I’m dropping out of flight school! – HOVERAir X1

I'm dropping out of flight school! - HOVERAir X1

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’m dropping out of flight school! – HOVERAir X1”.
Drones have come a long way since I first started talking about them back at NCI. You know, there’s big ones. Now you need the certifications. You need to go train and go to school for 5 years, just to fly them near an airport you’re not supposed to fly, but hover sponsored this video to prove to all of you that it doesn’t have to be that complicated. This is the hover camera X1.

It is a very light drone, it’s 125 G, which means that it’s under the 250 g threshold that requires you in the US and Canada to get certification to fly a drone. Do I need to look at the quick start guide? No, I don’t it’s supposed to be easy to use. I don’t need to read the quick start guide, but I probably should look at it at least this card. It seems useful yeah.

I'm dropping out of flight school! - HOVERAir X1

This is I’m I’m excited about this one you’re just supposed to hold it horizontally. In uh the palm of your hand, and then I believe that you press the button and there’s a 3second takeoff. We that’s going to be exciting. I want to see that disclaimer and safety instructions I’ll.

Have my my people read that? Okay, what else we got? Oh, we got a little box here with uh some treats ooh ooh a nice bag, there’s nothing in the bag because, I think that’s to hold the actual uh drone itself: a charging cable USBC to usba um. Okay, that’s everything in the Box. Let’S take a look at the Drone itself: man, it is a very small boy – hey.

There have been, of course, many small drones over the years uh, but this is interesting to see this foldable design and presumably it fits in that bag. I looked at earlier. Let’S take a look at what is on the outside, so on the top here, we’ve got the power and takeoff button, there’s the mode button which switches modes, not sure what the modes are right now, but I know that there are five flight paths that you can Switch between on the Fly and then there are five LED indicators surrounding that, which, I guess you know, will give you a visual representation of what mode you’re in when you’re, not using the app on this side. We have what looks like the USBC charging port on the other side, not much, but I did also not mention. This is the battery here, which is directly replaceable um.

I'm dropping out of flight school! - HOVERAir X1

We have the charging Hub here with an extra battery and uh. Oh and there’s two slots for that, and each one of these batteries will give you 11 minutes of flight time. Thankfully, you got two batteries here. You can swap them out and keep going for. Another 11 minutes and the fun times keep on flying. I just want to do this all day. This is just fun. It looks like it’s clapping for me good job Riley. We got the gimbal camera here with some o some jiggly stabilizing uh mechanisms there. It can shoot 2.7k at 30, FPS or 1080p at 60 or 1080p at HDR.

I'm dropping out of flight school! - HOVERAir X1

So we’ll take a look at what that looks like and on the bottom. We’Ve got our downward facing sensor array. This drone actually has a Time oflight laser positioning system here, as well as Vio technology, which means that it uses a camera and deep learning technology to see where it’s going just with a visual system, instead of like relying on a bunch of sensors and GPS. So that’s interesting, we’ll see how well that plays out. Okay, let’s pair it with the app and then take it outside.

Let’S have some fun who we we’ve picked up a signal on the radar on on the sonar Captain. Should I hail them press and hold the power button on the hover until the status indicator turns solid, green? Oh, I like this display. Oh current mode, hover done it’s connected before starting your flight pick up hover and follow me. Please complete eight tasks. Are you ready? Please confirm that the status light turns green hover is ready to fly.

Oh, I didn’t see this. This warning the first time do not fly in the following environments: low light situation, the ground texture is not clear and it has a picture of like a smooth floor. So if your floors are too clean water surface, don’t fly it over water and large height variants, and it shows buildings. Please hold hover in your palm horizontally and align the camera to your face.

Hi use the other hand to short press the power button. I’M holding my phone with the other hand, short press, not long press continue. Oh I didn’t okay, I didn’t think it was going to go right away. The red light indicates filming is in progress.

I didn’t give you permission, but okay strike a pose once you’ve been still for 3 seconds, hover will take a photo of you. Did you take the photo or oh okay? It did after shooting place your palm directly under the hover and wait for the hover to land. It feels safe with me.

I’Ve already bonded after the propeller shut off the flight is officially completed and we can all go home, but now there’s also now there’s these other icons in the app sound recording Link account hovers album. Oh, I can see the picture. I got it.

Okay, here’s the oh wow it took a bunch of it took a bunch of photos, so that was cool, but now I want to see what it’s capable of all right. Now I understand there are six icons on the top, because there five of those are the flight paths that you can switch between and then the sixth one is custom. I guess you can make a custom one which I’m not going to do. You can also change modes in the app as well. I mean it says here: hover zoom out, follow orbit, bird’s eye, oh and then there’s extra ones, but those are those are there’s the basic ones and then there’s the skilled ones. Ones snapshot Dolly track manual control.

The cartoon character in this app is hilarious. What is it he’s got his legs up behind his head. What so, let’s go through the flight modes? Then um, let’s start with whatever this one is hover. Oh, it tells you what zoom out follow follow orbit orbit bird eye bird eye yeah, so it it follows me around my Mansion, but it doesn’t fall.

It won’t it’ll stay there because it knows its place and then, if you just stick your hand out, it just comes right down man. I feel like I’ve known this little guy for years. Okay, let’s switch to zoom out zoom out whoa now. Is it recording Rec in right now come back to me, there’s nothing for you out there in the world. You belong with me. It’Ll always come back the prodigal drone, okay, okay and then, if you want to actually watch the video you have to download it, that’s interesting.

It would be really nice if the process to see the file that you just the video that you just recorded, was a bit quicker right. Now, it’s downloading from the Drone onto the phone it has to download and process before you can just watch it. So that could be a bit quicker. It was only a 5-second video okay, so there are settings in the app for uh changing like how long it’s going to zoom out and come back or how long it’s going to record for all right. Let’S try the next mode follow just like we practiced little buddy. You can do it continue, follow come on. Don’T look at them this way. Yes, yes, you’re doing great you’re doing it Peter.

I called him Peter Marcus. Have you ever seen such an amazing thing in your life? Is it going to keep following you, though yeah now it’s yours he’s he’s on you now, okay, R, just go just go you’re free now go, don’t you get it? I you can’t stay with me. Go okay, we’re in orbit now, let’s go over here, maybe orbit me! It listened okay! Now what? If? What? If I don’t go, get it it’s kind of coming! It’S like Daddy, Daddy! Pick me up what! If I don’t? What’S it going to do? Oh it just it just has like a breakdown. It’S just like. I don’t know what to do now. I see that was like I felt cruel there, making it hover the last one of the five modes bird eye bird eye. Okay, what do I? I don’t know what you’re going to do. This is going to be a surp rprise.

Wait. No, I’m not ready! Oh okay, wow! It’S going! Is it going to stop and come back? Oh it’s already. It’S already coming back. I got to say there’s a part of me: that’s like! Ah it’s a bit gimmicky but there’s a maybe a bigger part.

That’S like this is really cool. It’S like it’s cool. How intuitive it is. I just held my hand out, and it’s just like yes, Father, I’m like I already have a son, let’s, let’s just calm down, oh okay, so you can set it to record for 30 seconds or 60 seconds or five minutes or just continue, which I guess means That, like keep recording until I tell you to shut up, you should be able to tell that the audio is actually coming from the phone and not the Drone, the phone and not the Drone, and that’s because if the microphone was on the Drone, you wouldn’t you Just hear a buzz, so look at it, oh it’s far away. Can you hear me, can you hear me, can you hear me, can you hear me, can you do you see what I’m doing uh if you switch to Vertical video mode, you’re limited to uh 1080p. 30 FPS, but the option is there: if you like, want to post a social or something, I guess. Oh, you think you can follow me we’ll have to see come on no [ Laughter, ], you’ve done well, okay, we’re back inside uh. I want to take a look at some of this footage uh because you know that was very exciting out there. It was a challenging situation as David points out with the lighting uh. You know it was.

Basically, things were blown out with the sun in the background and there was harsh Shadows, but it seems to be doing a really good job. I mean like, obviously the the sky is blown out, but the color and the detail are pretty impressive. For you know a tiny little drone camera, it did a really fun like edit, adding music and taking screenshots during the video. So I can always forever remember the setup process for the Drone.

Oh I’m going to put that right beside my kids photos. This is interesting for some of the modes. I couldn’t tell this while I was actually using the Drone, but now I can see it records for like like the first bit of the motion and then it stops and then records again as it as it comes back. It did that for the bird’s eye mode and for the zoom out mode, so I mean you might be able to change that in settings, though CU they did have some settings for like changing, uh, specific settings of different modes.

I got to say, as I’m watching these I’m reminded of the time when we were just outside 2 seconds ago, and it was uh my impression of this drone overall, pretty good like there’s, not a ton that I have to complain about here, other than the you Know, oh, I want to see the things that I just recorded. I have to download them off the Drone and have them download and then process and then they’re available to watch. But, like you, wouldn’t expect the a small drone like this to have the type of Wi-Fi equipment that you could like stream. High quality video to your phone directly from it um, so you know I kind of forgive that because the rest of the experience using it was I didn’t have I mean I didn’t, have any complaints when I was done with it. I just put my hand out and it landed immediately. So if the hover camera X1 is something you’re interested in, they actually have a combo right. Now, that’s on sale. You get the Drone and the battery charger and an extra battery for 445, but it’s on sale for $ 3.99.

So if you’re interested in that uh check the link in the description and thanks to hover for sponsoring this video, hey thanks for watching. That was a short circuit. Uh appreciate appreciate you staying the end, so we can have this little moment. Uh subscribe to the website.

Um. If you feel like it make me happy, but .