling pneumonia, the past week, and it’s kind of one thing to talk about air purifiers and why they’re important, but it’s definitely another thing to legitimately – need them. Uh. I have three kids in my house and a wife that was trying to keep from getting sick. The pneumonia came from bronchitis and having an air purifier that I could count on to try to bring that gross stuff in put out fresh air was incredibly important. I was able to get through this the best I felt now in almost 9 days without anybody else in my house getting sick, and it’s ever been a more ringing endorsement for why you need not only an air purifier, but a really good air, purifier um. It’S that dreo.

Thank you now get back to the regular entertainment, video, so dreo, who sponsored this video was pretty confident in their product. They wanted us to compare it to a very Rec recognizable, competitor uh, which is obviously very wellknown. So, let’s put these two kind of together so design, I think, is going to be subjective here. I think both of these obviously look great.

You could probably argue our design sort of centric design, focused Dro makes a bunch of other stuff too, and if you go to their website and check it out I’ll link to it down below, you can tell there’s a lot of design Forward Thinking here. I think the dreo purifier fan is something that I wouldn’t like mind having in my house all the time it could easily Fade Into the background uh while work without kind of drawing too much attention to itself from a design standpoint. I think dreo gets a check. This is actually the industry’s first dual motor 2inone purifier tower fan. So with these dual motors you get separate control of both the fan and the purifier, so they can be operated independently.

This differs tremendously from pretty much everybody else. We have to run both features. So if I just want like gentle breeze, but I want to ensure I keep the Clean Air, I can keep the fan on low, but the purifier on high.

It also means it can be more efficient, don’t have to run both at the same time. It is an absolutely killer feature that I think, makes a ton of sense besides that there’s also ways to empirically test them and see how well they work. So. The first thing I want to test is wind speed and I’m going to do two tests to do it, one very scientific one, extremely not this is It’s a fan.

After all, so the more air it can push around uh the better all right. So we’re going to start this party off with a very unscientific test, we’ll turn each fan up to their Max and use the Wake to see how much it blows. My long, flowy hair all right.

So the dro says the fan can go up to 12, but it does have a turbo mode. They can go higher. Does it have clearly a nice job of moving the air around and pushing my hair back a pretty good amount? The wind speed feels strong, but nothing like overpowering all right.

Next, let’s try the competitor, which only goes to a 10 win speed. Does a nice job as well? Take a look: it’s not blowing the hair back nearly as much all right now for the more scientific part, we used a wind speed meter to test how much each fan was pushing air around so on the dreo again set to its Max speed. We’Re able to get around 22 ft per second, and when I took it to the competitor the highest I got was around 13 ft per second. We also tested the decel level of both, and you can see that both of these fans are on Max are outputting about the same level of sound.

However, with the dreo getting those double fan speeds at the same volume as a competitor. Now that was definitely not any facts. I ever really considered about fans.

I ever got that empirical with them. I will say when you’re standing in front of them, you can definitely feel a difference and feel which one is pushing out more air and we did kind of a scientific test. You can see the dro was pushing air.

You know almost twice as fast as the competitor, and, if you look at it it looks I mean, obviously looks really cool but there’s like a big hole in the Middle where that air is not being pushed around. So that’s probably one big aspect of where the design is actually hindering the functionality. So, on the purification side, the dro purifier fan has true HEPA filtration, with an h13 HEPA filter inside was going to capture 99.97 % of particles, larger than3 micro meters in size. This means it can easily filter particles like pet hair, pollen dust, mice, even types of bacteria, and this is all similar to the other fan, but that one does have a carbon filter built in to help with odors. But it’s great to know that Drea is reaching half of filtration levels and you have full control of these features. Things like fan, speed and filtration levels right on the fan itself. You can also do it through the dro app. If you want so here, you’ve got control over every function of the dro purifier fan.

You can also integrate it if you choose with the Alexa or Google to set up custom functions like Auto onof or setting it to different modes, or if you want to use your voice, you could, for example, ask Google to turn on the fan and move air Around so kind of feature for feature, the dreo purifier fan has an advantage, but I think where dreo seals the deal is with price. The dreo purifier fan comes in at $ 299, which is half the price uh of this fan. Like I said, I have three kids, one has horrible allergies. I have two pets in the house really careful about the air, especially when my son uh, is sleeping so having something like this that I know is going to filter the air move. The air around and give sort of hea level filtration is really important. Honestly, there’s no price that I wouldn’t pay to reduce his allergies being able to get all those amazing things that traditionally are in a $ 600 range of air purifiers.

You can go on Amazon. Look for yourself to get all of those for half the price! Absolutely incredible and to have my kid not have red eyes and stuffy nose and feel horrible. That is absolutely worth any price, and I think when you compare what dreo is doing to the competitor, everybody knows who the competitor is. I’M not saying the name, but I think everybody’s pretty aware, uh rhymes with schmy that they do a really awesome job here as well, but you’re getting that incredible, filtration you’re. Getting that really powerful air moving and a package that looks good for a fraction of the price is 100 out of 100 times a huge win. It also means that I can buy more of these to put around my house for what the cost of just one of those other guys would be uh. If you want to check out what Dre’s offering they got a ton of awesome products, I got a link to them down below .