AstroGaming Headsets @ E3 2018 – Former Member Exclusive

AstroGaming Headsets @ E3 2018 - Former Member Exclusive

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AstroGaming Headsets @ E3 2018 – Former Member Exclusive”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals. We are here at the Astro gaming booth at e3. Taking a look at some awesome gaming, headset choices we have had sets here, ranging from $ 59 all the way up to 300 and everything in between the first thing. I want to cover is the 810 line at just $ 59. It has a flip-down microphone that Auto mutes when you flip up, which is pretty cool, it does come in several different colors and it’s wired.

So basically, you never have to worry about your battery’s running out game as long as you want, spend a little bit more and get the a20 model and it’s a wired Wireless version of the same headset plug in via a micro USB to recharge, get yourself all Day, gameplay, if you want to play longer, simply plug in the cable and keep on playing for those 24 hour twitch streams stepping up to the next two levels of headsets. We have the a 40 and the a 50. The a 40 is a very modular design. Evie is wired, but you can change out a bunch of parts on it, including open air versus closed ear headphones.

AstroGaming Headsets @ E3 2018 - Former Member Exclusive

You can actually change up the side panels that have a sealant in them. So if you want that completely immersive experience, you can actually close off the outside world. The way they come by default is open air, so you have sort of an awareness of the world around you same thing. Flipped down microphone for talking on voice comes flip.

AstroGaming Headsets @ E3 2018 - Former Member Exclusive

It up, if you want a mute and interchangeable ear pads, you can change them to leather or you can keep the standard cloth that they come with. There is a special 40th anniversary that comes out, and you can see it right here. It is a red vs..

Blue design, it’s just basically meant to commemorate the fact that this is a ten year anniversary of this headset design. So if you want sort of that 18 vs. red team versus blue team, you have that as an option.

You also have the mixer base, which is very cool. Now it is sold separately, but you ever want to change the volume between voice and game ever want to turn up the game and turn down your voice, comms or perhaps turn up your voice, comms and turn down your turn down the game for those critical moments. You can do that. You can see that right here, we’ve got game and volume control there as well as of course, the overall volume. Now that is a separate purchase from the headset itself, but it’s really cool because it is recognized as a device by set playstation or xbox and via the PC. It gives you two different inputs.

You can map your voice comes to the voice there, so you can adjust it. That’S pretty cool! Now, stepping up to the 850. Everything is integrated in the headset. The 850 has a rocker panel on the side. You don’t need a separate base station. It is three hundred dollars, but using a rocker panel, you can switch between louder voice, comms or a louder game, and vice versa.

There’S a tone cue to let you know where you’re at in the sequence so that you don’t actually have to look at a die or look down from your gameplay just reach up and just tap the rocker panel on the side. It is wireless and it has six to eight hours of gameplay. It’S gon na vary based upon features and the volume and other things that you use any there’s a charging base station that comes with it just set it on. It looks really really nice and just like the a20, you can plug it in by a micro USB to basically game as long as you want, if you run out of battery power. The final thing I want to mention is a special edition: Zelda a10 headset.

Now this is basically the same as the other eight ends, except it is actually licensed from Tendo. You can see the logo right here, but, most importantly, it comes with the audio splitter jack for the Nintendo switch, because it handles a in-game audio differently, and that also has the zelda logo, which is on it, really cool. That’S going to be a new product that they just came out with links to all the Astro gaming products will be down in the description below check them out if you are interested, but they basically have the entire range covered from budget entry-level headsets all the way Up to pro gaming, well, if you have made it this far into the video. Thank you.

AstroGaming Headsets @ E3 2018 - Former Member Exclusive

I suppose this is a background. Video that originally was going to be a review. I did film some b-roll, I’m not gon na show it to you all here, there’s actually 20 minutes of b-roll.

I took out each of the headsets. I filmed them for different angles. I thought okay I’ll cover them.

I even started to edit this video and I started to put it overlays and b-roll footage, as I was talking about each of the headsets, and the conclusion I came to is that it was a very fancy press release because I wasn’t actually using them and testing Them and I hadn’t taken him home and played with them what it essentially amounted to was the most glorified over edited over presented press release ever that’s why this is going on floatplane and not onto YouTube simply because it’s just sort of a fun background video. I filmed it, I thought about it. There wasn’t a lot of hardware to cover at e3 – I you know I never went to e3 before I didn’t know what to expect, and I thought okay I’ll just do a quick, intro or a demo on each of these.

Some of these products were in fact too new, but I don’t want my channel cluttered up with press releases. I don’t want my channel covered up with just I don’t want to be an unpaid spokesman of these companies. I want to provide you real honest reviews of my opinions, of having used them and just playing around with them for five minutes at e3 and trying each one of them on and playing with the switch doesn’t mean to be sure they did have several of them.

There that I could play with, but that’s not a review in fact, yeah. Don’T ask me one half of our club in there it’s just dressing, I suppose they were very nice. I mean I will say that the quality of the headsets, when I picked them up, especially the more expensive ones, was very nice, although they get expensive very quickly.

The basic ones at $ 50 aren’t too bad. The more expensive ones are really expensive. So well, I don’t know I’m gon na I’m gon na put this up on floatplane as a thank you to those of you who are floatplane subs, but I’m not going to put this up on YouTube because it it isn’t a review, and I don’t know that It’S interesting enough or worthy of a video slot on YouTube and hey more exclusive floatplane content, so yay all. Thank you very much. That being said, if Astro gaming does send us some of these headsets for review, where we can actually play with them in our own environment, away from the show floor or from the media booths, then we can do a review of them. Then we can actually film them properly and talk about them, having used them at home, rather than just sitting there at the e3 booth, which is really not a good thing.

In any case, I would normally say like this. Video comment subscribe, but as a floatplane exclusive. What’S the point, how about I just say, thank you very much for being a supporter and a subscriber.

Thank you very much for being part of Detectives family and with that being said, I will see all of you in the next article .