“The Cloud” is Overrated

“The Cloud” is Overrated

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic ““The Cloud” is Overrated”.
Hi LDL, I’m a relatively new Mainframe storage. Engineer cool. Do you think going deep into Mainframe or Legacy Technologies is a boon for companies in need or backing yourself into a corner, limiting options for companies in need. I mean, if you need it, then you need it. Yeah I mean, I think, that, for a long time the cloud was just treated like this.

This one size fits-all solution to every problem, and I remember being really frustrated because we would take this constant criticism for building storage servers. Why are the? Why are these idiots? Not just putting in the do you have any idea how much it costs to upload. Somebody had to build a server somewhere, the upload is often decently cheap and then they will destroy you whenever you need to recover that I know I know the point is just somebody some somebody had to buy the hard drive it could be us. It can be.

Someone else someone had to buy it and they’re going to get paid. It’S that simp. It’S that simple. There is no free lunch, so people would be like why.

Why are they not using the cloud? Sometimes there’s nice, scaleability and, and you get discounts and stuff, but like we we’re video editing, we need to be able to access it. You’Re not going to Video Edit from a Google Drive yeah like. Are you high yeah? Some people do but like it’s a terrible experience, no, it’s a terrible experience and just the I guess, the thing that drove me most crazy was the level uh of I don’t know: pomposity pom pompus.

You know just like how right people thought they were about how my solution of 17 USB connected external hard drives is definitely better. No, it wasn’t those guys. It was the cloud guys they’re like it’s, so it’s so, oh that this is. This is the past and it’s like you know what yeah it’s caused problems, but not for a long time. It would have been worse at at all points in time.

“The Cloud” is Overrated

It would have been worse. So I don’t know it is what it is, because, even even when there’s a big issue with it, we have the backups, which is the equivalent of no. I have it in the cloud, so it’s like well now we do. We didn’t have the backups then well and like it’s been a while, I and and a lot of the people who looked at the pedite project data loss and were like see see. I was right, no, you weren’t, because I just wasn’t going to pay that kind of money to store all that in the cloud. It wasn’t.

The data wasn’t that important and it’s something I said. I said it explicitly in the video. In fact, I’m pretty sure I said it when we built the paby project. I was like this is a single copy.

I know that because I don’t want to pay for a redundant copy of it. That is a decision I am making. We have the YouTube videos that are uploaded. Google, probably isn’t just going to shut down YouTube. I know they shut down a lot of things, but they’re, probably not just going to shut down YouTube um. So it’s not like the raw footage was always a nice to have. It was not a need to have yeah these days. Things are a lot safer, but the paby project server, which now is like three pabes or something like that, is still not replicated it.

It has there’s only one copy. It’S it’s redundantly stored. It’S it’s raided, but there’s no replication. If it goes down, it goes down and that’s too bad. We have like three or four copies of wanic server that matters a lot cuz. That’S got footage that we have not yet edited um. There is no finished video, it’s not uploaded to float plane or YouTube, or whatever else .