Just Cause 4 – Former Member Exclusive

Just Cause 4 - Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Just Cause 4 – Former Member Exclusive”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals bonus exclusive, floatplane footage of III. This is some extra footage of Just Cause for that. I had filmed on the floor and simply haven’t had a chance to use anywhere else. There isn’t really enough here to turn into a video about Just Cause 4. There was nothing playable, there was, its Barry was at least at that time. It was very early access. In fact, you can see here there’s a truck driving across the water, I’m not exactly sure what all that’s about, but I’m I’m just voicing this over, because I filmed this footage in this little demonstration area. This right here was just video. Wasn’T an actual video game. It was just a TV with a pre-recorded video that was playing in the background, showing you bits and pieces of the upcoming Just Cause 4. There was quite a few of these at e3.

Some of them were more interesting than others. I filmed a few of them. This is just I put the camera back here and recorded it. I wasn’t sure what I was gon na do with it or if there was something worth following up, but of course, while you’re standing there, if you don’t capture the footage, if you don’t put the camera there and record it, it’s not like you can go back A month later and say man, I really wish I’d recorded that just cause for well, it turns out.

I guess I didn’t really need it, but here it is so as a bonus to those of you who support me here on floatplane, I’m uploading it here. I am NOT going to upload this video anywhere else, I’m not going to upload it to YouTube or even to the gaming channel. There’S not much here to be completely honest with you and some of this footage. You’Ve either already had a chance to see, or perhaps newer stuff has come out it does.

I said it wasn’t playable now Just Cause 3 was a whole lot of fun. In fact, recently my oldest son, my 12 year old, almost 13. I can’t believe I’m about to have a teenager. He has been really having fun with Geoff’s cause three and it’s a really cool game. Think of it like the expendables, except it’s just you instead of a whole team, but it’s the sort of ridiculous zany over-the-top stunts that make zero sense. But nobody cares anyway, when you watch Sylvester, Stallone doing stuff in the Expendables check your brain at the door.

Just Cause 4 - Former Member Exclusive

Grab your pup bucket of popcorn and enjoy the movie, because that’s really all it is. This is essentially an interactive in any case thanks so much for watching. I appreciate your support on floatplane and I will see all of you next time. .