Bad Bans (And Good Ones)

Bad Bans (And Good Ones)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Bad Bans (And Good Ones)”.
All right Dan hit us sure thing: Hi D I work in Live Theater lighting, tungston bulbs are being banned by the government. The alternative is LEDs that cost $ 10,000 and up to achieve a similar quality light. Will small theater survive this yes um, but not be not not with products that are available today? Necessarily the advancements in LED lighting over the last 10 years have been a thing to behold. I had this conversation with someone on set a little while ago and I kind of went okay. Let’S look at all the major Tech categories – CPU GPU, networking? U and there’s some solid arguments to be made for a lot of those a lot of those categories in terms of you know, what’s Advanced the most over the last 10 years and I was like and then I’m going to I’m going to tell me what you Think is Advanced the most and then I’m going to surprise you with my answer and see if we can kind of we play these kinds of games when we’re in between takes and stuff like that, and they they gave their answers, and I was like lighting and They’Re like huh, because there are certainly ways that you know even even a stupid.

You know, Intel 14, nanm Plus plus refresh, has more advanced technology in in it than than you know, one generation of lighting and to to the next three generations of lighting potentially. But in terms of what has made an impact on our business um and in terms of the the change in quality and cost in that time, I don’t know if anything touches, LED lighting and, like vitassium, had that video that went viral recently on the challenges of Developing the blue LED and how just LEDs were up against this wall forever, and then development happened like wildly fast and that wild fast development is very much still happening, like in the last 10 years, we’ve gone from flu, we’ve gone from fluorescence being dominant to LEDs. Being not just dominant, but now you can change the color temperatures on them on the Fly, because these controllers have come down and cost by so much um. You can have array of LEDs at different color temperatures and they can do they can do mixing or they can switch between one or the other or both the brightness of them, the efficiency of them. Everything is getting absolutely incredible and at the same time, costs are plummeting. The first lights we ever bought were fluorescence, because that was the only thing that had a CRI or basically like a like a like um, an accurate enough color uh to use for filming and then over.

Bad Bans (And Good Ones)

The next few years. Led lights showed up, but they were prohibitively expensive over the following 3 to 5 years. Leds got cheap like. Why would we buy anything else? Cheap, nothing else makes any sense cheap and I just don’t really see it slowing down um. So in a bit and I’m not going to tell you exactly when, but in a bit no, I absolutely foresee those traditional lights being replaceable with LEDs, and I don’t know where you are and when exactly these bands are going into effect.

There have certainly been some shortsighted bands that have destroyed entire Industries and have made absolutely no sense. I mean uh. You could make a strong argument against the plastic bag band that went into effect in Vancouver recently where it’s like.

Okay, but is anybody talking about the energy cost of um paper bags? Is anybody talking about the reusability of those plastic bags compared to the paper ones? Like I get, I get a ton of uses out of my plastic bags and not everybody. Does lots of people just throw them away, but like there’s issues like that with the straws as well switch to paper straws, but there’s a lot of like different chemicals and things in the paper straws? It’S not just like paper in a roll that isn’t even just paper in a roll like that’s bleached and everything like and then you’re putting that in liquid and it’s soaking into the liquid and then you’re drinking that and it’s like. Oh, this is glass straws. Are the way to go what’s wrong with pasta, just use pasta, I, like pasta or Twizzlers, I’m not going to Arc Twizzler AR twizler there you go call back to earlier in the show um where where was I going with this? I forget what the question even was Dan Dan started.

Tungsten buls are now banned, LEDs help expensive yeah. I’M not saying that. There’S any guarantee that you guys will will be able to get there in time and honestly, even if the new lights are cheap. I I know that live productions can be very budget constrained.

You might just not have you might just not have the budget to replace them at all with anything, and you certainly can’t sell something, that’s banned, so you can’t even recoup any of your old costs. Is this? Is this like a you have to replace it now thing or is it when your current existing thing dies? You must get a new one, it’s probably a right now thing and I was I was looking at um. I was looking at some something recently that was kind of like this. That was basically like here’s a here’s, a ban, that’s happening now, and everyone was like yo.

This is completely untenable for us, like you’re you’re, basically just killing our industry. I can’t remember which one it is for the life of me, but I hope not. I personally love live theater, it’s not for everyone um, but you.

If you ask, if you asked me, hey too, you can game for 3 hours or you can watch a movie for 3 hours or you can do just about any kind of passive form of entertainment for 3 hours or you can go to a live. Theater show for 3 hours. I will take the live.

Bad Bans (And Good Ones)

Theater show every single time. I just I I love it. It’S raw, it’s real! It’S fun! It’S intimate um! You know, oh I’m very human. I I have a really hard time enjoying a show. That’S in a room with tens of thousands of people, it’s just it’s not really my vium uh, whereas a few hundred yeah I can. I can get into that um yep, like you, can you can find that person who’s laughing really loud at every at every joke, which I don’t know it doesn’t bother me like it would in a movie theater.

Bad Bans (And Good Ones)

You know like I don’t it’s it’s it’s just it’s. It’S human yeah, it’s a really good way of putting it. I love there’s a lot of stuff like that too, like if um you know if like if NASA puts a a thing on the moon, it’s like well, is there a person in it? No most people aren’t going to Care. Does it necessarily make that much of a difference like we might? We might even be getting the same amount of accomplishment, but if there isn’t a human involved, a lot of people are just like me. It’S interesting that that aspect. The whole like viewership on space launches and space activities that involve people versus ones that don’t involve people and how uh actually well studied those metrics are has been something. That’S been very interesting for me when looking at all these new AI tools and stuff – oh um people generally care a lot more when other people are involved. Sure I mean it’s.

The only reason that you know the Olympics gets to be a thing. Is they they get you they get? You focused in on the stories of the people. Nobody, nobody actually cares about Javelin other than the handful of people who care about Javelin um. You know .96 years and then the Olympics rolls around and they and they and they tell all these stories and the stories are interesting because we’ve been checked out of them for over three years: um but yeah.

No, it’s it’s! The human element that matters for any of this, and it’s just you’re closer to it – I guess, is what I’m trying to say um, you know even like even a live sporting event. I just I find it’s. It’S huge and I’ve been told a lot of times that I should go and watch lower level sporting events – I probably would enjoy them more, but I’ve just been kind of busy ever since, following a sports team, is actually kind of a lot of work like especially If, if, if you’re like me, and you kind of tend to get into things like I’m going to want to know, what’s going on with, you know the other teams that they compete against and all the players and the and the ones who are getting called up And the ones who getting sent down in the coaches – and I don’t know the whole thing – yeah MDA 187 – asks if plastic bags are illegal in Canada.

How do you get your milk okay, a couple things? Oh, that’s hilarious. Actually, pretty funny number one pretty good, not those ones, the like disposable plastic bags for groceries and and take out and stuff like that. Why why aren’t the milk bags I ironically, we can still buy plastic garbage bags, so I can’t use my shopping bag to line my garbage can, but I can buy a completely separate bag to put in there.

Why is that? Allow it’s pointless, um and then also the whole milk bag. Thing was as big a surprise to me as it was to you. Yes uh. It wasn’t until I did not a BC thing yeah, it wasn’t until I did my um my my my Quebec exchange that I first encountered begged milk.

Apparently it’s a thing this in more of Canada than I’ve ever known, um and you can find it in BC. It’S just very rare, but it is pretty much not a thing here. It’S it’s and jugs, just like our neighbors down south or paper cartons, the because BC’s kind of tucked behind the Rockies we’re we’re honestly like much more Americanized than a lot of the rest of Canada. I think um or we’re much more West, coasted yeah.

I would, I would say, like hyper, similar to Washington and Seattle area. I would say that if, if, if I, if I had to, if I had to say like what our country would be, it would probably be like BC. Yukon BC, Washington, Oregon yeah, would be like, like wet wet Coast, to stand, yeah, yeah, um and then and then everyone else can kind of do whatever it is that they’re doing um those further south and further east of there quite related, like I I I remember, Like every time I run into orgers or Washington, I don’t even know what you guys call yourselves like. Oh these are my people. It’S just it’s just obvious, like the accent is the same, even though technically world work, Canadian and they’re American, or something like the accent’s the same, the the the alignment on a lot of stuff is the same. It’S it’s just. It’S kind of funny.
