Canada’s Stupidest Ban Ever

Canada’s Stupidest Ban Ever

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Canada’s Stupidest Ban Ever”.
Fran, Philip champag announced a ban on consumer hacking devices, including the flipper zero in response to concerns over car theft. The ban is likely in response to recent online videos purporting to show cars being stolen, using flippers and similar devices. However, it’s worth noting that these videos are in often are often staged to get views yeah. According to the maker of the flipper zero, the device can’t be used to hijack cars produced after the 1990s, because their security systems have rolling codes that can only be used once a wannabe Thief would not only need to be close enough to the fob to capture The code they would also have to block the code from reaching the car because it would immediately expire.

The Flipper zero lacks the hardware capacity to block such a signal, notoriously young car thieves, known as the Kia boys were able to steal cars using information found in viral videos, because some us manufacturers didn’t install standard anti- theft, immobilization devices and thus their cars could be Started with a USB cord or a screwdriver, but that is nothing to do with the flipper zero yeah um Canada likes to do this. We just like ban stuff cuz, something happened, and it’s often the wrong thing. It’S like it’s like. If I pushed lonus and lonus was like, ah Dan is banned, it’s like what! Finally, finally, okay, I don’t think it’s quite like that. When was I going to get cancelled, the point is that our our politicians are just like your politicians, yeah unqualified unsupervised, yeah.

It’S it’s basically, the same everywhere, yep our this is our minister of innovation, Science and Industry, and look it’s not like. I don’t understand why we might have um. You know a discomfort with devices that market themselves as hacking devices. I mean.

Canada’s Stupidest Ban Ever

I think hacking has a pretty negative connotation and if you know flipper wanted to not be banned, you know they would have been wise to stay more underground, um and more. You know only for people in the know, but obviously they sell a lot more flipper zeros. This way, so it’s a it’s a balancing act and clearly they they they’ve their notoriety, has has gotten too great and someone you know had to do something please think of the children, but on the other hand, you’ve got to understand what you’re doing when you’re the Minister of innovation, Science and Industry, you just banned a computer, yeah yeah like actually uh, especially cuz. Doesn’T the wording get like super rough too? It’S like electronic device with like Wireless signals or something like, isn’t it like every every cell phone ever like at that point? It any Android phone that you can install sideloaded apps on is like is a hacking device. What the you talk, you not have a laptop with Linux installed. How could you B Arch yeah um yeah? So I think it’s still legal for me to have mine, but it’s not legal to sell, buy or use them. So I can no longer use my flipper zero. You can you just have the device put on a shelf, even though I could, even though I could literally do anything that I could do with a flipper zero with something else.

Canada’s Stupidest Ban Ever

If someone gets arrested just for having Cali Linux installed on their laptop like do we do we protest what I suspect, what I suspect is. This is the kind of thing where they’ve made it illegal so that, if the cops another thing on catch someone doing something to arious with it, it’s really quick and easy for them to take it um and prosecute it um. I think that there’s a lot of plausible deniability in the kind of pranks that people are pulling with flipper zeros. You know you’re walking, past Teslas popping open charging covers it’s like. I don’t know that could have been caused by anything. You know, whereas now they can just take it, so I I kind of I do understand the convenience, but I also think that there’s a lot of potential for overreach. If I’m walking around with a raspberry pie plugged into a battery Bank in my pocket, do do they take that. I, if I remember correctly under the way that the law is written like they totally could they could also just take your phone and anything else.

I I I need to look it up. What about pen testing do I can I get a license to carry one yeah? It’S actually very likely that um, Canada in general is just going to become less secure because of this, and in informed actors are always going to have a way to get the thing that they want. Yeah, I mean it’s not freaking hard. You can man you can buy like you, can buy freaking cell phone Jammers on AliExpress they’re, just openly available, yeah, they’re, very illegal to buy and own and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Canada’s Stupidest Ban Ever

It’S not like. You can’t get them it’s not like. I can’t get firecrackers in Canada.

Are you kidding me yeah, like? Oh? No, what is Jake talking about disclaimer very illegal? What is he talking about? Oh he’s, probably just talking about Jammers yeah, yeah Jake. I know I’m going to tell them it’s illegal. I know they’re illegal yeah um, the point get. The point is: if I wanted one, if I wanted, if I wanted nighttime at our house to mean cell phone’s off nighttime, don’t use your cell phone, then I could do that. I would get a call it’s illegal. I mean once I turned it off, I would get a call make one: what are they going to do like ban soldering, irons, man, my phone’s, like flipping hot and my battery just died? Yeah was doing something. Yeah was doing something anyway. Whatever it was. I was probably probably trying to get a signal from the Jammer that Dan turned on, or maybe some maybe he was using a flipper zero to hack my phone. I don’t really know what else to say about this other than this is spectacularly stupid.

It does absolutely nothing to address the problem you need to. You need to actually find the problem. The problem is that device security is not being taken seriously Enough by the companies that make them.

That is the problem. If you wanted to ban any device that doesn’t support rolling codes or uh a certain level of encription or you know what whatever feature it is that we all use devices like The Flipper zero to I identify um, you know things that work versus things that are Vulnerabilities like, if you wanted to ban anything that doesn’t meet a certain standard for security, sure yeah, I yeah be totally down. I get behind that 100 %, but this is like man, I don’t. Even I don’t even know what to compare this to this is It’s just dumb? It’S also it’s not going to solve the problem.

It’S like Banning hammers, because somebody used them to break into a house like no hammers have lots of legitimate uses, and the fact that someone can use it to break into a house doesn’t mean that they couldn’t just use a mallet next time. Like there’s. No point Banning the hammer yeah.

We still need to drive nails and they could just use a chainsaw. It doesn’t matter they could throw anything through a window. Yeah ban rocks no rocks allowed excavate the whole country yeah. So anyway. I I know that our our poor friends in America, you know, probably feel like punching bags, the the number of times we’ve talked about American politicians and how spectacularly stupid they are on this show.

Oh there’s so many dumb, Canadian things um, but guys. You know we uh, we we patriotically criticize our country too. Don’T worry, we are just asid less interesting, most of the time yeah EU, though Chads doing good, I mean they do bad stuff too. Apparently, flipa zero is banned in.

I know they’re not part of the EU anymore, but they’re in Europe. Uh, apparently flipper zero is banned in the UK. Okay yeah but like the UK, has made one terrible decision after another for quite quite a period of time. I mean when was the last time that the sun didn’t set on the British Empire how’s that going for you guys and that’s how Wars are started right. Oh man, um yeah. I don’t know this is this is just ridiculous.

Anyone that actually wants to use them for nefarious things will still be able to get or make them uh no problem, even with them banned. That’S been proved with things forever: drugs, alcohol guns, whatever you want to ban whatever you want to modulate. However, you want to do it, people that want it are still going to get it um. If you were going to use this to steal a car, you were already committing Grand Theft Auto.

I don’t think you really care about. I happen to have electronic device law. Um so yeah way to go you’re just hurting people that are curious about technology and not accomplishing anything. Do we have better news? Is there good news, I don’t know, maybe uh well, not that .