Luke Gives Some Life Advice

Luke Gives Some Life Advice

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Luke Gives Some Life Advice”.
Hey d double hockey sticks. Have you ever realized in the moment I don’t know they’re just they’re going crazy with the names all of them. All of them are like this. Every single message is like this: hey d: double hockey sticks. Have you ever realized in the moment that you’re doing something you’d remember for the rest of your life? What was it uh? I’M not going to repeat most of them, but I I think it’s we have a bleep button. Think it’s an important thing to do. Actually, not not only in the moment thing you were doing that you can’t say I mean sure. How else do we make more people, but it’s truly a noble goal. I was, I was thinking more like trash bags and a large carpet and then like a ditch. Yeah yeah yeah May, if you’re, using a condom, it’s all for [ Applause, ], nothing, yeah lus knows how to replace rubers there still a percentage chance that it’s for something um he’s not wrong.

Luke Gives Some Life Advice

Um anyways. I think it’s actually very important and valuable to you as a person to not not necessarily even when you’re in the exact moment, but when you’re in a period of time when you’re like recognizing. I will at some point in time, look back at this and think of this as good old days, for whatever this activity type of thing is. I think it’s actually good to recognize that and like bask in the warmth of that to a certain degree um, because if you don’t, I think it’s easy to fall into negativity. Even though you are in a very good time, because you’re only thinking about the the the bad things and allowing yourself to just like actually be like, no, you know what in a lot of ways, this is really great um and I’m going to be very happy.

Thinking about this in the future is a good thing. There’S too much negativity in the world. I don’t take enough candid pictures me neither like this moment. Why would I take a picture of this? It’S just it’s just uh we’re we’re walking to or from school or something it’s just Ivon and our youngest daughter she she’s carrying her. For you know what might be the last time yeah right, like she’s getting to the age where you don’t know when the last time you carry them somewhere is going to be right, um, and so I’m I’m trying to think about that stuff. More.

Luke Gives Some Life Advice

But honestly, I’m I’m really bad about it. I um we took some pictures when we were at the badmon center cuz, like I realized that we took no pictures of our Renault when I was trying to pull a cable through conduit and I was like yeah. I have no in progress of any of this, and the most fun pictures for me to look back at are always the candid ones. Just like.

Oh yeah, we had the furniture like that in that room. That means more to me than screenshot float plane every once in a while. I I I tried to. I have a bunch of historical screenshots of the Forum, different things change more than we realized. I think. Yes, I sent the ones I took uh to Ivonne because yeah I took a bunch of reference pictures. Thank you. You’Re welcome, yeah Dan, just what I was laughing at by the way was Dan. Just like slid out from behind and took a photo of us. I thought that would be cute funny. Dan you’re always cute feeling cute right now might delete later. My screen protector goes over the front of it, so it’s blurry as hell, but that’ll be fun.

Luke Gives Some Life Advice

Yeah, um, uh yeah. I don’t know I. I actually genuinely think it’s very important um. I don’t think I’ve done that enough in my life, but it’s something I’ve tried to make an effort to do more so over the last I’d probably say like 3 or 4 years um and there’s been a few times where I’ve even like said it out loud To other people and they’re like what do you mean I’m, like I don’t know, I feel like we’re kind of at a peak with this thing, not that that’s a bad thing, but I think we should like appreciate that and enjoy it while we have whatever this Is – and that might be a friend group that, like if you have a friend group in high school, even if you stay friends with them after high school, it’s different, it’s different you’re, probably not going to see them very often, some might move not going to be The someone might be that low percentage, even when they do use the thing that they have kids, then yep yep uh you, you might have like a D and D group that you play with. Eventually, that’s probably going to end not guaranteed, but probably – and you should just recognize when you’re in the Moment Like This is fun. I like these people.

This is good. This is a good thing that I have I this is yeah. I don’t know I’m going to stop ranting about it, uh speaking of things that um I’m making memories of remember. Last week I was trying to point out banable comments and I realized I hadn’t really screenshotted any of them.

Well, I screenshoted some for the show this week. Here’S an example of a comment that will get you a shadow ban. I wonder how mocking the blatantly failing commercial name strategy of ingredia every 30 seconds helps in any way the consumers understand what to choose. Naming choices. Start sucking more than hell at 4000 series launch and unlaunch not grown better. However, lmg says we’re pro consumers.

Okay, fine deliver info standup comedian should be for super fun. Channel is Shadow. What are you even talking about yeah? I don’t know like what. Actually? What are you talking about? No idea, um yeah, so this one’s good? This is from the land Center badminton video at 5:16.

I make a comment about how the women’s washroom has the natural light, because, of course, the women’s washrooms are always nicer. What a completely unnecessary comment like, if you’re so bothered by women having the changing room with nature lighting change, it you own the company. This is so toxic and not even true to be honest. What shadowban nice you’re actually done! You have nothing to contribute I’ve.

Just I’ve seen some questions from people like okay is Linus, just like silencing dissenting opinions. No, it’s just like actual wastes of characters on YouTube servers like that’s. What do you? It’S a it’s like a it’s a thing. You know the women’s washroom is always nicer and cleaner and smells better because it just does because they just take care of things like it’s.

Just it’s just a thing and the natural. Obviously I know I could change it. The decision was made that the women’s washroom should just be nicer because they’re just always nicer. I thought about Shadow bands for the people who talked about the Privacy issue of having a window there. I considered it because, obviously we’re not stupid we’re going to put security film on it like what come on come on people, but I decided to leave those ones. I decided to leave those ones anyway bit by bit. I’M cleaning up our comment section and I’m actually noticing a difference: yeah good. It is a shockingly small number of users contributing to the vast majority of the stupidity in the comment section like a decade ago or something I used to be against that type of stuff. But I think in the modern web you just have to yeah, I think it just is what it is and I think honestly, an argument to the other side is just an argument asking for a bad experience. I yeah, I don’t know how do you know the women’s washroom is better hm sus says AER 32. Oh my God, one of the most mortifying experiences of my adult life was in the library at UBC in University. When I just went to the washroom used, the bathroom came out to wash my hands and there was a woman washing her hands at the sink next to me, and I just left without washing my hands, which probably didn’t make it better.

At that point I just hadn’t paid attention. I just to get out. I just walked into the women’s washroom. Um um was pretty bad I’ve, I’ve almost, but never actually done it.

I’Ve like gotten up to right in front of the door and then been like. Oh and then switched, but I’ve never yeah yeah. No, I I like went in did my business. It wasn’t.

It wasn’t a busy Library, it was like the it was like the small one. It was uh, which one was it Ivonne and I used to go. Hang. Oh yeah and Ivonne was there like I, I I I left and came back and I was like completely red, and so I told her immediately like uh.

Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but I just checked out the women’s washroom: hey nice washroom, you guys are doing great yeah uh. It wasn’t a labeling issue. I just completely spaced 100 % um. I have to redeem myself at Super checks, so we do have to start getting through some of these merch messages at some point, Luke beat me last week and I’m so upset got him overtime, game five of our five game series, they’re really good games.

They were really tight games, hard, fought games. What I did I win the first two or was it one? I know you won the first one. I think it was.

I think you did win the first two and then I came back yeah and he came back and took three in a row. Yeah think so cuz the first game was like really close or something. Then the second game was, I don’t think it was. Then I came back, I think I don’t remember anyway, yeah yeah, I should have noticed. There was no urinal, though yeah people say that, but I don’t know if you’re, if you’re spaced enough, if, if your head’s somewhere else thinking about somewhere else that you walked into there in the first place, are you going to notice the Ural thing? I don’t know? .