Why Even Write This?

Why Even Write This?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Even Write This?”.
Weird notebook check article about our video yeah. This is super weird um, the original version of it credited this photo to PlayStation, which I thought was really interesting. Oh yeah! No, I did see this so they’ve made at least one change to it. Um everything about this is super weird, well-known Tech, YouTuber declares PS5 dead, wants to provide proof by building his own PC for the same price and fail all along the line.

So this appears to be in reference to our It’s Time to Kill the PlayStation 5 video, where we made a um like a a secondhand crack at taking a PS5 budget and trying to build a PC that is competitive and ultimately came to the conclusion that the Ps5 Xbox series X Generation for a variety of reasons have held on to their better value than an equivalently priced PC title much longer than expected and longer than previous generations, and that, if you wanted to buy with brand new hardware, you are still better off buying A PS5 than you are today, however, if you’re willing to dive into the secondhand market and put something together yourself, you can get competitive. It is possible today, but you’ll have to be a little bit patient and try to find a deal. So the writer took all of that and came away with um that it requires compromises that hardly any gamer would make. I guess they’ve never been to a land party because yeah I I so I had not watched the video sure, but I did skim this and I found that line and was like huh. So I went and looked at the parts list and genuinely stared at for a while being like what, if this, would I not do this all seems quite reasonable.

I don’t understand the number of trash tier inherited cases that I have seen at land parties, yeah outnumbers, the nice brand new ones, guys there was an ERA where there would be custom systems in Old Dell and HP cases at every single land. That would be like a quarter of the system. Of course, it was absolutely a thing. Of course, there were uh, there’s no question the gaming PC offers more possibilities.

Tech wanted to prove the opposite and embarked on an ambitious experiment. He put together a gaming PC that would offer better performance than the PS5 at a comparable price. However, a number of difficulties arose that the YouTuber had apparently not considered. The project can therefore be considered a failure.

I’M going to reference you as the YouTuber from now on. Thank you. I love that. That’S so good! Here’S, the thing writer of this article by the time we’ve uploaded the video.

We know the outcome. This may surprise you that’s nuts, but there is a period after when we have conceived of an idea and film the video where the video is filmed and all the information is known and it is being edited before it is uploaded. The project is exactly what we set out to do, which was to look at what it would take to build a PC for the budget of a PlayStation 5. So um the project was a success because we built a PC that was fairly equivalent to the PlayStation 5 in raw performance, but did have compromises which we met head on acknowledging in the video, even things that most people probably wouldn’t be aware of.

Did you know, for example, that hdr on Intel Arc is a mess? No it’s because they Ed the standard direct X12 implementation, which many game developers don’t use. Instead, they use am and nvidia’s own proprietary Flags because they predate the standard implementation, so you’ll be playing a game on AMD or Nvidia. Hardware in HDR and HDR will work and you’ll play that same game on Intel and it will be all washed out. You know like it’ll, have that kind of log footage look um like it’s, not graded um and that’s that’s a known issue. It wasn’t one that I knew about before this project, but that’s that’s part of the Journey of discovery of doing things like this is. Is you learn it’s it’s a learning outcome.

Uh was initially able to obtain all components at are price comparable to the purchase price of the PS5. However, this was only possible because the YouTuber decided to buy used Hardware without a warranty. Oh, no, the total price is not really realistic. Yes, it is um. This was all stuff we found. Uh lus received the case free of charge due to signs of use signs of use.

I love him describing this case as having signs of use. The thing was trashed um and getting a case for nothing is a thing you can do it absolutely. You just have to be patient and you have to be willing to use one.

That’S kind of trashed um. Additional costs would have to be planned for this. No, they wouldn’t um.

Why Even Write This?

The shipping costs for the individual components are also not included, and this is true, but a lot of the parts that we found. In fact, we found better deals that we didn’t include, because we were worried that they wouldn’t be reproducible. Uh David found a way better CPU for the same price, for example on Facebook Marketplace which he could have gone and gotten.

Why Even Write This?

And yes, there are some, you know, Transit costs that you would maybe have to account to there, but no these are actually things that you could obtain. It is true that we didn’t account for the cost of the operating system in peripherals. That is accurate, but you can use Windows without paying for it, even if you shouldn’t um – and we acknowledged that we didn’t include the cost of peripherals. We also didn’t include the additional cost of buying games on the PlayStation Store. Games on PlayStation are more expensive by and large than on PC.

If you wanted to play a multiplayer game, wouldn’t you have to buy the ps thing or whatever it’s called as well. Um, I’m not sure how it works. These days I haven’t. I haven’t daily driven a PlayStation, basically in forever so or basically forever um, the newest PlayStation, I own as a p PS2. That should give you some idea. Hey me too, um buying new hardware would cost over $ 1,000 dollar. This is true, but it wasn’t what we were talking about. Uh wait if you want to rebuild the PC, sorry hold on a second. If you want to rebuild the PC, you have to plan for significantly higher costs. If you want to rebuild it, okay, I’m I’m really not sure what that means.

Maybe they mean like build the one that you spec out. The advantage of gaming consoles is that they uh are ready to use straight out of the box. Yes, yes, yes, yes um! It is therefore unlikely many gamers would follow the YouTuber’s example and build their own PC from used Hardware instead of buying a PlayStation, 5 you’re right and that’s exactly our point with exercises like this and with scrapyard Wars is that they should um and one of the Scrapyard Wars I made my own there’s benefits, guys, there’s benefits to learning. That’S like saying a lot of people are saying it’s AI generated article. No, I don’t think so yeah. I didn’t actually think it was either there there’s there’s this. This article feels a little bit like saying um that we should have made a video about hiring a plumber to come and repair our sink. Instead of you know, going to um to a a building materials refurbisher and buying a used sink and installing it ourselves and learning something and saving some money, the are you talking about like are you? Are you even are you? Is that an interesting video is that is that good life advice Honestly, though yeah fair enough? Is that what we should be promoting? Just have someone build it for you, don’t do anything yourself, don’t learn pay as much as you can.

Why Even Write This?

I just I don’t. I don’t get it. We we never at any point in the video were, were dishonest in any way by I’m, just I’m just going through our success or lack there of. However, you want to Define that online listicles and finding free computer cases right now. I know I’ve found a few already, not listicles listings. What is listicles a listicles is an article. That’S a list.

Oh right, yeah! Don’T worry about it um anyway, so there I have some notes from from Jessica here. Uh wait! Really. What’S up.

Oh uh Jessica says I have read the article in German and it is basically the same in both languages. Also, I am fairly certain. The author is not an AI, I didn’t know Jessica was, I didn’t know she could read German okay, neither cool, though he posts around four relatively short articles every day to notebook check, usually two articles in German plus their English translations.

I believe this to be nonsense. Suspicious yeah, that’s fair um. She also said odd factors from the article. The article provides a summary that misunderstands the purpose of the video and dismisses the project as a failure, essentially because we chose to buy used Hardware without a warranty. It is also extremely dismissive of trying to build your own PC simply because a lot of Gamers won’t want to spend a lot of time on it or don’t have the skill and will choose to do something else instead. Well, I’ve, which is fair enough, got a few words for the writer of that article and they are maybe you should get good yeah got him. Maybe the writer of the article should buy a screwdriver and get free shipping on a tax rate option. Maybe your? Maybe your readers would be more likely to build their own PCS and save money and learn something if you promoted that, instead of just buying a console, that’s a bad idea. Why do you even work at notebook check? Because you don’t build your own notebook? Okay, then? Why is notebook check even consoles of the computer World dude? It’S actually kind of a bizarre thing to me, like the the the amount of coverage that some YouTubers get from traditional media um when they do something positive versus the amount of coverage that we get when we do something positive and then how everyone? How everyone is talking about it when anything negative happens with us, it’s like, so they clearly all know who we are, but only in the context of when there’s something negative to report on it’s.

It’S do you think we do that with Wow become a bit of a pattern. I think we report on positive things yeah, but like car companies we always report when they do bad stuff. Do they ever do good things, maybe trying to think what we’ve talked about? That’S been good lately so far if flow plane chat, just thinks they don’t do good things. That’S fair things are pretty dystopian these days concept cars. I don’t like the rules.

I don’t know. If that I would consider that a good thing anyway. This was something that uh. This was something that popped up to me um. I do wonder how much coverage is simply paid lonus.

I hope this finds you well. I’M writing. In regard to my last email, in which we discussed featuring you in the top 10 inspiring leaders of 2024 nice, as mentioned previously, you will be presented with a two fullpage profile in the magazine that includes a headshot of the leader, a high resolution, PDF of your Profile, an HTML link with a backlink, a digital logo, a media press release and a digital certificate of recognition for the nominal fee of $ 1,500. Us doll, nice dude. These come in extremely regularly and I consider them to be kind of ridiculous, and I didn’t know that was for.

For some reason. I see a lot more coverage of certain people and I see a lot less coverage of me when something’s positive um, it’s just the the timing of this this. This came in uh. I think about two weeks ago, this one and then there’s another one last week that I didn’t forward to the um. I think there might be other reasons. I think there are definitely other reasons, but so I don’t I don’t. I don’t think that’s like a reason to Witch Hunt, someone to be very clear: no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! Oh! No! No, not that at all, like okay, there’s, uh, there’s. Definitely people in the tech space that I know get a lot of real organic coverage. Uh Marquez, for example, gets a ton of organic coverage. There’S no way Marquez is buying any of that. That would be no Absolut.

I would be I. I would eat a right off T-shirt If Marquez ever paid to be included in some stupid list, so this is. This is not about that uh. My point is just that it.

It has stood out to me as a pattern that when we do something really cool, it almost seems like there’s a deafening silence. Yeah of discussion about it. Um, I don’t know, there’s been exceptions. Seven Gamers one CPU actually got a ton of coverage a long yeah a long time ago, o yeah, I just kind of Wonder, there’s been exceptions. It was uh 6 years ago or, however long I piss off uh yeah, I don’t know, is the answer. Everyone. I think part of it that we’re Canadian here’s a weird bit. I was talking to someone recently about like Creator events and like Creator deals and all this kind of stuff um, and I mentioned like you know, I don’t hear about a lot of this stuff like I’m.

Obviously, not the business department takes care of those things. They’Ve taken care care of those things for many years, but I was like a lot of these things. I don’t know and he’s like yeah. That’S really weird I’ll like I’ll.

Like make sure I talk to some people and make sure you guys get bumped more, then I got a message back a couple days later and he’s like. Oh you guys are Canadians, it’s nothing. We can do yeah, I’m like.

Oh, that happens a lot okay. So I think just the Border makes things annoying so then it’s just not really worth it. Yep honestly, I think that’s a lot of it.

Yeah all right and like there was the I was in uh La not that long ago and the same type of thing happened. A bajillion people are like hey. Let’S like do stuff cuz.

I can get there easily, they might not be from there, but they can get there really easily. Americans don’t have passports. This is another problem that we run into often um, which just like there’s a lot of like just not being in the states, is like a surprising um and one that isn’t always often communicated but exists.

Yeah seven Gamers one CPU, it’s actually older than I thought it’s eight years ago, yep .