Linus, Exposed

Linus, Exposed

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus, Exposed”.
Why don’t we jump right into our headline topic, which is, of course nothing? We named the show after your face, my face being actually, oh, I guess we should talk about that yeah. That is a topic. Oh yeah, right, oh yeah. How did you not take that? One I left you, the juic yeah fair enough. I was all TOs and you were like.

Linus, Exposed

Usually usually you always take the headliner and you skipped it. So I didn’t even like realize that was still available, but yeah it was, it totally was um. So have I told you why no oh great okay, I was, if I remember correctly, I was actually legitimately waiting for the show to ask Dan. Do you know why how life works now? I think I had it spoiled for me.

Linus, Exposed

Yeah okay, then don’t say anything. Let’S let Luke guess we can. Let chat help you because they don’t know so anything they say is just complete profound inance. Can I give a? Can I give Luke a hint I haven’t even get you can maybe eventually, but not before I’ve even started W.

Linus, Exposed

That’S disrespectful like does he just? Does he have a very hint face? I look. Do I very hint face just looks like he needs hints. Oh man um.

My first initial reaction was got a strong brow Furrow. My my first initial reaction was that it might have been something to do with uh needing to have like a a mask or something because you can’t with beard. Okay, you weren do anything like that um. I want to give my why a lot of firefighters have mustaches. I want to give my hint, oh because the The Mask can I thought it was just so they could give rides.

I mean they probably do that a lot, but no the uh yeah the mask. Can go along the the outside of your face and you can still have a mustache CU. It doesn’t have to stick there got it makes sense. Uh just got tired of it ion.

What does Ivon think? I don’t think you can ask questions. I think you can just I think you can just ask reasons: did did Avon, suggest it? No okay, uh. Were you just tired of it nope? Were you curious to see what it looked like because it’s been too long? It’S been three long.

It’S been three long. Three years, yeah that that was a CO beard, it’s a really long time sense. It feels yeah.

The the whole Co timeline thing has ruined my brain um. No, it’s not Apple Vision, Pro fitting; no, no, no, no apple Vision! Pro is totally ski goggles and this is totally neck warmer yeah. All right Dan give my uh hint face some information um. You know how we were talking about minus’ Porsche last week, it’s better than hitable face. That is true, okay, uh.

My understanding is, it’s very similar reasons to why he um modified his windshield wipers. Okay, I could kind of see where you’re going with this, but I don’t think that’s going to help him very much. I I didn’t say it was a good hint, but I thought you might find that funny.

It was like the the cheaper way of doing something, but how does that make any sense? Uh lus gets it. Lus gets it. I love this. There’S thousands of people experiencing this and only two of them get the joke right now this a I feel special Dan you’re special you’re, a special boy.

Can I get a another hint I’m trying to think of like do. I call in I might as well just tell you there’s absolutely no way you’re ever going to get it so I booked a Hydra facial I’ve, no idea what that is. It’S basically just like a skin treatment for your face water on your face. No is it water boarding? No, it’s definitely not water boarding, okay um.

So I got a hydro, facial and um. I I contacted the ahead of time. I was like so like how. How does it work with the the hair and they were like uh? Well, it obviously doesn’t work anywhere where you have facial hair, and I was like okay. Well, is the price different and they like obvious and they’re like no, the price is the same, and I was like okay, so the price is the same. Regardless of how much face you treat like I got to get my value.

I respect that yeah. I respect that, are you going to grow it back? You know what I didn’t get my value, though, because what I realized after I shaved it was even though I had intended to do it anyway. I could have gotten debrand to pay like an enormous amount of money to have me shave my beard on wano or something especially if you left mustache for a certain period of time so stupid. I can’t, I can’t believe I can’t believe it. I am yeah that was kind of that that that was SL is kind of surprising to me, and one of the most like based takes I’ve seen so far was our own Mark wrath wrath, gber G, Gaber, okay, I realize I’ve never said his last name out Loud right then F, he gets that a lot. I know he’s told, told me wrath burer. He gets that all the time as wrath Gaber. I knew I grew up with someone with with that last name.

So my brain just defaulted to it. Anyways uh. He said if this is real, why wasn’t it sponsored yeah? That’S fair! It’S a it’s! A fair! Take, I’m actually very surprised. It’S air! It’S a fair! Take that you didn’t combine those two things, because the the The Wanted, like you know what I’m going to get.

My full value out of this totally understand y, but I’m surprised that your didn’t also go. Not only will I get full value, but I will now make money off of this. I mean we could we we could have upgraded some workstations or whatever you know H. It was a miss, it was a Miss okay. Speaking of Misses, my wife, no just kidding um.

Let’S talk about the Apple Vision Pro! No! No! No! No! No! What does she think? Oh, oh, oh, oh uh! She she liked the beard didn’t she she likes. The look of the beard but definitely prefers The Snuggle ability of not a beard so for her. It’S kind of I think it’s like a 55 % beard, 45 %, not beard got it, but now that the beard has been a thing for a while and she’s going back to not the beard, it’s kind of fun for a bit.

No, oh! No! No! Not even a little it’s I think it’s when we went from this to that it was like. Oh yeah, the beard looks a little better now that we go from beard to this, it’s like so you’re growing it back right. So are you going it back, then? Uh yeah, but not yet, oh soon, why not yet um cuz the the hydro? Facial is just a lead up for, like a pokey thing that they’re that they’re going to do yeah. So it’s like some Pokey thing. It’S supposed to um facial acupuncture! It’S it’s supposed to stimulate like collagen production or something like that, like basically I’m looking at it going. Okay, I’m almost 40 um, I’m not into I’m not into like. Oh I’m going to get a bunch of fillers and a nose job or whatever else, but from a certain point of view um. I have like never done anything other than just rub soap on my face and I’m looking at it going okay.

So this is kind of like being 40 and never having gone to the dentist. It’S like yeah. I brush my teeth but like I so I’m like okay, you know what little bit of Maintenance I’m going for it. So I’ve got a couple things and then I’m going to grow my facial hair back okay and cover it all up.

Yeah there you go. That makes a ton of sense, yeah sure. Apparently there is a Google doc of uh people reacting to you shaving and we’re supposed to react to that. Really, yes, oh I didn’t know about this.

Oh shave, memes, there’s a segment if you scroll down, there’s a section called segment: okay, reactionist to linus’ new face. All right uh, I guess we’ll just uh screen – share for this okay, uh I’ll, go full screen. Sure uh VI slideshow button! There we go okay. I saw this that skipped way in that’s the seventh slide. What oh? Well, okay! Well there you happy! Yes, all right! Initial reactions classic so bad, no um. Okay, now that’s F! That’S felt what I don’t understand: the Opera one considering he has a beard: Opera GX, not the beard, uh! Okay! I uh we’re covering up the caption okay. Oh, Mr Mr besser’s, on it he’s on the case all right. We good yeah, oh wow, Dan, so you’re just going to move it around on the Fly.

Okay y glad to see her back at NC love it by the way this PC turned out. Amazing. Is it still having problems nope? No, it’s running perfect. Now, uh.

I think it ended up just being a motherboard issue or like PCI ER Riser plug unplug. It’S fine! Now yeah, it’s 100 % Rock Solid. Now that’s awesome runs cool uh yeah. It’S amazing! There’S the my favorite one, I’ve [ Laughter ], seen that’s valid, that’s a good question, but you shaving brought the world together. Okay, I saw this on the community post on YouTube and I thought I just thought I was like. Oh, this must be a new meme format. That’S popping off right! Now. It’S actually an extremely old meme format that is only partially related.

Oh interesting, yeah cuz. I was going to send this to the social team. I was like okay yeah. We should probably find something to like piggyback on top of this, and then I forgot and that’s good, because then I would have looked like a yeah at as a citizen of basically anything we. This is amazing, want the thing and then pass it on or something [ Laughter, ] yeah, oh man, okay, very good! That’S that’s! Actually pretty good nice! Oh! No! Okay! Uh! I really don’t think I’m going to go blonde again. Why I? What do it? What what complete the look? Why are you? Why are you being so aggressive right now, you you dyeing your hair blonde and wearing polo shirts would be that’d, be amazing, a wild throwback.

No, we could get a really old camera and then do an LTT hold on. What is this clip? We can’t hear it. Is there sound on this? It looks like there sound here you go, they should be able to hear that. Give me one sec. Okay, thank you for that all right again, Alex wolski says my girlfriend says you look like a daddy with that beard, except I don’t have a girlfriend, and I said that keep up all that you do. Okay, all right! Thank you again for for that.

I completely forgot about that, but that’s pretty funny wow the future remains unclear. I mean, unless you have Vision, hey, I doubt I’ll be able to take anything. He says seriously go come on, I’m still a serious person. Oh come on! That’S pretty funny! Okay! All right! Thank you for that.

This must have been the social team. Okay, that’s pretty funny. .