🔴New Firestick Update Has A Great Feature You Need

🔴New Firestick Update Has A Great Feature You Need

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴New Firestick Update Has A Great Feature You Need”.
So a brand new fire stick update, which will give us three main benefits. Firstly, it will allow us to save time on our device. Secondly, it will help us enter in things very quickly. Urls passwords addresses all of that can now be typed in super quickly. And lastly – and this is probably the main one – you can now help somebody on their fire stick wherever they are in the world, so maybe a friend or family member or Grandma.

🔴New Firestick Update Has A Great Feature You Need

Whoever needs help on their fire stick. You can now I’ll go ahead and help them directly. With this new feature now this feature, I firstly noticed when I was trying to use downloader now. You’Ll see this feature on any application that uses the buildin keyboard.

So here you’ll normally click on this, which then brings the onscreen keyboard, and you can now see. We have a QR code which has been added now scanning this QR code with a phone or a tablet, will give you a unique URL specific for your device. Now, using this URL, in fact, if I just jump onto a browser, that’s what you see straight away, so no logins no credentials no need to download anything as soon as you type in that URL. You are now controlling your F stick from another device controlling it from a remote control perspective.

So when I delete here, we can see in the background those deletions have been sent to my fire stick or Fire TV Cube. So I type something in so obviously on a full keyboard or from a phone or from a tablet. You can type in things very quickly can type that in then click on submit, and we can see very quickly. That then takes me to that URL. I can also use the direction pad here, so if I just uh press home for a second, it would be nice if they actually added a home button to this page, but maybe that might be added in a future update and we can see now when I Press right, those virtual keystrokes, are now being sent to my remote, so I’ve got full control, full directional, pad up down left and right. I can do that all from this browser page, so the next time I need to type in an address or type in a password or type in something long very quickly.

I can just access his URL. I can save it on my phone in my bookmarks or save it on my computer, that URL you can access at any time and quickly type in wherever you need and the key thing is. You can actually use this URL on any network, so you’re not tied into just your home network. Now real life use case for this is let’s say, for example, you want to help somebody on their fire. Stick like maybe your you know, Grandma is stuck. She wants. You to change something well previously, we could use team viewer to see her screen, but we still relied on her. You know talking to her on the phone and telling her you know, move over here, click on this or type this in, but with this new update, I can now use this virtual remote control fully navigate around. If I need to type something in if I need to enter in some commands, I can do that from the comfort of my house and, of course, use that team viewer component to see her screen. So in that way, I do think this opens up lots of opportunities.

Lots of you are asking that you know how can we provide support to our customers or friends or family over the Fire Sticks? I do think this new feature will definitely help with that process. In fact, do leave me a comment below if you want to see a full video on how you can configure firsty team viewer for that remote connection and use that, in conjunction with this virtual remote control, to offer support to your friends, family and customers. So that’s pretty much for this video guys. Many thanks for watching just a quick update, actually a very positive update. I know we’re used to Amazon just breaking things, crippling things removing things, but I do think this new method of quickly inputting, keystrokes or inputting text is very good, particularly because it doesn’t require you to download anything.

Install any app doesn’t need any credentials. Just save that special URL and you are good to go whenever you need to enter in that text, so really appreciate your support. Do like and share this video and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .

🔴New Firestick Update Has A Great Feature You Need